Monday, June 13, 2011

Clarence Clemons Seriously Ill

The great thing about Clarence Clemons is that no matter what generation you belong to, Clarence Clemons was providing the music for your life. If you grew up in the 70's or 80's, Clarence was performing with Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band. Later, in the early 90's he did his own thing and then in the last few years he has been a staple on Lady GaGa songs.

Well, the sax player has suffered a serious stroke. It was so bad that members of The E Street Band were told to make their way to Florida to see the man before it was too late. I hope that is an exaggeration by because it is way too soon to have the big guy leave forever.

About 2:50 in for Clarence


  1. this is sad news, by all accounts he is a great guy. I read he has been ill for the last few years. So I don't think 411 is exagarating.

    I do hope he can recover from this.

  2. Not yet! Please. Don't let him have pain!I can listen to The Big Man for Hours and it ALWAYS makes my heart feel better

  3. He has had knee, back and eyesight problems. I've been to several E Street concerts and in recent years he has sat through most of the concert. However, he was there - he is tough.

    I read that they can't make a determination to the severity until after 24-72 hours have passed. He had two brain surgeries and is reportedly paralyzed on one side. I'm seriously upset over it.

  4. BTW, last Springsteen concert I went to, they played the entire Born to Run album. I feel super lucky to have enjoyed that.

  5. Back in the day I used to hang at The Stone Pony. Love Clarence. I hope he's comfortable.

    Ms Cool - you were so fortunate. Last time I saw Bruce in concert he spent more time on his political views (NJ and USA) than making music.

  6. @mikey - I'd love to go to The Stone Pony. Sorry your last concert was political. I think most people know they are going to get some of that at a concert but not the majority of the time. How frustrating. Did you get to see the ESB at the Stone Pony?

  7. From

    The latest out of Florida has Clarence Clemons in better condition than anyone expected, a close friend tells Backstreets: "Yesterday, it did not look good at all. Today... miracles are happening. His vital signs are improving. He's responsive. His eyes are welling up when we're talking to him. He was paralyzed on his left side, but now he's squeezing with his left hand. This is the best news we've heard since [the stroke] happened — it's nothing short of miraculous. The next five days will still be critical. But he's a fighter."

    Please join us in continuing to send prayers, love, and light to the Big Man.

  8. I did. Back then the drinking age was 18, I had a fake id, and my grandma had a house in Pt. Pleasant. I was free to roam around the shore beach scene. I'm also a huge fan of Southside Johnny. After Bruce made it big he would occasionally show up unannounced when Johnny was playing, grab a guitar and jump on stage. Those were the days.

    Now I have daughter and payback is a bitch.

  9. Clarence has always been one of my favorite musicians. He is on a very short list of "I can name that musician in 2 notes" people, his style is uniquely his & so easily recognized. All the best for you Big Man.

  10. Love Love Love the Big Man. Very sad to hear that news this morning.

    Last time I Saw Bruce and ESB was in 2009 at Madison Square Garden doing Album Nights - The River one night and The Wild, The Innocent and the E Street Shuffle the other night.

    They were amazing nights.

  11. Oh My God - just listen to his solo in "Independence Day" and the hairs on the back of your neck will stand up. This man is legend.

    I hope he gets well.

  12. @mikey - I grew up in Monmouth County. Parents actually still work up there 6 months out of the year. I never got to go to The Stone Pony though. One of the members of the ESB used to live next door to my parents rental house. They didn't think it was as big a deal as me. :-/

    This is very sad news. I hope he is able to recover.

  13. Anonymous4:49 PM

    The last time I saw them was in 2009 at the Meadowlands (the second last show). They did Born to Run. Fucking amazing. I really wanted to go to Buffalo a few nights later because they were doing Greetings from Asbury Park (my favourite album) but my husband wasn't game.

    The last few shows I've seen, Bruce pretty much escorted Clarence to the big-ass, incredibly awesome throne he sits on. The Big Man would do a solo and you'd be kind of scared (like when you watch your older father lift something heavy) but so happy that he can still do it.

  14. MCH, both my sisters live in Monmouth County now! I wish I lived closer to the shore....I'm so far west I can see PA (really).

    Here's the latest from the Star Ledger

  15. @mikey - Cool. I love the town I live in now but would much prefer to live back in Jersey than the south (in general).

  16. wait...what...? is this an old post in the wrong place? clemons passed back in june...
