Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Blind Item

Which celebrity has basically signed his life away because he is in love. The thing is he has agreed to have himself portrayed however the Executive Producer wants him portrayed in a reality show. Whatever it takes for ratings. Oh, and if the ratings do not improve, then he will be saying goodbye very soon. One more thing. He is getting paid scale. The minimum. Hardly anything. Tip money at the places she makes him go.


  1. Kim's guy? What does he see in her??? I hope to see a "runaway groom" scenario with him. Kim wouldn't care, she could still make money off of that.

  2. I agree with you Carrie - poor guy has it bad

  3. Thanks flwrgurl. I was way too lazy to look up his name!

  4. Yeah I don't think it's Kris Humphries. Is he really a celebrity in his own right? I know he's a basketball player... is he even any good?

    I'd be more inclined to think Jessica Simpsons guy,but I guess he's not a celebrity either...

  5. I don't have an answer, but is Kim's guy a celebrity? I know he plays a sport, but before he got with her, he was pretty much a nobody.

  6. Definitely Kim's latest. That family is so gross.

  7. I thought he didn't want to be on TV???

  8. Makes sense for Humphries, although I wouldn't consider him a celebrity, the rest: low ratings, paid almost nothing, be portrayed however, reality show. All this, points to Kris.

    Poor guy. But, hey they all are consenting Adults.

  9. What Rita (kinda) said. Is Kris Humphries REALLY a celebrity?

  10. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I don't think this is a Kardasssshian show. Kris comes from a well to do family and makes NBA money. Some D Lister for sure. Poor guy.

  11. What about Snooki's boyfriend? He is back in the picture and I am sure doesn't make anything being on Jersey Shore.

  12. Bluebonnetmom, I think that's the whole point. He doesn't need the money, yet he is so blindly in love (wtf?) that he is agreeing to anything, puting himself in a situation where he is more than obviously taken advantage of.

    I don't know if Ida still (kinda) agrees? :)

  13. @Rita -- oh, I agree with you in that Kris Humphries isn't much of a ~celebrity.~ I mean, he's kind of a celebrity, I guess. Maybe? That's all I meant. :-)

  14. nick lachey and VM?

  15. I think Kim K and her caveman.

  16. Anonymous12:55 PM

    My off comment on the Kardashohoes is the next show will either be "13 and pregnant" or"i call her mommy but shes still my pimp"

  17. Anonymous1:04 PM

    If i was Bruce Jenner I would have grabbed the two girls when they were still young and less polluted by that trash hoe he married, like a few hours after the 12 years old birth and ran ran ran as far and fast as possible. She has two new ones to pimp out..so which one will be coking it up and which one will be preggo within a year..

  18. Anonymous1:21 PM

    @ Rita, maybe so, I just never heard of the guy before Kim. Poor bastard if it is. I just cannot imagine wanting to see a man who bought a $2M Engagement Ring to marry me treated like crap. That's sick.

  19. bluebonnetmom, sadly, that's the difference between us regular folks with heart, and them people getting rich on having no heart.

  20. Bruce Jenner's son? the guy who dates with Avril Lavigne!

  21. Ice-T

    I get the impression he is doing this to help her career, but then again, I only watched the show once.

  22. Kris Humphries has made over 16 million so far in his basketball career, and will make 3.2 million this coming year.

  23. Kris Humphries for sure. Enty has said ratings are way down for the Kardashian shows, he's so in love with her he'll be portrayed however to help her out with the show. Fool in love!

  24. Not that I thought it was Ice T, but he is executive producer of his reality show, so the blind doesn't fit.

  25. scott on the kardashians show. i wTCHED bout 10 minutes of it (i know, i know) and he comes off like a cartoon. surely no one would put up with that treatment unless they were in love. and that big kardashian sister, the married one; BITCH!

  26. Anonymous9:01 AM

    There's a two hour wedding special. Seacrest kind of gave that away yesterday.



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