Tuesday, June 21, 2011

16 Going On 40

Yesterday when I saw the news about 51 year old Lost actor Doug Hutchison marrying 16 year old Courtney Alexis Stodden I thought it was a misprint. No, not the fact there is a 35 year age gap, but because I have met Courtney before and I did not know how old she was but if you asked me I would have guessed at least 25. Contrary to what her mother says, Courtney has had a ton of plastic surgery. I really can't believe she is just 16. If you had seen what I saw you would never guess she is 16. That being said, if she is, then no matter how old she looks it is pretty sick that a 51 year old would marry a 16 year old. She is really 16? When I saw her she was barely wearing any clothes at all and this was like a year ago. 16? If she is then it has been a very hard 16. It is kind of interesting she has a new release out at the same time. I'm going to need to see a driver's license. I am also going to have to see proof of sanity from her parents.

When I saw her, lets just say she was not shy about wanting attention and giving it and when I read a quote from her mom about Courtney being a good Christian girl and a virgin when she got married, I was like are we talking about the same person here?


  1. Come on Enty spill! Where'd you see here at? A strip club, right???

    Oh, and that girl has MORE plastic than any barbie doll that I ever owned. I will fall off my chair if it is proven that she is 16. Late 20's at the youngest is my guess.

  2. She looks horrible, you can tell she's had plastic surgery. And her music! Never subject your ears to such devilry!

  3. idk think there's anything wrong w/ a christian anyone being sexy, but this poor girl, regardless of belief, is an auto-tuned hot mess who's been mislead into thinking she can sing, and has completely thrown away her youth into the arms of plastic surgeons and a pedophile...and that's w/o going into having parents more messed up and delusional than the lohans...and the 51 yr. old perv husband, well he should be ASHAMED.

    jesus wept.

  4. 16 going on 40 is right on....maybe 45....

  5. I actually watched her video on bullying. I would much rather listen to Dina and Michael Lohan talk about themselves while be stuck in a desert with them.
    Nothing about this chippy from her comments, videos is the real thing.

    What a way to score your 15 minutes. (to quote another commenter)

  6. I need glasses... the first photo had me believing he was 16 and she 40. Either way she does not look 16 at all... as for him, he's a sick pervert.

  7. if she was going to pick a fake age, couldn't she have picked a more believable one? i might even be persuaded to believe she is 20...but 16? no way in hells bells!

  8. This comes off as some publicity stunt.

    Something smells fishy here and I don't think it's the chicken.

  9. She looks at LEAST 40.

  10. Who is this girl, exactly?

  11. Two more wannabe celebs. Yawn.

  12. If *THAT* chick is sixteen, then I still wear a retainer and need some advice about how to adjust my training bra.

  13. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I saw her so call music video, it was horrible and stupid. She looks like a hooker more run down than anything I've seen for someone her age.

  14. I'd buy she is 16.. if she were a leap year baby and you add a few more birthdays to that age.

  15. @ Manda_Kitty "devilry" literally made me LOL at work!!

  16. She has absolutely no baby fat in her face whatsoever. This whole thing is disgusting to me. Him, her parents, her, society. ALL OF IT.

  17. What is going on with her arm pit in that second photo? I've been into the bathroom here at work and tried everything to get my armpit to fold like that. Mine will not do that no matter what. It's just weird. What's up with that?!?!?!?!

  18. It's 16 in Ali Lohan years.

    He will always be Tooms to me, hence extremely creepy.

  19. I don't get it. If I heard she was 16, I would run. But what in this whole thing 'says' 16? I get that he's a creep, and yes, it is 'rapey'. But DAYUM, that girl is not 16. I'm sorry. She looks like a professional WHORE!

  20. She looks like she HAS a 16-year-old.

    LOL @ __-__=__. I'm sure it has something to do with surgery.

  21. Paging Chris Hansen.

  22. Glad to know I'm not the only one who thought SHE was the 51 year old and HE was the 16 year old. So not buying that she's only 16. This whole story is sick, sick, sick.

  23. The moron will never get an acting job again.

  24. Only thing worse than the 51 year old married to the supposed 16 year old? wondering if he was into her when she was 15, 14 years old. Ugh.

    (not that I buy the fact that she's 16, this is just on the off chance that she is).

  25. Identity, I was wondering the same thing. What age did they start dating? That said, there is no way I believe she is 16. I'm twice her age and look half as young.

  26. There's nothing more pathetic than a middle-aged man who dates "women" still in puberty, except parents who hock their daughter off to the highest bidder. Then again, both of these things have been happening since the beginning of time. "Sanctity of marriage" my @ss.

  27. I can't add anything to any of the above comments. Totally speechless - and that doesn't happen often.

  28. He was great in Lost but not so much in real life I guess, just gross.

  29. Holy shit! 16? In dog years, maybe. She's the hardest, roughest 16 year old I've ever seen. I'd never heard of this trick before and checked her out on YouTube. Her voice is wretched.

  30. EXACTLY what MadLyb said!!

    And Enty- I KNEW you would post about this :)))
    When I saw it on dListed yesterday I knew you would mention it, simply for the odd creeper factor alone.

    And I think its pretty obvious there are fake boobs going on here but I think it would be fun if we guessed what else she must have had done to age herself so much.
    I'll start:

    Armpit lift? hehe

  31. She's definitely 40-something, so we can't be too disgusted that she's marrying someone 51! ;)

  32. I have a 17 y/o daughter here at home...and even if I'd allowed her to have plastic surgery there is no way in hell she'd look that old. In fact, I work with kids up to the age of 16 that come from the rough side of the tracks, and they don't look anywhere like this er, individual. I can buy the puppy fat in the face being sucked out, the books being augmented, but what about the hips? There's a reason there are Junior sizes, and that teen girls wear them.

    That's wishful thinking on someone's part.

  33. Nope, not buying any of it. 16? Super rough 16. Nope. Add about 20, then maybe.

    I am seriously gullible-I really want to trust people and believe in the good, but I don't believe this story at all.

    Too bad people aren't like trees and we could count the rings-

  34. I'll just bet someone is going to come up with a birth certificate that shows her real age.

  35. Im sorry, did we say 16? We meant 16 years as an escort in Vegas.

  36. I wonder if the person who told her she could sing was the same one who thought it was a good idea to try and pass herself off as a 16 year old girl. They were wrong on both counts. I'd have an easier time believing she is the mother of a 16 year old than I do believing that she's the 16 year old.

  37. i had to Google him to remember who was was in LOST, but I thought at first it was HIM that was posing as the child. She looks younger in this People pic. (She kind of looks like a cross between Julianne Hough and Ke$ha).

    The parents gave their blessing, so good luck getting sanity from anyone in that family.

  38. No idea re the source's credibility, but i heard he's got a management company; she's his client; this was done for publicity for her new release. [???] Whatever is going on, everyone involved is nuts. IMHO.

  39. Over two years ago, she was claiming to be 15...


  40. Yeek!! She is one skanky ho! The parents .. Lohan-esque. And him .. pervert.

    What is with actors marrying girls who are in an age range that would be more appropriate for a daughter?? One of my previous favorites is likely married now to his girlfriend of several years .. he is almost 50, she is barely 25 .. and they had been dating since she was 20. Ya .. that ripped it for me. Pedophiles .. so not sexy.

  41. He'll always be Percy Wetmore to me. Yea yesterday this really freaked me out but now after seeing what this "christian, virginal, child bride" looks like.. someone's lying! Shes about 45.. and REALLY slutty.
