Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Avril Lavigne Gives A Half Assed Apology

Because most of you have a life, you probably did not notice that Avril Lavigne performed in Tampa Bay over the weekend at baseball game. She was asked by the Tampa Bay Rays because, Avril's whole shtick is that she gives you punk that is 8 year old friendly. So, with that in mind she was asked to perform in front of 24,000 fans. Her performance had some technical problems so Avril decided to let out a string of f bombs and other profanities which showed just how big of a vocabulary Avril has.

Knowing she will probably not get another sports gig anytime within the next ten years, Avril should have given an apology right after it happened. Instead, she said, “We just had so much fun tonight and we want to take the tirade out and say thank you to the Tampa Bay Rays! I’m truly sorry if anyone was offended by my language.”

Where is the apology in that? Everyone was offended by her language, because it was billed as an event where you could take your kids and listen to bubblegum pop disguised as some kind of pseudo McDonald's style punk. What she should have said was, I am sorry for my language, not sorry if anyone was offended. I don't even know why I bother. She just irritates me.


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