Monday, June 06, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

We just found out that this recent celebrity marriage happened originally because of a lost bet. The couple who were dating, were drunk one night and were playing cards. The male made a bet that if he won, the two would marry. Looks like he’s good at Phase 10 because they ended up tying the knot!


  1. i guess my answer is untrue but REYNOLDS/JOhansen was my idea(and it would explain the short marriage)

  2. P.S. I'm being facetious, btw.

  3. True story-when my now-husband and I were dating about 6 months-he made a bet over a pool game that if I won we'd get married right away, but if he won he'd get to wait and do it on his time. The bastard sunk the 8 ball in on the break! (for those of you who don't play pool, that means he immediately won!)

    We married 3 years later!

  4. @Ice Angel - great story! I bet you don't regret waiting, either.

    How about Katie Perry and what's his name? Or is that not recent?

  5. I think this has to be Kristen Bell & Dax Shappard. It was already surprising that they were dating, but this totally explains why they got married (and why they kept it hush-hush)!

    Dax seems like the type of guy who would make such a bet. And when it dealing with Kristen Bell, who I love, who could blame the guy!?

  6. Anna Paquin & Stephen Moyer. Enty has already said that she may be back on the market soon.

  7. I'm with the Kristen/Dax guess - makes sense.

    What's the "Phase 10" reference about??

  8. i'm just shocked the guy was the one that wanted to get married by winning the bet.

  9. Katie Perry and that loser guy who I can't stand.

  10. Isn't that every little girl's dream, to get married based on a "Friends" episode?

  11. Phase 10 is a card game.

  12. Bahahahaha I would love if this was Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert. Its probably not, because they've been dating for awhile, but getting drunk and playing cards seems like something they'd do together!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I don't know if this means anything but there are also 10 letters collectively in Kristen's and Dax's first names...

  15. The Dax Shepard board on IMDB is full of comments like "How'd he get her? He's so FUG." Maybe this explains it.

    I'm actually really, really liking Dax on "Parenthood." It's become my favorite show.

  16. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Ted Casablanca had a blind item many many moons ago about a guy who was mightily hung, and Dax was the popular guess based on the clues.

  17. @Ice Angel -- Eight on the break is a win? Not in standard eight-ball. Although I'm sure you're happy together, he should have spotted you slops and banked-8 to win (for him) and no ooogy 8-on-the-break.

  18. Hell, I'd marry pretty much anybody just to get a never-ending game of Phase 10 OVER with, for crying out loud. My Mom loves to play and we can barely keep our eyes open while the dang game goes on forever!

  19. @B.Profane - I was thinking the same thing. When you hit the eight ball in on the break, or any other time before your other balls are in, you automatically lose...Right?

  20. I'm going to copy and paste a portion of one of my previous answers to this question:

    "On bar tables, an 8-ball on the break is usually considered a win only because the ball cannot be re-spotted. For professional play, under IPT rules, an 8-ball on the break is also a win. Under BCA rules, the 8-ball on the break is not a win, nor a loss, nor a foul. The breaker may either have a rerack, or spot the 8-ball and continue play from where the balls lie." M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.


    For the record, we were in a bar and were drinking pretty heavily! But getting the 8 ball in on the break is generally an instant win. After that, getting the 8 ball in without it beging the last ball in, is an instant lose.

    It is one of my husband's favorite stories to tell and I let him have that one simply because it really was pretty funny when it happened! I am glad I waited. We had a beautiful wedding, honeymoond, family and have a great life. But we were both way to immature at that time to actually get married! I mean..imagine truly getting married because of a pool game. It's not like I would have held it to him had I beaten him! LOL!
