Monday, June 13, 2011

Demi Lovato's Goes To Rehab

It is always tough to stay clean and sober if the person charged with your care is also an addict. It makes a lot more sense why Demi Lovato was having so many problems staying sober before if her mom also was suffering from addiction issues. According to The NY Post, Demi Lovato's mom just finished a stay in rehab. Apparently she wanted to wait until Demi finished with rehab and got back on her feet a bit before heading into rehab for her own addiction issues. It is beginning to sound like mom and daughter were out on the road doing this together which is never easy. Also, apparently Demi and Wilmer Valderrama broke up. They dated before Demi turned 18, and then when she got out of rehab. Wilmer has always liked them young. Lindsay Lohan and Mandy Moore come to mind. Wilmer is like 31. I wonder when he last dated someone even close to approaching his own age. I think he probably suffers small penis issues or perceived small penis issues so dating teenagers is a way to deal with it. Women his own age would just laugh.


  1. She dated Wilmer? Was that a blind in the last couple of months or so? He's a pig.

    Hopefully Demi and her mother can stay clean.

  2. My little niece used to love this one, but since she went to rehab, not so much. I still have hope for the next generation.

  3. It freaks me out that Wilmer the Perv is the voice of Handy Manny - that kids' cartoon. It matches that he likes 'em young. Blech.

  4. I think the headline is missing a word...

  5. Wilmer & Lindsay really deserve each other.

    I'm sure Wilmer will be dating Elle Fanning next, she is 13 that is the right age for him. Dakota being over 18 is too old for him now.

    Please Hollywood you have a pedophile in your mists. Stand up and do something.

  6. Why aren't the decent men giving Wilmer the beat down he so richly deserves? I think I'm in a question mood today......

  7. Man I wish people had not held Shane West back when he wanted to go after Wilmer years ago. Wilmer is gross, very gross.

  8. @FS what is the story with Shane West?

  9. Ugh. Wilmer is a PIG and I hope he ends up selling used cars to pay the rent on his studio apartment with a hotplate for a stove.

  10. I'm around the same age as Wilma (typo and it stays) and I wouldn't even dream of dating a teenager. I won't go out with anybody under 24. 23 max. I've known guys like him - they're completely insufferable. He's got issues all right. The older he gets the sliezier he's going to get too. I'll bet he tried it with Mila Kunis too but she wouldn't have it. Good for her.

  11. As a former 'Lolita type' (skinny, fair), I will tell you that insecurity and need for control is EXACTLY why grown men date very young women. Without much wisdom or life experience, it's easier to treat them however you want, and tell them it's normal. The man controls her view of the world, especially as he's usually their FIRST 'adult' relationship.

    Very young women also are usually more afraid to leave if they don't have any experience living on their own.

  12. HMmmmmm funny how 2 ladies WV dated need rehab. Could he be the "star" who started life as drug dealer??? WV is a pig. Next he'll be dating girls who watch Handy Manny.

  13. It must be horrible to live out the worst, most awkward years of your whole life in front of a salivating public. She's made some mistakes -- Wilmer and drugs among them, but I'm rooting for her. I'll root for anyone who doesn't have the last name Lohan or Hilton, really.

  14. Wilma ;) is starting to remind me of David Wooderson.

    This does sound like Lohan 2.0.

    Wonder what the dad's story is? Or some other family member that won't take advantage of her or be her enabler.

  15. While agreeing with all above, good for Mom for wanting to get clean too.

  16. @ MCH: Wooderson...NICE call!

  17. I learnt something new, I thought Mario Lopez was the Handy Manny voice - but no it is Wilma.

  18. I wonder who takes care of the younger sister(s)? One is Gaby's older daughter on Desperate Housewives.

    Poor kids don't have a chance. Hope someone responsible helps the younger one(s).

  19. From what I am hearing this story is a HOAX.

    Her mom has been tweeting regularly and that would not be happening if she is in rehab and they cut her off from all communication. REHAB is a lot like BCT they take your phones and stuff.

    First of all I NEVER SEEN any pics of Demi and FEZ even together. Demi cannot go to the airport without someone taking a pic of her. I always thought that story was bunk.

    If she was dating him and broke up, I say GOOD. Wilmer seems like a sleaze bag, with her recovery I suspect the last thing Demi really cares about or needs is a BF right now.

    There is just first of all too much rumors being spread about Demi. Next there will be a girl who claims she had a lesbian tryst with her in treatment.
