Friday, June 10, 2011

E! Is Trying To Protect Their Investment

You know how TMZ has been pro Mel Gibson from day one of the whole Oksana thing? Doing everything in their power to help out the parent company protect their huge Mel Gibson library. Well, E! has gone the same route with the whole Kim Kardashian and whether she cheated mess. You have to understand this wedding is going to happen on their network. They had the engagement and they want the wedding. They want specials and to sell ads for a stupid amount of money because they think people will be stupid enough to watch. Unfortunately they are right.

So, to protect this gold mine, and to make sure the couple at least gets married even if they divorce a week later, which would be ok, because that would give them story lines for another season, E! will say or write nothing bad about Kim.

They have a piece up on their site which combines and interview with Khloe who said almost the exact words that Kim has said which means they were all coached. E!, not Khloe then went on to say the NFL player was crazy and trying to do everything in his power to get attention because he is starting a rap career and that Kim has sent out several letters from her lawyer.

There is not one word that is not totally pro Kim. Hey, look, I know you have an investment, but the byline is supposedly E! News. That is not news. It is a PR piece. It is an ad for the network. Please don't disguise it as news.


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