Thursday, June 16, 2011

But Who Killed Tupac?

It is hard to believe Tupac would only be 40 today. I feel like he has been dead for 40 years. Yesterday, a prison inmate said he shot Tupac 5 times back in a 1994 robbery. I am glad he stepped forward, but since he is serving a life sentence already and it is too late to be charged with the shooting, I don't know what good it does. Dexter Isaac has always been a suspect, so it is not going to give police any additional clues about the murder a few years later of Tupac. See, that is what I want to know. I also want to know what he saw in Jada Pinkett, but that is for another time. Oh, and did he and Janet Jackson hook up when they made that movie together. Oh, and if he really did record all these songs his mom keeps selling every year. I have never been able to decide if it was someone like Diddily Piddily who was involved in his murder or if could have even been Suge Knight. I mean what better alibi than being in the car with the victim. Also, are you telling me that you get killed in Vegas where Tupac got killed and no one saw anything? I believe some people were paid to look the other way. I lean towards the Diddily Piddily theory which means he would have set the events in motion that ended up with Notorious B.I.G being killed a year after Tupac.


  1. I don't P.Didds had anything to do with it. He had a lot riding on Biggie Smalls career blowing up. Also, biggie and tupac were friends.

    I fully think Suge paid someone to kill him. Like Ent said, who gets killed on the Vegas Strip after a high profile boxing match like that, and no one sees a damn thing?

    Both Ms. Wallace and I would like to know who killed her son.

  2. Sorry, I don't think. Not I don't P.Didds.

  3. Tupac died at 23?! That's the craziest part of all this. I felt like he was in his thirties, at the very least.

  4. @Adventurous Kate -- that IS crazy. :-( When he was murdered, 23 definitely didn't seem as young to me then as it does *now.*

  5. Ah wait -- Tupac was shot in 1994, but shot to the death in 1996. He was 25. Still crazy.

  6. suge knight owed him millions in royalties and etc. and tupac had finished his contract with death row.

    also, janet jackson didn't want to kiss tupac on the lips while filming bc she was scared of catching aids.

    1. I have nipples Greg can you milk me too

  7. I still think there is a lot more to these two murders that no one will ever know about more than just two rappers beefing to sell record and some non existence west/east beef ... Pac was 25 when he died and he LOVED jada pinkett wrote many poems about her and she was his best friend in high school but even he said she was too out there for ironic

  8. If you read what this guy wrote in his confession, it calls out Diddy by name, and some other music exec. Would not surprise me at all if Diddy ordered it.

  9. I would be shocked if it were Diddy. He's just not "street" enough for me to go about ordering the murder of another musician - to what end?

    Definitely would believe Suge Knight was involved before Diddy.

  10. It is widely believed that 2Pac was gay. A "relationship" with Jada Pinkett Smith seems entirely plausible. At the time of his death him and biggie we absolutely, 100% NOT friends. They were previously but after he was shot outside Biggie's record studio he believed that Biggie and P Diddy arranged the murder attempt. Hatred between the two began and a rap war was started.

  11. ^ Yeah, I know that, but I'm not sure how "real" it was after Tupac got shot where Biggie was recording.

    I really think Suge had the most to gain by having these two dead. Even if they were no longer friends after the first shooting, how huge was the east coast/west coast rivalry? They were both huge and could have probably stayed that way for a while. They had no reason to kill each other, but Suge did. Tupac for the $ he owed him, and biggie for the competition.

  12. These two murders always intrigued me. I don't really know why since I don't even know their music. I think it is due to the fact they were both in my age range.

    I do believe Surge Knight had something do with it, but Tupac always said he would die young and he did.

  13. I don't think he was gay. his bodyguard released a book and it said how he slept with hundreds of women, including madonna. no mention of any guys.

  14. You CAN sleep with women even if you are gay. And you would probably keep the gay thing on the DL if you were a Death Row gangsta rapper.

    Having said that, I don't think he was gay. Very pretty, but not gay.

    I watched "Poetic Justice" not long ago. Not as good as I remembered it *L*

  15. Poetic Justice was AWESOME!
    I remember IMDB-ing it afterward to get some trivia and it totally ruined some of the movie for me to know that (like someone said above) Janet had insisted Pac get an AIDS test before kissing her. LOVED that he refused (stupid bitch).
    How amazing would a kid of theirs have been though? Whoa.

    And I dont like speculating on if he was gay or not on his birthdy, it seems wrong-ish somehow. I remember when he died I was in my early teens and I cried. Thats how much his music was impactful- someone who grew up totally differently from him and was a different gender and ethnicity can be so touched it makes her feel a loss upon his death.

    I loved this poem by him:

    Did you hear about the rose that grew
    from a crack in the concrete?
    Proving nature's law is wrong it
    learned to walk with out having feet.
    Funny it seems, but by keeping it's dreams,
    it learned to breathe fresh air.
    Long live the rose that grew from concrete
    when no one else ever cared.

    RIP Tupac

  16. Can't we all just get along...

  17. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I had always heard Tupac was dating Rashida Jones.

  18. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Just looked it up...Tupac was engaged to Rashida's sister

  19. I can't believe he was only 25. At the time he seemed so old.

    He had something about disapproving Quincy Jones's being in a biracial marriage and Rashida wrote an open letter in response to him. He was going to apologize to Rashida and mistook her sister Kidada for her and they ended up falling in love.

  20. Man, I miss that fine ass motherfucka! I recently heard "California Love" on a commercial and nearly fell out, so I can believe he would have been 40. I'm only a year behind...booooooo.

    Biggy Biggy Biggy..never was a fan, dear, but I did feel bad when I heard those shots that night. I knew something went down and when I got to work the next day and the ghetto office broads were crying hysterical, I knew it was serious.

  21. I am a HUGE fan of Big and a fan of Pac. Both deaths are a senseless tragedy. I feel like I grew up with these guys and their deaths were a shocking event back then. IMHO I think they were historically significant to the music industry and changed a lot of things. Way too much for me to write about here...that being said...

    I say it was the CIA ftw!

  22. I always figured Suge had something to do with it. Or someone in Biggie's crew. They were NOT friends at the time of his death (or so I've read and what the movie intimated).

    I was fans of them both. Agree that both deaths were senseless. I was just listening to Tupac earlier...."Life Goes On." Sigh.

  23. nope i co-sign pdiddy alll day long!

  24. It's really sad that his murder will not likely be solved. I remember reading his medical report at the time of the shooting. Icky.

  25. Remember when Piddly Diddly stepped in dog poo? That was a good time...

  26. I always had the understanding that Biggie didn't have Tupac shot back in '94, but that he knew it was going to happen and didn't say anything. I think that in one of Tupac's last interviews(if not the last) he said that he was on the phone with Biggie couple days before it happened. He said that Biggie told him that he had to tell him something and then said forget it. When he got shot, nobody seemed surprised so he felt betrayed.
