Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Denise Richards Goes Off The Deep End

I don't know if Denise Richards was smoking something or drinking something over the weekend, but in an interview she told US Weekly that what she and Charlie Sheen had was a beautiful love story. Seriously, she used those words. She makes it seem like a fairy tale. Apparently we are supposed to disregard everything she has ever said about him, or he has said about her and instead focus on some beautiful love story? Like their first date when he took her out for dinner, drinks and a night watching porn back at his place? The fights? The hints by Denise that Charlie likes child porn? I'm confused about where the love story is.

I was actually starting to think Denise had turned normal and that she had proven herself in the whole Charlie and Brooke mess. Now though I worry that she is seeing something that did not exist and that she is telling Charlie to call her one night and he can come over with one of his goddesses and they can watch porn together and find people to pay by the hour. Of course this all could be because Denise has a book coming out which promises to be very boring because Denise does not have one tell all bone in her body.


  1. Just because Denise is the best of the worst, doesn't mean she's stable.

  2. She might be saner, more tolerable, and less drug-addled than Charlie, but she was still stupid enough to marry him in the first place. We shouldn't forget that. I don't expect anything wise to leave Denise's lips, like, EVER.

  3. Enty! You know they had the original Pretty Woman love story! He was some wealthy dude who hired her as a HOOKER! Then she ended up getting the prize. She's the original Pretty Woman!

  4. She's just cashing in on the whole "Charlie Sheen is a Trainwreck" bit.

  5. I think Denise probably did have all the feelings of a "love story" when they got married. The crew of the show say in the early years of their marriage, Charlie was stable. I'm not a fan of Charlie or the show but I do imagine she remembers their early years as a romance. I also remember their breakup when she said he wouldn't let the girls get vaccinations, that he thought 9/11 was a hoax, his obsession with porn, gambling and everything else. Doesn't she still require his visits to be supervised?

  6. In their case, first date = first trick. Their love story brings a tear to the eye, kind of like a money shot to the face.

  7. I don't believe Denise was a hooker, she was fairly well known when they met. Also, I tend to think Charlie might be the type to enjoy his hookers but wouldn't marry one of them.

  8. I'm sure to her it was a love story...in the beginning. I also do think she is sane compared to Charlie.

  9. Well Enty to be fair it was a beautiful love story when it was called "Pretty Woman".

  10. And I am sure Denise is bound by an airtight confidentiality agreement if not she risks Charlie whipping out the "she's an ex-hooker" card.

  11. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Writing a book has made Denise nostalgic. Problem is, nostalgia if often seen through rose-colored glasses. Charlie will do something crazy again, and Denise will come back to reality.

  12. I'm sure they had a very nice love story at first. Charlie was on best behavior just getting his career back with Spin City. He might of been off booze & coke at the time. And sociopaths are the most charming of men when they are reeeling you in. Maybe she is doing this for her kids trying to show them that daddy wasn't always a mean SOB.

    It was only until he was secure with 2.5 men financially and bored in the marriage that he went to his ways of semi-underage hookers and drugs. That you can read in her divorce papers.

    If anything she should be writing a book on what red flags to look out for with sociopaths that have pyschotic breaks with reality.

  13. isn't she few months late to cash in on his meltdown? if i were her i'd be pissed at the publishers for not cashing in right in the smack of it all. she totally would've been #winning! back in march.

  14. The term is rationalization. How does Denise explain to herself, her daughters and others why she married such a douchebag? The only way she can reconcile that marriage to her image of herself is to find a love story. The love story only had to last long enough for her to get pregnant and married but there had to be a love story!

  15. @Pookie this book was actually scheduled for 2012 and the publisher moved it up a year to try to get in on the Charlie drama.

  16. Agree with Layna Day. Look, she was obviously in love with him at the beginning, it doesn't make her 'unstable' to admit it. Still Team Denise.

  17. timebob, wow...didn't know that. hee. i'd be all the more pissed for still managing to be late on the draw.

  18. She's just prolly playing nicey nicey to make sure she gets her support payments on time. Not a mental giant, this one, but not stupid either.

    I don't believe Denise was a hooker, she was fairly well known when they met. Also, I tend to think Charlie might be the type to enjoy his hookers but wouldn't marry one of them.

    @The Black Cat: Oh, darling, you are so naive! Charlie had PORN ACTRESSES watching his children. His CHILDREN. He had a woman who won best anal porn actress (or something equally as squalid) watching his children. I wouldn't put ANYTHING past him.

  19. My ex-husband (and father of my two children) remarried his mistress before our divorce was final. We had a bloody, nasty divorce. People who are around us 11 years later (even my husband and the mistress/still wife) as we talk and make each other laugh ask why in the hell are y'all divorced again? Whatever the attraction was is still there and so is some love in what memories you shared. Not everything was bad, but you sure as hell are glad you aren't with them anymore. I can relate to what Denise is saying. She has full custody by the way, he gave it to her when he was facing prison over abusing Brooke.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Even if a marriage ends in divorce, I'd like to think that MOST start out with at least an ounce of love. I mean surely Charlie was not in the same lunatic territory he is now, when she fell for him. I don't know.

    I felt bad for her this weekend b/c she said she had to put her 12 year old golden to sleep. Anyone losing a long time pet will always garner sympathy from me.

  22. she was play-for-play-girl

  23. Charlie was hanging with the young hookers and doing drugs long before he met Denise.

  24. Apparently her book wasn't slated to come out until next year but it was moved up to capitalize on Charlie's craziness this year.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. @ Black Cat

    Denise was a Heidi Fleiss (the madam) girl in the beginning of her career, that is how she met Charlie Sheen, so the un-rumors go.....

  27. Mango I am fully aware of the credentials of Charlies babysitters but I don't see him rushing any of them to the altar. I suspect he's one of those guys who prefers to hang out with hookers but will marry a conservative looking and acting woman instead for show. I could be wrong, time will tell.

  28. Sis, I don't believe all the rumors I hear. I never believed the one about the gerbil and Richard Geere either but people still believe it happened.

  29. "...conservative looking and acting woman..." Denise Richards and Brooke Mueller? LMAO!!!!!

  30. "And sociopaths are the most charming of men when they are reeeling you in." So true, so true.

  31. Enty, your tone is getting nastier and nastier. Your ability to keep a rational perspective is what used to draw me to your site, but it's fading quickly into misdirected snark. You are taking one small quote from Denise regarding her history with Charlie. She's describing the beginning, when he was sober, and they were in love, got married and started a family. Yes, it degenerated after that. Several years into the relationship - well enough time for a love story, he started back on his path of destruction, and she has dealt with it with nothing but class and dignity. She's always put her children first, and I think this includes her portrayal of her early relationship with their father. I applaud her for seeing through what he's put her through - even as much as recently, what he called her one night at one of his shows - so, that her girls could know that there was a good time, a true love and a real relationship, and that when that goes South and becomes dangerous, a strong woman picks herself up, reconfigures the pieces of their life and provides a healthy home for the children. Bravo to Denise (who was NOT a hooker - she was Meredith Salanger's friend and sometimes roommate, and Meredith introduced her to Charlie). And, seriously, screw you, Enty, for being so judgmental and unfair with someone who's really a great mom and good, good person.

  32. Actually, Denise had a lot of career ups and downs - remember her brief stint as a Bond girl? And when she wasn't getting any acting work, she fell into the groove that most actresses do -- becoming a "paid escort." Actresses usualy pad their income this way and Denise was probably thrilled to have a chance to spend the night (or a weekend or a week) with a star of Charlie's caliber because it was a win-win- she'd made $10,000 - $30,000 for the work and also have a chance at nabbing Charlie full-time. That's how it goes, folks.

  33. regardless, I actually kindof like her. I'm sure in the beginning things were great...he at least acted normal and sober. Only when they began having children did i seem to go down hill (not surprising since he was no longer going to get all the attention). She does seem to be a good mom and she loves animals, so I can't dislike her too much
