Thursday, May 12, 2011

Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith To Have Sex On Oprah's Finale

For her last episode, I thought Oprah might go with a suck up festival of all the people she has given a show to. You know, Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Rachael Ray and the others who owe their life blood would come on the stage and sacrifice themselves for the God Of Oprah. Apparently though, this idea was not well received, so Oprah has to settle for plan B. No, not that Plan B. Oprah is going to have Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith on her last show. So, it will be a different kind of suck up fest and I am sure Willow will get her chance to sing and Jaden will get a chance to umm, show off his moves from Karate Kid. I think the thing everyone is going to look forward to is watching Will & Jada have sex. Jada is always talking about how they will have sex anywhere at anytime and I think if she is serious about it, she and Will should do it right there on Oprah's stage in front of everyone. As an added bonus, Tom Cruise can be there jumping up and down on the couch yelling, "I love this. I love watching sex. Nice ass Will. How much do you work out?"


  1. THIS is the big finale episode?

  2. Yeah, that's kind of anticlimactic, really...*L*

  3. I adore Oprah. And this is very disappointing.

  4. BAHAHAHAHA I nominate this for "funniest post ever"

  5. Perhaps Oprah is having Will and Jada on the final show so that her and Jada can get it on. Two blinds solved in one!

  6. Well I can skip the final episode

  7. I still find it hard to believe that two people that gorgeous are NOT having sex with each other.

    Yes, I know, they're both gay. But *still*. I'm a straight woman but I'd be tempted by Jada, gotta say.

  8. Two words: Oprah. Scientology.

  9. This is about as boring as the Leo post above.

  10. I thought that Oprah was going to have "the biggest star in the world" for her last show?

    Will and Jada? They must be a last minute replacement.

  11. Oprah has had some really good shows this past season and I'm really disappointed to hear this is the finale.

  12. Why? I'm confused. People don't really care about them. I live in NYC and I know the people here can't stand Will and the double decker trailer he's living in. I don't know many people who can stand they're son or their daughter. They're a family of egomaniacs.

  13. Will and Jada pimp their kids out as much as Sarah Palin pimps hers.

  14. In this ep the Smith spawn will sing an updated version of 'parents just don't understand' while mom and dad spray the audience with dayglo graffiti and CASH

  15. Anonymous12:07 PM

    i betcha you got this one wrong!

  16. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I don't like Opa or her show.

  17. So did another A-Lister back out on her? Agree, that these two will be a snooze fest.

  18. Seriously? Ending with those two? Well, that's a show I will skip as well.

    C'mon, Oprah... you could have come up with a better finale than celebrity hyping.


    Oprah, that sucks.

  20. Oh! I see Blogger's back up and running.


  21. Ugh...Will and Jada. I figure if they boast about their sex habits then they're trying to neutralize the gay rumors.

  22. I'm with Kitty. When people talk about how much sex they are having, that usually means they aren't having as much (if any) sex as they say they are. Unless pictures are shown, as far as I am concerned, it didn't happen.

  23. Basil said, Unless pictures are shown...

    And then I'd figure the pictures were staged.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Is anyone else annoyed by the fact that they all match the couch?

  26. Lame lame lame! Oprah can do better than that!!
