Friday, May 27, 2011

Random Photos Part Two

For those of you in the States, I hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend, and please don't forget the meaning behind the Day.
Adam Ant in his comeback concert fell down and went boom.
Alicia Silverstone's husband smothers their newborn. Seriously, what is he doing?
Elle Macpherson somehow manages to exit her six foot frame with four inch heels and a very short dress from a taxi and do it gracefully.
So, you wanted some Game Of Thrones photos. Here are Sean Bean and
Nikolai Coster-Waldau doing some press for the show.
January Jones dares Zoe to tell everyone who the baby daddy is.
Jude Law shows off the latest trend, the soul patch for the head. Or you can just call it balding.
Kelly Osbourne has been dating this new guy for almost a month and they have not moved in together. Shocker!!
It didn't take Keira Knightley long to find a new guy.


  1. Why oh why hasn't a casting director figured out yet that Sean Bean and Donal Logue need to be cast as brothers NOW!? Nikolai Coster-Waldau is dreamy, but it's Jason Momoa who really floats my boat from that cast. Great show, Game of Thrones, and this coming from someone who hasn't read the books and is normally *extremely* adverse to the genre.

  2. SEAN BEAN!!! Thank you Enty!

    (Although he looks like he's been drinking non-stop for days. But who cares? I still would...)

    mwah, mwah, kiss kiss

  3. Why IS it that the less hair a man has on his head, the more he seems to have on his body?

    Scientists: it is a testosterone thing?

    That's a lovely photo to use for Memorial Day. I say that with zero snark.

  4. Happy Memorial Day everyone. I hear there's gonna be a great Memorial Day party at Lindsay's place this weekend. It's going to make that Charlie Sheen bender from back in January look like Mister Rodger's Neighborhood.

  5. Anonymous1:42 PM

    CDAN "Entertainment" Lawyer:

    It must be nice to threaten to expose the father of JJ's kid. Such a good way to get a "pay off" to not reveal on July 4th. Then on July 4th you'll tell your audience that you "got a change of heart" because its unfair to the unborn child after all.

    Those under table deals add up to a nice chunk of change, ya know?

  6. I saw somewhere today (Page Six? Can't recall) that the father of January Jones' child is Matthew Vaughn, film producer (of the new X-Men film, among others) and husband of Claudia Schiffer.

    After having seen a few photos of Matthew Vaughn, I seriously hope his children with Claudia, and possibly with January Jones, all look like their mothers. He is atrocious looking.

  7. That reveal is already all over the gossip sites today. E! Online had it up earlier today (though it's gone now) and a few others (I won't name) had it up before E! did.

  8. Anonymous1:53 PM

    January KNOWS it will get out sooner or later though...

  9. Great casting on "A Game of Thrones". And a great show on HBO. It could be on for years and years. There are going to be seven books in the series. And some of them are huge.

  10. I am totally Pro-Choice but when the woman chooses to have the baby in spite of embarrassment or difficulties, I think that's just really cool. So props to January Jones.

  11. @looserdude...If her circumstances were different, I'd agree 100% but she slept willingly with a married dude.

    She gets no props from me.

  12. @JBE -- TOTALLY agreed.

    This kid might grow up rich, but he also gets to grow up knowing that he has a homewrecking mom and a dirtbag dad. I see no reason why January deserves any "props" for having an affair and keeping the baby which resulted from it.

  13. Well hello, Nikolai! You make me wish I had cable.

  14. Good Lord I just wanna bite Sean Bean around the chin and neck area, looking so scruffy and manly.

    num num

  15. Jude Law isn't balding...he's growing his own island.

  16. Balding weirdly or not....I'd still totally do him.

    And Kelly's bf is GROSS skinny- I mean, look at that leg.

    And I agreed with what looserdude said and then I saw JBE post and liked it even better. :))

  17. Matthew Vaughn has been denying all day he's the father.

    I'm not buying it.

  18. Thank you for the Sean Bean. Game of Thrones is a good show. LOVE Sean's chemistry with Maisie (the child that plays his daughter Arya).

  19. LOL @ "anonymous celeb x" that comment was hilarious to me! What kind of site do you think you're on???
    Every time I see a picture of Alicia Silverstone's husband I can't help but think about when his band (S.T.U.N.) performed @ a show in Vegas and he was all over this chick right in front of me...He was (supposedly) with AS then too. Anyways, not surprised Keira has a new BF, she is gorgeous. I've liked her since Love Actually.

  20. Sean Bean is awesome and gorgeous, and it amazes me that he hasn't gone farther in Hwood.

    January Jones is boring. Even amidst this "pregnancy scandal."

    Jude Law's outside now matches his inside. Gross.

  21. I think Jude Law still looks hot, different than in his youth but handsome doesn't need hair.

  22. They all deny the are the father in these celebrity cases, so why should I believe Matthew Vaughn?

    Elle Macpherson is stunning. She and Christy Turlington have been my favorite models since I am 14 years old. They both still look amazing.

  23. Yeah, they almost always deny these things, but Vaughn actually got lawyers involved, and it looks like they got E! to pull their story. Usually people don't bring in the lawyers unless they're telling the truth.

  24. good for Jude Law for not covering up an imperfection! now THAT is hot!

  25. Jude Law is a lovely person inside, and he's a hot man outside. So he has wet hair and therefore it's not styled like he normally he supposed to act prissy and hide it? He's not afraid. But making fun of people's imperfections is bad manners; aren't those taught anymore?

  26. "Celeb" X, I sure hope you strong words for MV as well, maybe JJ too. I love how the blame always lands on someone else, like the messenger, instead of the people who couldn't keep in their pants and threw their families away.

    I had my money on Bobby Flay, one of her other married men boyfriends but this was hardly a well kept secret before the blind.

  27. I feel slightly attracted to Jude in a dirty, I know this crush is wrong sort of way.

    I don't what to think of this whole MV thing. Even though it's completely JJ decision to name the father or not...if he isn't, I think some kind of statement should be made considering his wife/kids?!

  28. I have been racing through all of the books in a Song of Ice and Fire - they are so good!! Love Sean Bean (and yes, Jason Momoa is fabulous)...

  29. Lol to that pic of JJ and Zoe. Evil eye going on there. Well January has admitted that women hate her (you know, since she's too beautiful and all).

    Sorry, no props to a woman who knowingly sleeps with a married man. No props at all.

  30. @Majik: That reminded me of something my uncle used to say about his own head, that he had "an island of hair in a sea of baldness." Funny.

  31. @Mooshki - but Vaughn has hired the same lawyer that Ashton did to deny the story about his infidelities, too! They railed about fling a lawsuit, but none was ever filed ;)
