Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cindy Anthony Says I Love You

Did you see when Cindy Anthony got off the stand and said I love you to Casey? I know she is Casey's mom and everything but it seems like the wrong time to be saying something like that. You basically spent the entire day on the stand testifying about why you think your daughter is the killer of your granddaughter and then you get off the stand and say I love you??

I think this is the third time she has been on the stand and she was up there to help plug some of the prosecutor leaks in their argument. She did a good job of doing so when she told everyone about the missing items from her house that were found with the body. Here is the problem with what she said. It still does not mean that someone else in the family worked with Casey to cover this up or do it on their own. The stuff has been linked back to the Anthony house, but not really to Casey herself. I think when the defense starts their case this week that this is going to get really cloudy very quickly.


  1. Cindy creeps me out.

  2. The apple doesn't fall far from the crazy tree in that family.

  3. I dunno. I think it would be pretty hard to stop loving your own flesh and blood, even if she's guilty of this heinous crime. Doesn't mean she likes her at all, or doesn't want her to go to jail.

  4. This is going to be another OJ Simpson outcome if the jurors are smart, simply because there is no hard evidence. No hard evidence = not guilty. Every item in their house could have been found with Caylee's remains, that does not mean Kasey killed her. I am really hoping for dumb jurors because the bitch killed her.

  5. There is hard evidence. The most compelling the prosecution could have:

    A mother didn't report a three year old missing.

    Compare that to Cindy's reaction. The second Cindy Anthony realized Caylee was gone, she called 911, hysterical. It tells you that Cindy did not know the baby was dead.

    And yes, that means Casey killed Caylee and then lied and lied and lied to cover it up. The not calling and cover up are inexplicable with any innocent explanation. If a three year old is lost for twenty minutes, people call for help. A month?

    Despite my growing appreciation for Cheney Mason, the evidence is far beyond any explanation or reasonable doubt.

  6. I don't think any time is a bad time to tell your kids you love them...but then again, it's hard to imagine your kid being Casey Anthony.

  7. And hard evidence or no, the standard is "beyond a reasonable doubt," not "absolute proof."

  8. Check out Dr. Lillian Glass body language blog. She reveals most of the lies $indy told on the stand. This is a family of psychopaths, textbook style.

  9. I have a lot of faith in this jury, from watching in session & HLN the talking heads note the jurors are very attentive take notes and are willing to stay late for testimony. They are older and well educated from all reports.

    Unlike OJ were it was all a media circus and the jurors just wanted their 15 minutes of fame and a fat paycheck after.

    To me the best part wasn't the I love you it was the bitch face Casey gave her mom when she mouthed it.

  10. I think the whole family is nuts and we will probably not know the whole sad story about Kaylee and her death.

  11. Cindy is still showing her daughter love, because she's been desperate for 20 years to get her sociopath daughter to love her back. Sociopaths can't love, and Cindy STILL tries. Casey has refused their visits, but she doesn't refuse their commissary money.

    I've been in love with a sociopath; I understand exactly why Cindy just keeps at it.

  12. I guess the "ILY" was to kind of say "Sorry for throwing you under thebus an making you take responsibility for your actions".
