Monday, June 06, 2011

16 & Pregnant Mom Arrested For Meth

Do you remember Whitney Purvis from the first season of 16 & Pregnant? You might not remember the name, but she was pregnant at the same time as her mother. Well, over the weekend, mom was arrested and charged with possession of pot and meth. Yes, the woman who has a 3 year old baby and grand baby was charged with a felony for possession of meth and remains in jail.

The mom was pulled over in a traffic stop, and police found the pot and then the meth. Hopefully no kids were in the car at the time.


  1. Why are people like this always so fertile?

  2. Ah...I read the link. It's her MOM that was arrested, not her. But still.

  3. You have a misplaced modifier here. Should read MOM of former teen mom arrested. That would make it much more clear.

  4. How about, "16 & Pregnant Mom Mom Arrested for Meth"?

  5. The appeal of this kinda thing is BEYOND me. Seriously, if this shit intrigues you, move down to Appalachia. You don't even *have* to turn in at a certain time each week to observe the addictions and travails of the average redneck. You could just strike up a conversation in the parking lot of the local Piggly Wiggly!

  6. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Meth is a cruel drug. Supposedly you can get addicted the first time you try it. And the recovery rates for getting off the stuff is dismally low.

  7. The mom's mom probably bought the drugs with MTV money.

  8. @brendalove..Meth is not that addictive unless you have an addictive personality. I did it several times here and there for a 6 month period and I never could understand the huge draw. You run around spinning your broken gears really. Wasta time.
