This is actually getting interesting. What do you do if you are the person who has released a bunch of naked photos of someone who is allegedly Blake Lively and been shot down by her reps and her lawyers as distributing something fake? Why you release even more photos with a note in really bad English addressed to said reps and lawyers and promising more. Or, as the person likes to say, "moar." I spent most of the day yesterday examining each one of the first and second set of photos, but kept getting distracted so I will leave it to the experts.
The second set of pictures seems to provide a clue as to when they were taken. The woman who may or may not be Blake has some star tattoos on her chest which are very similar to the ones Blake had on the same part of her body during the movie The Town.
My question is this. That movie was filmed in 2008. It is no 2011. Why the wait? Is this person just upset that Blake is with Leo and not our distributor? Did this person luck out and find the pictures on their refurbished iPhone? Did they not want to sell the photos?
it's geek speak...like saying noob for new...
ReplyDeleteThe knuckle-dragging Cro-Magnons over at MoeJackson pretty much figured out that it's Blake.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather see Leighton Meester naked than Blake Lively.
Every time I look at the comment to the photo, I think the "moar" was done on purpose, but why for the life of me I cant figure out... I mean the rest is perfect grammar, including punctuation...
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for Blake's latest denials. "No! I'm too sweet and milkfed to participate in iPorn! See? I baked you some cupcakes! That's just my EXACT doppelganger is all!"
ReplyDeleteShe and Penn B. never seemed all that into each other, whereas those candids of her and Ben on set were REALLY telling. He was gazing at her in a veeeerrry unplatonic way. Their body language was pretty intimate.
I just don't get why Garner doesn't divorce the SHIT out of Affleck. The guy is hot and talented, sure, but he's been a cad to J-Lo, Gwyneth basically said he was a strippermongering asshole, and he looks miserable every time he's "forced" to take his kids to the market or whatever.
The pic of the star tattoos sort of proves that they were taken during the filming of The Town. Who the hell else would have been the recipient of those photos? Penn? I don't buy THAT one bit.
And for some reason, I can't see Ryan Reynolds cheating on ScarJo with Blake. He seemed pretty in love with his ex -- way more than she was with him. I can see Blake sending a shitton of slutty pictures to him, though.
Ugh. WHY do some girls ONLY want dudes who are already attached? WHHHYYY?
Also, I *know* I'm not a man -- and I am NOT denying that she has a bangin' body -- but some of those angles aren't very sexy. It looks like she snapped a couple while sitting on the toilet.
Ewwwwwwww! On the toilet?!?!!?!? I never send anything identifiable to anyone. Body parts only. And nothing too salacious either. What is wrong with people?
ReplyDeleteI LOVE that this person totally blew Blake's denial out of the water. Fuck off with that denial - there have been enough blinds featuring Lively in the last two years for EVERYONE to know this chick ain't innocent. But honestly, sending this shit to a married man? You SUCK, Blake. Over at BG they have a blind that says the pics were sent to three different people and Affleck is most definitely one of them.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I have geeky friends who totally spell it "moar". It's stupid but I'm totally used to it.
People People....Use a Polaroid for nude photos if you are stupid enough to take them. LMAO. This is so Blake taken during Our Town filming and probably sent to Ben. Love the suggested idea from another site that it is Jen sending them out. They did not try to sell them, so the person does not need money. Just like screwing with Blake. And supposedly there are MANY more! : )
ReplyDeleteJen sending them out? If true, that is kind of awesome.
ReplyDeleteTake care of Ben next, I say!
I so hope that they keep continuing!! Maybe one with Ben at the end?? :-D
ReplyDelete@BlisterPlease - thats what I thought too. LOL
ReplyDeleteI think she's enjoying this...it's keeping her name and body parts right out there...
ReplyDeleteScarlett could have released them to take pressure off her break up with Penn.
ReplyDeleteI'd laugh if it was Jen but my guess is Blake sent them out herself. Her denial doesn't mean much.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about you, but I'm really down with the whole "evil twin" theory.
It's the only explanation, because we *all* know she's the epitome of driven snow.
(ok, driven upon snow)
I love the theory about Jen sending them out. If she didn't, she's probably giggling at the situation.
ReplyDeleteWhy is she denying the photos are her when there are pictures of her face??? I'm dying laughing over that.
the star tattoos,the mole on her face...lots of things to identify her...LIKE HER FACE.
Where are the pics posted?
ReplyDeleteHarvey Weinstein.....that is all
ReplyDelete@Ida - I'd rather bang my junk in a car door than even consider Blake Lively's body remotely attractive. She's pure dripping fug nastiness.
ReplyDeleteHi, everyone! Newbie here. Love reading your comments. You guys are funny!
ReplyDeleteSome are suggesting that Harvey Weinstein put out the pics to teach Blake a lesson.These photos are Weinstein's version of the casting couch. My guess is Ol' Harv ain't happy to see Blake messing around with Leo. I wouldn't put it pass him to do something like this. All signs point to him being a pig.
@TNC -- really?! The funbags look like flotation devices -- and the face isn't anything to write home about -- but I've always thought most dudes saw Blake as a total brown bagger, if nothing else.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't go that far TNC. She may have an average face but she does have a good body.
ReplyDeleteI'm with canadachick. Blake was part of the Weinstein machine and suddenly is getting a ton of publicity with Leo. Funny how the photos "suddenly" turn up.
ReplyDeleteEither that or his wife, Georgina Chapman, picked a great time to exact some revenge.
Moar and Faps are memes, not spelling errors.
ReplyDelete@tcockrell - welcome! I actually LOVE that theory. The whole Weinstein wanting to nail Black story has been floating around for years, so this would be interesting indeed ;)
ReplyDelete@Merlin - that was hilarious!
Since Harvey's name was brought up, I wouldn't doubt it. She was on Speilberg's yacht a few weeks ago and Harvey and Spielberg have been going at each other for over a decade now. Those guys hate each other.
ReplyDeleteSomebody let me know when the Frieda Pinto nudies get posted.
ReplyDelete@Ida- its no wonder you felt more of an intimate vibe between Ben Affleck and our little picture taker here verses her and Penn. I truly honestly think (much to my sadness) that every one of the boys on Gossip Girl are gay. I think the dad is the only one who plays for the opposite team here while the rest of em, er, play with each other. Penn and Blake have seemed so manufactured by the studio, likewise my Chuck Bass and Jessica S.
ReplyDeleteAnd I HATE HATE HATE women who purposely make a game of going after attached men. These are the kinds of girls who dont make friends with other women and do nothing but reinforce negative stereotypes about women. This is not a strong women we can admire but a pathetic young insecure girl flashing her wonky tits and skinny bod.
I do like the hair in this pic, I bet i could do that with my hair and not look half as desperate hehe.
Blake LIVELY. Such an ironic name for such a boring chick.
ReplyDeleteIf they really wanted the pictures to go away they should have ignored them and made no comment.
ReplyDeleteI guess that is the point.
I think it's Blake. Why would anyone fake that? She's really irrelevant. Glancing at them...it's definitely her. You can't fake that wonky mouth of hers.
ReplyDeleteTHE TOWN was filmed in autumn 2009 and i guess finally Garner found Lively pix in Affleck's cellphone/PC (recently): i love this idea
ReplyDeleteRe: Blind Items: Are there any aside from the ones with her, Affleck and Garner?
ReplyDeleteI co-sign the Harvey Weinstein guess. He has supposedly been after her for a long time and maybe he doesn't take too kindly to Blake hooking up with Leo who is probably the biggest star out there right now. I'd LOVE for it to be Jennifer Garner though! Would serve that beeyotch right for going after a married man.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand men/women who take naked pics of themselves.
ReplyDeleteIt makes me laugh.
However, it's not as bad as the people on Facebook who post 1000s of pics of their face.
So we have three guesses
ReplyDelete1)She released herself.
2)Harvey Weinstein
3) Jennifer Garner.
As much as I love the Jennifer theory, I don't think she would do this. But it's hilarious that he has a black eye today.
For a moment I thought she wouldn't do it herself because of the notes. But I wouldn't put past them to do the notes so we think she's not responsible.
Anyway, all of this all shows how this girl is desperate. Couch casting, nude pics. The internet is full of rumors about how she got her roles. And she plays Serena. I hate Serena and her weird mouth/pouting.
The denial was brilliant. If I'd heard she had nude photos, I'd be, 'meh' and that would be it. But since her reps denied the photos were of her, I had to check it out for myself, and I don't normally click on those links to the nude photos. Yes, brilliant, especially since it is so obviously her.
ReplyDeleteMy theory is that the leaker is 'Gossip Boy'. He seems to have a lot of blinds that are purported to be about Lively.
And people who say she is 'average' are out of their fecking minds. She may be considered 'blah' by a lot of online commentors, but I'll bet if she walked down your street heads would turn.
Oh, and I'm kidding about the 'Gossip Boy' thing. And if she was banging Affleck on 'The Town' set, why would she need to send him the nudies? I mean, she was right there, LOL. Maybe I just don't get the nudie phone and Twitter stuff. Why???
ReplyDeleteWhen Rihanna's naked pictures leaked, Anna Wintour wasn't impresed and canceled the cover she was supposed to do and made her wait a veeery long time for one. I wonder if she is going to "punish" her favourite girl and 2 times cover girl Blake Lively?