Friday, June 03, 2011

Alex Rodriguez Dumps Cameron Diaz

Just when Cameron Diaz finally broke down and moved to Miami, Alex Rodriguez had enough of her and broke up with Cameron. Of course, why Cameron moving to Miami when Alex is in the middle of a baseball season in New York would cause the issue is beyond me. Perhaps it was the idea that he knew once the season ended he would be faced with the inevitable pop in. It is tough for a guy who is used to a different stripper in every city of the baseball season to be confined to one place knowing there could be a pop in. You always have to be thinking about whether the stripper left anything behind, or if the remnants from whatever happened the night before have been tossed. Cameron has really been trying with Alex, so it is understandable why she would be upset. Everyone always talks about Jennifer Aniston and her luck with guys, but I think Cameron has had it way worse.


  1. Wasn't she part of a blind about a sports guy who made all his "lady friends" get breast implants and the latest one was balking at the idea?

    Anyway, I just don't get his appeal.

  2. I actually really like Cameron. Always have, and probably always will. Her resume is pretty eclectic, and I love how physically fit she is. She also comes across as pretty likable in interviews. *shrugs* What can I say? She's a member of my personal celebrity pantheon.

    She should NOT date musicians or athletes, though. I think she should pull a Reese and hook up with an industry insider who *doesn't* spend a bunch of time on a set, a stage, or a field.

  3. @ Big - yep, from what I hear she was definitely considering it. Women should just be honest with themselves and their men. If they want to get married and have kids, then date men who want the same.

  4. i hear Justin Timberlake has an opening for a beard? Whats that? Already been there done that.....hmmm well there's always JOhn Mayer -heard he's become quite a chef with his private lessons ;)

  5. Every pro athlete that I've ever had a conversation with has either cheated or told me about all the other athletes that cheat, or hit on me. Women need to understand what they are getting into with guys who spend so much time on the road, with groupies readily available. This is why Doug Christie's wife traveled with him and went to every single game he ever played once they got married. I like Cameron, but this relationship had its limits from day one and I hope she had at least some clue about that.

  6. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I want to take her out to dinner and tell her it will all be fine.

  7. @Ida: I like her too. I really liked "In Her Shoes". I thought she was great. I also like how fit she is cuz when I see a woman in an action role I need to believe she could actually kick someone's ass. I think she could, lol

  8. She's already said that relationships should be for 5 years and then everyone should move on. Wise words. She can do better.

  9. Anonymous11:20 AM

    She's a 2 face. Sometimes super pretty and other times hideous, but she seems like she'd be fun to hang out with.

  10. He must be on the same schedule as Sean Penn.
    Those 2 gross bags can swap now.

  11. I read somewhere she was paying for everything...him, her and his kids....
    And we all know he's not poor.

  12. I like her, too. But to be fair, she HAD to know this jerk's reputation. She could do so much better.

  13. I don't think Cameron is on the same level as Jennifer Aniston. I thought I read one time that she's not big on getting married and just has long term relationships.

  14. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I think that she can do WAY BETTER than cheap scumbag A-Roid. She just needs to believe it.

  15. when you pick shitty guys, you get shitty guys.

  16. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I thought Cameron wasn't big on the whole getting married and settling down thing?

    Maybe she purposely dates guys like that to ensure that she doesn't get tied down?

  17. There's no way this could be a surprise. I have the feeling she's just shrugging it off.

    And btw, euw, he's completely disgusting. Blech.

  18. I too read all the Cammie interviews where she said that she was into dating and shorter term relationships. However, given her age (38), I suspect that her biological clock might be kicking in and, not withstanding all her previous interviews, she might have been looking for a permanent relationship and family. I've known a few girls in that age group who suddenly changed their minds.

  19. Cams got a new movie coming out- this will create 'buzz'. You all know how this works!

  20. I hope she didn't get the titty-sacks he wanted her to get. WTG, Cameron! You just ascended a rung on my "celebrity-ladder..."

    OK folks, let's take some bets on Ass-Rod's next one...

    I'm picking Miss Blake Lively...

  21. we all knew this was going to happen, and I think she did too.

  22. Weren't there rumors (and/or blinds) about Cam doing 3 ways to keep Alex happy.

    Her luck with men has not been good for some time.

  23. i was watching some episode on ID discovery about this criminal who would do all this lending scheming, bring women into it and make them get implants.
    and the whole time, he was writing the next chapter in a book, and things would unfold just the way he wrote it. so crazy. wish i remembered his name. i'd google the story up haha

  24. I think Cammy talks big, how she really feels is a different matter. I think all this bouncing around has to hurt...she just tries to save face. Really I'd rather stand proud than be pitied.

  25. Well we all knew that was coming ! What a piece of cr*p he is ! Cammie can do SO much better !

  26. I'm really surprised at how many of you guys like her, lol. She comes across as a complete idiot in her interviews to me and my hubby. Huh.
    No offense meant either!!! :)
    Like I said I'm just surprised!
    To each his or her own!!!

  27. I've always liked her, and yeah, I think she was the "guy wants girlfriend to get implants" blind. If that's true, she can do better. Hell, even if it's not true she can do better.

  28. Funny, about a week ago hubby and I agreed we liked her more lately than in the past but, I at least didnt understand why she was dating such a turd.

  29. Maybe Justin and she will have some secret bang time on their press thing for Bad Teacher for old times sake. A Rod is an a hole. I don't totally buy the whole "I love being single after a couple years in a relationship" bit from her either. That is her M.O. though. Remember she was with Matt Dillon for years! That seems like ages ago.

  30. ITO with Jax. Does it really take 20 years of dating for her to notice a pattern?

  31. She should have NEVER BEEN WITH THAT LOSER!

  32. Enty is right on about the stripper obsession. When he played here in Seattle all of us girls knew him all too well. I don't think he can change either. It always seemed compulsive. (And yes, he was cheap as hell.)

  33. You sure she just moved to Miami? Because I just read about a new place she bought in Los Angeles.

  34. Wow. I'm so shocked. ARod dumps another of his vacuous bimbos? Who didn't see that coming?! Diaz is a moron who has systematically degraded her career with stupid choices. Her choice of dating ARod is just another bad one to add to the collection.

  35. I would love to see Dr Phil sit Cammy and Halle down and give them a talking to.

  36. Apparently he's really good in the sack. I hope she enjoyed the ride, at least. I don't know many women who wouldn't mind paying for dinner and such if they got it back in the bedroom.

  37. @Ida - I like Cameron, too! I've never heard anything truly awful about her except that she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed and I enjoy her movies (most of them).

    I find A-Rod to be EXTREMELY unattractive. I can't imagine anyone willing to have sex with him without some kind of financial arrangement, to be honest.

  38. Awww, that sucks. How 'bout this, A-HOLE...

    I will GROW a dick so you can suck it, you needing bigger fake boobs piece of SHIT.

  39. Seen Arod in person, definitely good looking. Something about him...



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