Friday, June 17, 2011

Alex I Will Take Not Getting Married For $200

In the will they or won't they get married category, I am going with Jesse James and Kat von D not getting married. The same day that Life & Style said the couple were taking a break, the couple told Kneepads the reports were not true and they were getting married this summer. I will go with the not getting married. Honestly I don't see why Jesse would want to get married. This would be marriage #14 and he is a cheater who will cheat again if he is not already so why would he even bother. Kat probably loves the guy, or did, and the publicity has not hurt, but she seems to like to go from guy to guy too.

They travel back and forth which is never good. You have a lot of ex-wife drama to deal with, so I will go with the not getting married. We need a good arrest or something because this week has been slow gossip wise.


  1. But...but....ENTY! She's his BEST FRIEND and soulmate! (again) Things is, this loser needs to stop marrying women if he's going to keep being a loser...for his childrens' sakes.

  2. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Isn't she as bad as the asshole is??

  3. I think Kat von D is a serial monogamist. She just loves being in love and loves being in a relationship. If they do get married, I don't think it'll last long.

    Also - I have no problem with the tattoos, and I also don't have a problem with the vats of makeup she wears, but girl...the foundation should match your skintone. It should not be 11 shade lighter. Also, please, PLEASE lay off the botox.

  4. i hope they do get married. i think they deserve each other.

  5. I don't think they will get married. His decision to move to Austin Texas, of all places, was a bit odd to me, and I agree the traveling back and forth between Austin and LA probably won't be good for the relationship. Kat Von D doesn't seem to have relocated at all, but JJ has a new business there and the kids are settled in to school, so... If they don't get married, he might just fade away into complete obscurity, that would good for everyone.

  6. Kat looks a bit like Rumer Willis in that photo.

  7. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Kat looks like a butchier version of Marilyn Manson.

  8. I hope they get married and have to stay together forever and ever.

    Unhappily ever after.

  9. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I thought they were already married?? Maybe I am thinking about when they announced their engagement.

  10. I think they are just fame whores!

  11. Henriette said it. I think they WILL get married since it will give them publicity they otherwise wouldn't get because, face it, who gives a flying fuck about either of them? Dlist famewhores like these will do anything to set the clock backs when their 15 minutes is this dangerously close to expiring.

  12. But they don't get any publicity now! Only the random article here and there - does that count?

  13. Wait, I thought she was already cheating on him?

  14. I saw them at dinner in Austin last week or the week before. As I was shooting daggers at him I could observe no noticeable animosity. So I doubt they are long term but not breaking up tomorrow.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. ginnybell - Where were they eating? I want to be sure never to go there. Not Green Mesquite, please! Or Shady Grove!!
