Friday, June 17, 2011

Crystal Harris Is An Idiot

Apparently Crystal Harris thinks we are all stupid and ignorant and will believe anyone if they cry long enough or loud enough. She gave an interview to Entertainment Tonight and says the reason she decided not to marry Hef was because he was with other women besides Crystal. No!!!!! Why isn't this on the front page everywhere? Hef was spending time with other women. Crystal went on to say that marriage is between two people so she did not feel comfortable. Please. She knew all of this going in from day one. The only thing I give her credit for is not going through with the marriage which she probably would have done if the price was high enough. I am guessing she was not going to get as much money as she thought she would when she said yes to his proposal.


  1. In the words of Lafayette from True Blood; "hooker, please!".

  2. Yup I think that's it. The payday wasn't big enough.

  3. This just proves one thing to me - she had enough brains to 1) get a lawyer to go over the prenup, and 2) rapidly figured out that she wasn't going to be able to negotiate a higher payout for the inevitable divorce.
    So, she tried to cash out early, and that fame clock alarm is ringing.
    Her 15 minutes are now up.
    Please collect your things, the exit is that way.
    And as we say in the South, don't let the doorknob hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

  4. Whoops, I meant two things.

  5. BAHAHAHA, thanks for the laugh. For her next career move, she is exploring becoming one of Charlie Sheen's goddesses, but will back out at the last minute when she learns that relations between a goddess and Charlie Sheen isn't really blessed by god.

  6. Yup Heff had one HECKUVA prenup. I would love to have been in the lawyers office when she saw the low low number. FAIL!!!

  7. Hope you enjoyed this past week in the spotlight, Lady. By Monday you'll be all forgotten about.

  8. there was a blind item about Hef's wedding

  9. the problem with Hef is his sperm count is too low and can't get the average gold digger pregnant the loophole in any prenup. Which is why Holly bailed.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Well good for her, then. She dodged a bullet IMO.

  12. And she's a dumbass if she didn't already know what a notorious tightwad Hef is said to be.

  13. I saw that interview tonight and also said she had a 9pm curfew and that everything is very "strict" -- movies at 6pm on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Old movies on Friday, new movies on Saturday blah blah. She said the closer it got to the wedding the more she realized this wasn't for her. Hef doesn't like change.

    Well, WTF? The guy is 400 years old, he likes his shit a certain way. It took you three effin' years to figure that out? Yaright. Dumbass.

  14. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I'm sure she's shopping a reality show where she's just a regular girl and is lookin' pa nub.

  15. Ugh...TMZ says she is with Heidi Montag this weekend in Vegas, hosting a party at Wet Republic.

    I'm sure she's real broken up about the non-wedding.
