Most of the day yesterday in the Casey Anthony trial was devoted to talking about the death of Caylee and how she was found. It was pretty gruesome stuff. Apparently Casey could not handle the details because court was adjourned early in the day because Casey suddenly came down with a mystery illness. She really did look like she was going to be sick, but she could have been practicing that for a few weeks. It makes her look like she could not have had anything to do with her daughter's death because she was so distraught.
Did the fact that the tape was wrapped so tightly that it held Caylee's jaw in place disturb anyone else? I mean in the sense that the Coroner said he had never seen that happen before. Ever. Is Casey strong enough to wrap the tape that tightly? Did she have help? It is kind of like the prosecution keeps leaving open these gaps of doubt that the defense just drives right through. Combine that with the acting job or bad food at lunch and maybe someone in the jury starts to have a little doubt. When you are talking about the death penalty, some people do not want to vote guilty unless it is 100% locked down.
She can be found guilty but not sentenced to death - she can get life, or life without parole. As for the reason she's upset - because now everyone sees exactly what she's done.
ReplyDeleteAs for the duct tape - I can tape something tightly with duct tape if it's not moving - i.e. unconscious or dead.
It really doesn't have to be that tight. If it wrapped where the mandible attaches, the mandible is very shallow and will secure it. The head of a 2 yr old is very tiny also, so the tape would appear wider and hold a large area...like 1/3 of the skull.
ReplyDeleteI would prefer her to get life and rot in jail. Either way, she had a lot or everything to do with this child's murder. I also agree with Susan. I can wrap things tightly with tape. I can even open jars of Mayo with my bare hands. Just because I'm a female doesn't mean I don't have any strength...and I'm pretty sure Casey was bar far stronger than Caylee's little jaw.
ReplyDeleteI think she really was sick. In my not-so-humble opinion, she never thought she'd get caught, so she never considered the consequences of having to sit in a courtroom and hear the descriptions of what happened to her daughter's body. So yes, I do think she really was sick, but only because the enormity and the reality of what she'd done finally smacked that bitch full on.
ReplyDeleteGod her eyebrows. You'd think Michael K would be having a field day.
ReplyDeleteI've noticed that when Casey cries real tears she lets them roll down her face. The rest of the time she appears to just manipulate her eyes, nose, etc. to give the appearance of crying. It's disgusting, and I think yesterday was just an act. The attorneys are coaching her on how a grieving mother would act - she is just trying to play the role. Goodness knows she feels nothing for that sweet little girl she killed. I hope she rots in prison, as death would be too good for her.
ReplyDeleteShe's mimicking what her mom did on the stand. She just a copycat because she has no emotions.
ReplyDeleteLillian Glass' body language blog has some interesting theories on the source of the physical distress, i.e., illness----thanks to whoever linked that here before---i've been enjoying her take on this.
ReplyDeleteI think she's mimicking too. When I cry, my eyes don't just tear - my whole face turns red. Glad to see the defense is letting Mr. Mason cross. He has made a few points coherently. ((HInt, hint, Jose...))
ReplyDeleteyeah, it takes super-human strength to place duct tape over the nose and mouth of an unconscious 3 year old.
ReplyDeleteI agree cowllector. I have also been following Lillian Glass's take and find it really interesting. I love body language because it's harder to control. Casey is beyond guilty. I hope she gets what's coming to her, now and in the afterlife.
ReplyDeleteCasey is a master manipulator, any and all actions or emotions are directed solely at the jury, she knows her fate hangs with them and she is playing the role of her life. she doesn't give a shit about anyone else, only those twelve people. she is delusional enough to think she can win them over. They would never sentence a "grieving mother" to death. by playing sick, she just continues her same old pattern. And she is self absorbed enough to think it is working.
ReplyDeleteI agree, Megley. The way she behaved after her daughter was missing....like for a month....I really don't think she believed she'd ever be held accountable. I mean..how do you just go on with life normally (and normal for her is living a web of lies) when your daughter's missing? There is something seriously wrong with this person. I HOPE she feels sick.
ReplyDeleteHere's the link to Dr. Glass' blog: http://drlillianglassbodylanguageblog.wordpress.com/
ReplyDeleteI read a book years ago by Dr. Glass and she really is amazing - a horrible speller, but amazing.
Jose Baez fails to cite relevant cases to support his objection once again. What a peach. The prosecution must love this guy.
ReplyDeleteShe somehow manages to emerge from crying fits without puffy eyes, smeared makeup and a a blotchy face, and unlike her mother, she isn't going through kleenex and blowing her nose.
ReplyDelete> she really is amazing - a horrible speller, but amazing.
ReplyDeleteI can't get past the lack of proofreading. Drives me batty.
Such bs from Casey. She was "crying" again today and when her attorney got up to question a witness, BOOM, no tears, no nothing. It was almost instantaneous. She didn't cry during the 31 days her daughter was missing or even after, and i'm supposed to believe her tears now? Please. Not everyone is as stupid as your friends and parents honey and believe everything you say or do.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone else think that the illness was a panic attack? Maybe because it was an "oh shit, they are going to fry me" moment? I dont know.
ReplyDeleteThe defense team kinda sucks too.
Death Penalty = Barbarianism. In 2011, these countries have used it: Bangladesh, China, Iran, North Korea, the Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, UAE, USA, according to Wikipedia.
ReplyDeleteThat's the company you want to keep.
Yes, because Wikipedia is full of true, factual information written by people who have in-depth knowledge of their subject matter. Please.
ReplyDeleteI'm all for the death penalty. The day you murder a child (or any other heinous crime like child molestation), you give up the right to life in my book.
I definitely want to see Murder 1 on this, and I have been against the DP all my life. It is unfortunate that we have the DP at all, IMO, but IF THIS MURDER WAS NOT 1ST DEGREE, WHAT IS?
ReplyDeleteTotal overkill (my opinion):
Duct tape
Car trunk in Florida sun
Tossed to rot and be eaten by bugs and animals
WHILE the defendant partied, misled the cops, her family, the public, for SIX MONTHS.
This is a grown woman vs. a 3-year old...she not only deliberately killed her, she disrespected and desecrated her little body in a way that is unforgivable. IMO
Dr. Glass's blog has been an incredible insight to this case! I can forgive her 'style' after a few entries as it is very compelling)!
ReplyDeleteHas anyone read the blog Statement Analysis? I found a link to his site via Dr. Glass (possibly the comments) & there are many interesting posts about Casey Anthony, her parents & brother.
Another great body language blog is Eyes for Lies. She writes about Casey Anthony infrequently but covers interesting stories. featured on shows like Dateline & 48 Hours (i.e. Tiffany Hartley).
Having never met this horror story I can only go with observation but I would have no doubts or qualms sending her to the death house.
ReplyDeleteStone cold sociopath. Mind you, her mother is no prize either. Poor kid.
I too think it's "OMG - now everyone knows what I did!"
ReplyDeleteI was listening to The Bubba The Love Sponge radio show (it's great, I love it), and they were talking about the case (they're based in Tampa, where the jury was picked), and apparently when Casey was "upset", it was only when the jury was in the courtroom. When the prosecution was preparing it or something like that, when the jury was not in the courtroom, apparently she looked at the pics and looked bored or unconcerned. She only tuned on the tears in front of the jury to try to appear sympathetic.