Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Why Would You Claim The Photos Were Doctored?

When photos of Katie Holmes surfaced over the weekend looking like she might have a tiny baby bump, I know none of you believed she was actually pregnant. There is no way that she would ever be pregnant without some kind of huge publicity buildup. And of course Tom Cruise having sex with her or finding some other way to get her pregnant. But, the thing is you and I are very skeptical people when it comes to these kinds of things. The rest of the world is not and would have made a little pleasant baby smile and could see in their minds that Tom Cruise got his wife pregnant. To them Tom Cruise is perfectly normal. So, why on earth would the publicist of Katie Holmes go so crazy yesterday in denying that Katie is pregnant and claiming that the photos had been doctored. Tom must love people thinking he got Katie pregnant. Is Katie so sickened by the thought that she ordered her publicist to deny, deny, deny?

I don't think the photos are doctored. I think a big lunch, a slouch, and a good angle are the reason for the photo.


  1. I walk around with a "baby bump" all the time, and I'm not even preggers.

    Perhaps she's just been kicking back with a cold one too many times.

  2. I agree, that is a slouchy food baby *L*

    It always amazes me when the publicity machine starts rolling for things like this. If it's not true, just leave it alone. People will know soon enough that she isn't pregnant...*L*

  3. I just think it's stupid that since so few people in Hollywood eat, anytime someone looks like they have had a meal recently becomes a pregnancy scandal.

  4. Poor posture + carbs FTW.

  5. Maybe it's the slightly messy bun combined with the sullen, dead-in-the-eyes look on her face, but she's giving me serious Britney vapors in this pic.

  6. Not doctored and not pregnant.

    Honestly, I wish a star would just demand their publicist say, "Know what? I had a big spaghetti lunch with a ton of bread and cheese. Fuck OFF. I run marathons." Instead they gotta say it's been doctored? Way to own your body.

  7. Please it's a little "muffin top"...that's all.

  8. She's looking a bit haggard, so I'll bet it's good ol' Aunt Flow bloat. :)

  9. @ Tempestuous Grape - Yep, that is what I think too. And slouch and bad angle. Being married to Tommy is bad enough, leave her alone. I pray she gets Suri and gets the heck out one of these days.

  10. i know all about water retention and bloat, especially after a serious evening eating all things pan-asian...but that's wayyyy too much of a pooch, imho. idk that carbs & salt can balloon you up like that unless you did it for a month in a row or something, can it? said pooch is awfully localized too...her face, arms and thighs look same as always. i'm not saying she's pregnant...but it does have me wondering.

  11. I have IBS and food allergies I get this size of pooch quite regularly when I bloat. I have a small frame so it always looks like I'm bebe a bord when I have a gassy episode. Nothing that a good fart wont help.

  12. She's leaning over and bending down, so that's really about it.

    She has a food baby.

  13. Bit of a tummy. That's all. I'm more curious as to why she's doing that thing with her fingers and her mouth. She looks like a scared, frightened child.

  14. @John. Hysterical. I'm in the same boat, but you said it way better than I could have!!

  15. @bflogurl - it's an ongoing issue for me and can't imagine what it would be like if I was in the public eye. I tried wearing Spanx recently at an event to help flatten but ended up with them in my purse. Thank God there were no purse searches else I might have been arrested by the granny pant police!

  16. "Should they whisper false of you, never trouble to deny; Should the words they say be true, weep and storm and swear they lie." -- Dorothy Parker

    Her publicist doth protest too much. Katie's pregnant. By someone other than Tom.

  17. Maybe it really IS Hubbard this time?

  18. I agree with Maja on this one - why do celebs care so much? I would just wait, and it would become pretty obvious that I was just having an extra scone or two. (Yeah, I am making scones right now so that is all i can think about. )

  19. Not to mention that she is wearing a very unflattering top that is riding up in places.

  20. Ugh. I am thin and I have a bad moment like 63.2 times a day. Like others have said - can't imagine if I were in the public eye. I would have had like 26,903 pregnancies by now.

    Meanwhile, can someone please get me an assistant? I am so overwhelmed at work these days that I can't get some well-earned Internet surfing done. I am SO out of the loop.

  21. Thats what my belly looked like yesterday when I was PMSing or last week when I didnt have a BM for 3 days. Wow..time to move on

  22. @Tempestuous Grape - Agree
