Friday, May 27, 2011

This Jeff Conaway Thing Is Confusing Me

When Jeff Conaway first went to the hospital, everyone assumed he was in a coma, had overdosed and was about to die. Everyone expressed their concern and sent best wishes. You all remember this right? Then, Dr. Drew of Headline News, which is how he introduces himself now at parties, went over to the hospital and said Jeff was awake and talking and simply had pneumonia. He went on to say that Jeff was not in a coma, had not overdosed and should be out of the hospital in a few days.

Now comes word that Jeff's family has decided to turn off the life support machines. Huh? Someone is smoking crack and surprisingly, I think it is Dr. Drew. I have no idea why he would say what he did, unless he feels that because Jeff kept relapsing that it looked bad on Dr. Drew. This is a guy who wants to make sure he always looks good and if a patient relapses, it does not look good for him. Oh, unless he gets it on television. I always think to myself that Dr. Drew probably has some skeletons in that closet of his which someday are going to come out. Oh, and I would like to start looking for those skeletons by hooking Rachel Uchitel up to a lie detector and asking her some questions about her relationship with Dr. Drew. I think we would get some interesting answers.


  1. Maybe Dr Drew went to the wrong room???

  2. I'm interested in why he said it but I can't see why he would take Jeff's 'relapse' personally. He was never sober. This guy has been so far gone for so long. It is incredibly sad, but there is nothing Dr. Drew can do for him and he shouldn't have said anything.

    I wonder why the doctors treating Jeff or his family didn't issue a statement discrediting him at the time.

  3. I don't think Dr. Drew said he talked to him he just said he didn't OD it was pneumonia and sepsis. He then tweeted the next day things had taken a turn for the worse.

    Dr. Drew makes it pretty clear in Celeb Rehab that success rate is pretty low and isn't offering anyone instant cures. I think Rachel might of hit on Dr. Drew as is her natue but I don't think he crossed any lines.

    I give Drew a pass on Jeff, he wasn't his patient and was just trying to share information to those that wanted to know.

  4. It's possible Dr. Drew just made a really stupid mistake--he said Jeff did not O.D., but what seems to be actually true is that he did take too many prescription pills. I think Dr. Drew's intention was that Jeff did not INTENTIONALLY O.D., but he did in fact overdose on pills, intentionally or not.

  5. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I have read that he has not had any brain function since he came in to the hospital, they have stopped the feeding tube and are going to get the family to pull the plug. So very sad. : (

  6. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I heard Dr Drew on the radio the other day. He said Jeff had pneumonia and probably aspirated a pill while popping them. He never said Jeff was sober.

    Poor guy, he had some demons.

    A hickey from Kenicke's like a Hallmark card...

  7. off topic but, it seems Enty's blind item post on Matthew Vaugh being January's daddy got picked up by E! and Matthew unleased his lawyers.

    I hope Enty doesn't get into any hot water with his blind item. It all but says it is Matthew. I would die without my daily Enty and you folks.

  8. Poor Jeff. It's a very sad story...

    @timebob -
    I wondered about that too, but wasn't sure it mattered since it was a commenter that guessed the blind?

  9. What timebob said. All addiction counselors are realistic about the success rate of rehab, including Dr. Drew. Not sure what happened here, though.

  10. Maybe Matthew should haven't unleashed his dick.

  11. I don't think Dr. Drew was lying. I don't trust whomever considers themselves Jeff's "family." Certainly didn't hear much about them rallying for him when he was struggling with addiction, did we?????? I'm wondering which skanky gf is calling the shots for him now, hoping that there's something to cash in for her, a la Gary Coleman.


    Also, Jeff Conaway looks just like Willem Defoe in that shot.

  13. Wait, Dr Drew and Rachel U? THAT I want to hear all about!

  14. Radar just posted that Jeff died. Did they jump the gun, or is this true?

  15. TMZ posted that he passed away.

  16. OK, I'm sick. I just thought after the first two headlines (and note that this was taken off, the third headline is FUNNY!
    Grease star Jeff Conaway dead at 60
    11 minutes ago
    By Daily Mail Reporter Grease star Jeff Conaway died today after a drug overdose sent him into a coma two weeks ago. His family are understood to have ...
    Daily Mail - 114 related articles

    Jeff Conaway, Former 'Taxi' and 'Grease' Star, Taken Off Life Support
    Christian Post - Shared by 10+

    Source: Jeff Conaway 'not getting better' - 440 related articles - Shared by 10

  17. Yeah, the ABC affiliate here in LA is reporting that Jeff has died. How very sad. 60 years old. Rest in Peace Jeff.

    They are claiming it was his sisters, nieces, nephews, and a minister in his room with him.

  18. this proves once again what as asswipe dr. drew is. this guy's been dying since he got to the hospital. he was NOT strong, he was NOT healthy.

    dr. drew should stick to what he does best, which is........well, fuck. i can't think of anything he does well! he sure doesn't know a dying patient when he sees one!!

  19. Anonymous12:18 PM

    "by hooking Rachel Uchitel up to a lie detector and asking her some questions about her relationship with Dr. Drew."

    did anyone miss this?

  20. I liked Dr. Drew for a little while. He seemed to know his shit, as opposed to that other bald-headed loser "Dr" Phil. I guess anybody would look good compared to that guy. But now Drew is all about the fame. His batting average is not the greatest these days. Too many of his patients relapse, wind up in jail or die. I think once you're out and your season is over, so is Drew's interest in you and your road to recovery.

  21. I am so sick of, and disappointed in, Dr. Drew. I LOVED him back in his Loveline days. He was the voice of reason to Adam Corolla's smart ass, amusing remarks, but Dr. Drew made SOME kind of sense to my 16 year old self. But now he is just like every other "doctor" on TV: a famewhore. Sit down and STFU Dr. Drew.

  22. Enty, Dr. Drew has admitted in interviews that he is a narcissist... which he knows is a form of psychosis.

  23. @Timebob -- I had the same thought re: the JJ baby daddy blind item. But really what could Matthew Vaughn do if it is the truth?

    Sad to hear about Jeff Conway. And Dr. Drew is only in it for the fame? I'm shocked! Actually, I do like Dr. Drew. Well, maybe not so much anymore.

  24. for the most part, i'd consider myself a dr. drew fan. but since his show on hln started, it's glaringly obvious that he's a phony.

    they had a 13 year old girl on a week ago, who posted about how she wished osama had killed her teacher on 9/11 instead on the wtc victims.

    you'd think dr. drew would be trying to get the girl to understand why her actions were wrong... instead, after a couple teardrops and a halfassed apology dr. drew goes from upset with the girl to a tirade against the school that punished her. really? that's all it takes to get off the hook?

    clearly he really is a narcissist and not a real doctor interested in helping people beyond their bullshit.

  25. oh and it's terribly sad about jeff conoway. hopefully now the man can have a little peace.

  26. I think Drew's narcissism (which, by the way, is NOT uncommon in physicians, it's not like Drew is the exception) makes it hard for him to accept he wasn't able to save Jeff. Everyone think way back to the very first Celebrity Rehab and what a hot mess Jeff was. He never got better, not really. If Drew did anything, he probably prolonged Jeff's life a little bit, but Jeff's been on a runaway train for years. May he rest in peace.

    I still like Dr. Drew. I'm in health care. In my professional opinion that Drew isn't a quack. He may have gone Hollywood, but dude absolutely knows his shit. In the 20 years I've been listening to him on the radio or television, I've never heard a questionable or even distorted piece of medical information out of his mouth.

    On the flip side, people need to stop listening to Drs. Phil and Oz immediately.

  27. @Little Miss S&M - ITA re: Dr. Phil but why do we need to stop listening to Oz? Is he a crackpot too??

  28. You're incorrect about what Drew said. He said that JC did NOT OD. He didn't. He said he was in a medically-induced coma, which he was. Dr Drew was correct about all the details. Enty, you're the one out of step. Dr Drew is a consummate professional. I know someone who was saved by him. For someone who keeps an industry blog that trades in gossip to damn Drew for doing what you're doing, well ...

    I really hope you're not the real Enty writing this. I'd hate to think you'd changed this much because, these days, I really don't like you.

    This will be my last post here.

  29. I was a pathology technician, and I agree with Little Miss S&M re: Dr Oz. When he does the blood tests and gives results, there is no context to any of it. Are they fasting when they do the blood tests? What has been their complete medical history? It is so dodgy to have someone come in and do testing on them without having made sure they have prepared for the testing properly. He also seems to get off on humiliating people.
    Dr Phil apparently got disciplined over an inappropriate relationship with a young lady at his office years ago, but didn't do the counselling required, and ergo does not have any actual qualifications anymore. Not that that stopped him. You will have to Google about this because I read it years ago and can't remember where.

  30. Wait everyone. I have a medical background and would like to say.

    If you have pneumonia and your body has a weakened immune system (as someone with history of drug abuse would), you are at a greater risk of developing complications, which can include sepsis.

    Sepsis can shut down some/all your internal organs including your brain (which is responsible for telling your body to breathe). This can lead to trauma and eventually cause your body to shut down, as it did in this case, unfortunately.

  31. Jeff is the second person to have appeared on Dr. Drew's show who later died. Former Alice in Chains bassist Mike Starr, who was on the show in 2009, was found dead in Salt Lake City in March after an apparently pretty hardcore relapse.
    I used to like him on "Loveline," but I think maybe "Doctor" Drew should reconsider his profession...
    Too sad, RIP Mr. Conaway.

  32. "Too many of his patients relapse, wind up in jail or die."

    "Jeff is the second person to have appeared on Dr. Drew's show who later died...... I think maybe "Doctor" Drew should reconsider his profession"

    I think some people really don't have a solid understanding of addiction, treatment, and a doctor's role. There is no cure for addiction. Addicts relapse all the time, this has nothing to do with Dr. Drew. Some people have to go to rehab 2,3,4,5,10 times before it sticks and for some they never get clean.

    As far as I know neither of the above died under Dr. Drew's medical care or due to medical malpractice of his part. Dr. Drew could have show up at Jeff's house everyday and wouldn't mean he would have quit. It's very hard to come to terms with when you have a addict in your life, but no matter what you do to try to get them clean you can't.

  33. Pneumonia can progress incredibly quickly. Remember Jim Henson? Dr. Drew passes my sniff test. I think he was really pulling for the guy.



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