Monday, June 20, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

A B list actress from a popular movie adaptation has been sleeping with the boyfriend of her best friend since April. She found out she was pregnant a few weeks ago and aborted the baby. Last week, her best friend became engaged to her lover….. more as this story develops.


  1. Nikki Reed & Ashley Greene?

  2. Great Best Friend! Even better Fiance!

  3. Are all 3 people celebrities? It comes across like just the trashy, bad friend is the only celebrity in the group.

  4. Does this mean the movie was adapted from a book? Maybe Emma Watson?

  5. Lets not even guess the Twilighters, as none of them are B but the leads, and I'm not buying it as any of them. Maybe Emma Watson, but I highly doubt it. Trying to think of other popular adaptations....

  6. Someone from the Ya Ya bit??

  7. On one hand, this makes me cringe.

    On the other hand... what kind of person lets ANYTHING of that kind leak?

    Ergo, yet another bogus BuzzFhoto fake-a-ganza moment.

  8. Scarlett Johansson from "Iron Man"

    Blake Lively from "Green Lantern" "Gossip Girl" is an adaptation too.

  9. I'm thinking a book adaptation like Twilight or Harry Potter or maybe The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo????

  10. I've been a reader for over two years and never comment Enty going to ever do blinds again himself? I really miss reading them here. Its now slowly coming closer to July 4th and he doesn't have anything to reveal..
