Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Casey Anthony's Parents Think She Might Be Innocent

Kneepads pulled out all the stops this week when it comes to the Casey Anthony trial, but unfortunately, from what I have read, most of it you could see on Nancy Grace. The exception being that Kneepads talks about the possibility of an acquittal while Nancy Grace has never heard that word. That is the thing about Nancy, she goes down one path and one path only which is fine if you are a blogger or writing an editorial, but Nancy is supposed to be giving both sides. Every trial she gets more and more anti-defense. Has she ever thought someone was not guilty?

Anyway, Kneepads goes through the motions by interviewing everyone associated with the trial and go for the shocker headline, but what really surprised me was that Casey's parents are not even sure if she is guilty or not. The only thing I wonder about is whether Casey did all of this alone or not. I also do agree she has a chance to get a mistrial. I don't think she will ever get a whole jury of not guilty.


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