Monday, June 13, 2011

Dr. Drew Wants In On Weiner Scandal

Over the weekend, Congressman Weiner decided he and his wiener needed a little break from Congress so he says he is going to take some time and get some therapy. You know, because then he can come back in a few weeks and be all healed. Dr. Drew thinks this is a fabulous idea and is so glad you asked. I think Drew has been pained that no one has bothered to ask his opinion. Oh sure, the Radar Onlines of the world have asked him, but this was his chance to move away from Psycho Mike and get some questions from real news organizations who might want his advice. I think he thought he might get a shot on some network nightly news program or BBC or even Al Jazeera.

As far as I am concerned going to treatment is just an excuse fr let me get the heck out of the spotlight for a month and pray that someone else grabs the spotlight for doing something equally as stupid so when I come out I can just live my life and figure out a new way to pick up women. You know what I want? I want to hear from his wife so much. She has stayed quiet. I want to know if she is yelling at him at home or doesn't care.


  1. Wasn't it rumored that his wife was Hillary Clinton's lover? If so, I think she's more upset that he was dumb enough to get caught.

  2. You do know that Dr. Drew has his own nightly cable show so no one really has to ask him for his opinion, right?

  3. His wife is working with her boss, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. And since she's pregnant, trying to keep the stress down for the sake of the pregnancy. I feel so badly for her.

  4. I would just like to applaud the women of Congress/Senate who have not felt the need to go trolling by issuing coochie shots. This gives me hope that someday the "Trust a woman with the red button?? No way!" will die.

  5. This guy is a psychopathic predator, just like his ex said. He needs to go away. Far away. Away from us, away from his wife. Sorry to say but that kid of his should be aborted stat. Her whole body probably wanted to have a miscarriage right then. Why, oh why, would anyone breed with such scum!! The scum line will just continue until women stop this.

  6. If she's pregnant I can understand why she is staying away from the spotlight. She probably has enough stress with all this bullshit...

  7. _*_: As should any of *your* children unfortunate enough to have you as a parent.

  8. I'm hearing he's just waiting for her to get back in the country so she can stand beside him when he resigns. I feel so sorry for her - what a jerk he is.

  9. I SPECIFICALLY remember a 2008 Presidential candidate same-sex blind, that was REVEALED TO BE HILLARY & HUMA.

    What's the story now, suddenly Huma's straight, Enty? Just asking. Maybe my memory of that blind is faulty.

    A LOT of middle-aged men do this. Insecurity, mid-life crisis---it's just new technology for a problem as old as humanity.

  10. This one makes me so pissed. I mean, he really was for the Health Care Reform us Americans SO DESPERATELY need. And a part of me wants to say that health care is so much bigger than a man cheating and dick photos.

    So I'm on the fence with him 'going away'.

  11. I think Dr. Drew only wants in on because he thinks it's Perry Farrell.

  12. Right again, libby. Weiner needed a wife, Huma needed a hubby. Part of the deal did not include getting caught sending photos of your weiner out on twitter. Breach of contract and the ball is in her court. Hillary is pissed and that is never a good thing.

  13. You know, who the hell cares that he engaged in online flirting with women? What's the scandal there? It's an issue between him and his wife. But since he took no public moral stands as a congressperson on it, I don't see anything here to hold against him.

    Adults play around. Big whoop.

  14. Exactly Squeezebox.It's not illegal. Dumb maybe, but he's certainly not the first or the last person to do something dumb.

    Bottom line, he is NEEDED by the Democrats because he's the only with with a f**king backbone that can stand up to the bs coming from the right.

  15. I think Huma knew what she was getting herself into. Sounds like she was following in the footsteps of her idol Hillary. A strong political marriage to take you up the power ladder.

    Except he wasn't supposed to get cuaght with his pants down before winning the Mayor run in 2013.

    So now she is stuck with a dead horse of a husband and a baby. But at least she has Hillary to lick on, err I mean lean on.

  16. Sorry to say but that kid of his should be aborted stat.


    I am adamantly, absolutely pro-choice but I cannot make sense of this asinine comment.

    @__-__=__ , A few of the posters here at CDAN are real ASSHOLES but I don't like to challenge them for the sake of peace, but you sir/madam, are a real piece of work. Fuck you very much and goodbye.

  17. I'm definitely fascinated by this whole thing. Maybe she's quiet because she's classy and private, or maybe they had an agreement where it's fine to do that online as long as you don't bring it home, or maybe it's just plain "none of our business". Still I'm fascinated, any which way.

  18. In six months Weiner will be offered his own nightly show on CNN.

  19. You'd think logic itself would be enough to push health care reform through. No? No logic? Alright.

  20. @Sue Ellen - those that are making decisions about health care reform are the ones who have free health care FOR LIFE, so there is really no impetus for them to give a shit.

  21. Love you, Mango!

    Has anyone here been on Craigslist's 'Casual Encounters' section, ever? My estimation is that at least half the men on there aren't totally serious. Most just want dirty chat/photo swap.

    I think it's sexist to automatically portray Huma as 'scorned', 'devastated'....What if she likes to get her freak on, too? We have NO BUSINESS questioning their definition of marriage and/or cheating.

    It only makes a difference to me if a politician actively campaigns as 'family values', or has a career of criticizing others for the same behavior (Hello Newt). OR if they're super anti-gay, and then hunt blowjobs at the airport toilet.

  22. The number one thing politicians care about is keeping their job. If your (not just you, but everyone) congresswo/men doesn't vote the way you'd like them to, simply vote for the person who will do what you want. ie health care reform. From what I understand the biggest fear is the "socialism" aspect of it, and how it's thought the act would "force" people to take government health care even if they had a good policy already, which is not the case if you read the act itself. To me, until the fear is taken out of it and the taboo of socialism is destroyed, you're never going to get it because the constituents don't want it for various reasons.

    It's sad really.

  23. @libby - I have long been a fan of you (and your armpit) for awhile, so backatcha. :P

  24. Thanks Mango....blush.

    It's so funny, because my hair is long & reddish blonde now, that picture is so old!

    (head hair. armpit hair remains the same length/color)

  25. I'm getting very bored with Weiner. Wake me up when Huma does an interview.

  26. In general, men love sex. They consider sex to be "just sex", completely separate from love and intimacy. Politicians, movie and rock stars pretty much any man in a power position, feels they have the right to have encounters with women other than their wives as long as no ones getting hurt. These men aren't often denied what they want and they're used to getting it, as a bonus having women fawn over them boost their egos. A surprising number of them are in those positions due to low self esteem.
    Their wives know. Many choose to be oblivious. Some are aware and demand that it not effect their home life, and some get their freaky on too. Do 100% do this? No of course not, more like 92%.
    Its us, the simple folk that stick to the old one partner rule.
    I always thought the Hillary is a lesbian gossip was one of the untrue ones.

  27. @libby I don't remember a blind but I did read a magazine article about them and the rumors etc. It was a long article. I was so surprized that it was printed. I know I have the copy of whatever mag it was in- who throws that away! I'll see if I can find it.
