Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Today's Blind Items

It's true, stars are just like us. This B- television actress from a very hit network drama which I wish would just go away, came home the other night and found her daughter, in a compromising position with her boyfriend. Ooops. Said boy was sent packing quickly.


  1. Teri Snatcher's daughter?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I hope not, her kid is only 14. Ew.

  4. Grammar police is confused. The star caught the daughter with the star's boyfriend? Because you can read it to mean that she just caught her daughter with her daughter's boyfriend. I'm sure it's the former, though, since the latter ain't very scandalous.

  5. Yeah. This one is pretty straightfoward. The mom caught the daughter probably going down on the daughter's BF - or vice versa.

    I'll guess Felicity? Her and William have teenagers, right?

  6. Teri Snatcher was on The View this morning...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I hate Teri's whining - "I can't find a man. Waaaahhh. All my costars have husbands and boyfriends. Why not me? Whaaaaaa."

    Aniston isn't even that bad.

  9. I think it refers to the daughter's boyfriend. "Stars are just like us..." is the opening point.

    If Enty was talking about a woman grown enough to have a sexually active daughter, and it was with the stars boyfriend, it would have been worded very differently.

  10. Plus he called the boyfriend a "boy" not a man. For what it's worth...

  11. The housewives kid situation:
    Hatcher - 14 year old daughter (definite possibility)
    Huffman - daughters 12 and 10 (maybe)
    Vanessa Williams - 11 y.o daughter (maybe)
    Marcia Cross - twin 4 year-olds (no way)
    Brenda Strong - has a son (out)
    Eva Longoria - no kids (out)

    My money's on Hatcher's kid.

  12. Definitely conceivable to catch a 14 year old in a compromising situation with their boyfriend. Agree with Teri Hatcher.

  13. i didn't think that desperate housewives was even remotely considered to be a hit anymore.

  14. Teri's daughter for the win. Ugh, I would have been cleaning a shotgun while talking to the young man in question. Would have gotten the point across.
