Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Can You Hold Off On That Breakup?

Some tabloids are reporting that Snooki and her boyfriend broke up last week in Italy. Here is the real story. I realize you probably don't care, but just thought you would like to hear it. Before Snooki went to Italy she and her boyfriend broke up. It was over and done. The only problem was that the producers of Jersey Shore did not get any of the fights or drama or arguments or the breakup on camera. Enter the setup. The producers tell Snooki to try not to mention it. They set the whole thing up and had Jionni fly to Italy to spend time with Snooki. They then had the couple argue and fight and breakup for the cameras. The thing is since so much time had passed they really did not have much anger or fight left for the cameras.


  1. JesusMaryAndJoseph, this d-bag spells his name "Jionni?"


  2. ^^^ That was LMAO FUNNY!
    So reality tv is not REAL? Shut up!

  3. Aw Snooks! And she thought it would last 4EVER!!

  4. All the Spanx in the world can't do anything about the lumpy mass protruding from her chest.

  5. I wanna know if we're going to be able to see "Geordie Shore" in the States and Canada. All the drunken debauchery and douchery of the Jersey Shore, with unintelligible accents!

  6. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Those pictures are just like my engagement photos. Except we had more Ed Hardy.

  7. i'm just so proud right now that i've never seen this show. i don't think i could handle it.

  8. Well, he got a free trip to Italy on MTV's dime at least. All he had to do was smush Snooki for six months.

  9. @figgy, do you mean her head?

  10. I am happy to say that I've never wasted one moment of my life watching this show or the teen mom crap. I mean, I waste a lot of time, but at least not on these famewhores!

  11. How could any self respecting man want to date her? Or even be seen in public with someone who dresses herself like a troll or hobbit.

  12. Anonymous9:13 AM

    @ The Black Cat - Look at the cuffs on his shirtsleeves. He's a crunchy haired douche, not a self-respecting man.
