Rihanna & Chris Brown Follow Each Other On Twitter
In what is probably the first step to publicly reuniting, Rihanna and Chris Brown have been following each other on Twitter. See, what you do is you get the public used to it in small doses. Generally everyone who has commented on Rihanna's page about her following the guy who abused the crap out of her and made her face look like a battered and old shoe have been negative. But, over time people will get used to her following the guy who beat her and punched her and bot her so when she says something like they are going to do a song together, people will kind of be numb to it all. You know, kind of like her face must have felt after Chris punched her in it while he was driving his car and then to make sure he got her really good, pulled over to finish the job. For now though, hopefully people like this one fan can shame her into not going back.
"I never thought you would go back to him! You better not, it's your life but you do have ppl that look up to you. e.g young girls."