Joplin, Missouri, my thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Taylor Swift doing some chaperoning of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez but as you can

tell from this photo, she is far too late. That is a couple having sex.

Speaking of having sex. Rihanna and Britney did their best to have sex with the poles last night.

Beyonce takes her nephew around backstage.

Nicole Kidman hangs out in the crowd.

Meanwhile, Fergie, Kelly and Michelle think about a new version of Destiny's Child.

Larry Mullen meets Travis Barker.

And five minutes after this photo, Nicky Minaj was pregnant with Lil Wayne's 64th child.
Is it just me, or does Travis Barker look absolutely gaunt? I realize he's always been skinny, but he looks positively emaciated here.
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ReplyDeleteI forget how giant-ly tall Taylor is until I see her beside other people!
I did not know that about Keith either! This is his 3rd time since being with Nicole isn't it? Sad!
He's supposed to be Marky SweetPuss according to Ted, which in that blind he swings the other way and has an evil witch wife Cruella St Shackles (Nicole)
I can't stand Nicole, but thank god she went back to copper hair. Her former granny-freeze-ultra-blonde was so aging!
ReplyDeleteOk, now I can't find where i read this, and now I am afraid I may have started a rumor. Disregard Keith being in rehab. But I just read it, and now of course can't find it. Sorry. Not trying to be irresponsible, so for now retract!
ReplyDeleteWith that hair and dress Selena is channeling her inner CHER lol
ReplyDeleteBritney and those damn calf high boots! Doesn't she know how fucking stumpy they make her legs look? She should wear the knee high ones and hide those enormous ugly calves of hers.
ReplyDeleteWhat size shoe does Nicole wear? Those are some big, ugly ass shoes.
ReplyDeleteGrandma Knowles and the House of Dereon must have dressed Beyonce's nephew. The boy is gonna be pissed when he sees this picture years from now. Leather jacket - cool; capri shorts - NOT.
Britney can flash that fake happy smile all she wants, her eyes tell a different story.
@parissucksliterally, wow, if you think Britney's calves are shameful I hope you never see mine. I should probably just wear a burka so people don't have to be exposed to my disgustingly thick calves. And trust me, my thighs would cause you to poke out your eyes.
ReplyDeleteJustin and Selena having sex? Ack! I shudder to think so.
ReplyDeleteLove Nicole K's hair.
Little miss, he does look really skinny. I hope he doesn't have some type of drug problem but I think he is a vegetarian or vegan so that might have something to do with it if he changed his diet.
ReplyDeleteI imagine he has a lot of survivor's guilt after the plane crash, and then having DJ AM die. I don't know how that wouldn't mess with you, especially since his best friend was in the plane.
Thank you for the shout out to Joplin MO. My daughter, dogs and I spent last night in our basement while that thing roared through Joplin, just 40 miles away from us. Death toll is up to 116 this afternoon and the devastation is unbelievable. The tornados that swept through Alabama last month were bad, and this one, that was on the ground for six miles, was right up there with them. Sort of puts things into perspective when you read about the latest Hollywood temper tantrum, you know?
ReplyDeletePrayers and thoughts to those affected by the storms, including those in OK, KS, and Minnesota. Today my FIL and his wife were headed from our house in OK to Branson MO and were skirting Joplin along the way. Can't begin to imagine what it looks like.
ReplyDeletePrayers to those in Joplin and Minneapolis.
ReplyDeleteOn the lighter side, Justin Bieber looks like a stereotypical bull dyke. That's not meant as a slam on lesbians. I'm saying he looks like a masculine female.
Also, why do female pop stars (I'm looking at you, Brit Brit and Rihanna!) persist in dressing like whores? Those two would not look out of place doing the day shift at Big Roy's House of Tits near the airport.
Texshan, you are so right. Somebody fully clothed like Petula Clark could never make it today.
ReplyDeleteTo me, if you grind on a pole and/or have to be half-naked in practically every performance, you are an entertainer, not a true artist.
Guess no blind items again. What has happened to this site?
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ReplyDeletePreach it, Libby!
ReplyDeleteBritney and Rihanna looks as though they are wearing the harness you would wear for a strap-on. I think it might be... All they are missing is the dildos. Trashy.
ReplyDeleteTravis looked high as a kite last night. Before he started jamming on his drums, he couldn't sit still at all. Totally tweaked out. And afterwards, as Ken Jeong played the triangle, he was still swaying in his seat. Poor guy. I hope he getting professional help. He has kids (with Oscar de la Hoya's ex, Shana). Sheesh.
Poor Missouri! It's awful. :(
ReplyDeleteSelena Gomez is too hot for Bieber.
Agree that Nicole looks WAY better as a red head.
Gosh, Travis does look super skinny! Or is it his oversized tank?? Also, is there a square inch of his body that isn't tattooed?
There should always be a warning before showing a picture of Travis Barker. He's absolutely hideous. And I think Larry got work done :(
ReplyDeletePrayers to the folks in Joplin.
ReplyDeleteHey Mother Nature? enough already.
Libby in StL
anita_mark: yes, I was thinking Larry Mullen looks very pulled and different.
ReplyDeleteTMZ says the dad and five of the Duggar kids went to Joplin with three carloads of supplies to hand them out and help search for survivors, putting their money where their mouths are, so to speak. Makes me glad to see it.
ReplyDeleteI am so over all the tornadoes coming through here, really. So far I've been lucky, but I have a BOB (Bug Out Bag) packed, you can believe it, and I bring it into the bathtub when the sirens go off with my pillows, my cat, my laptop and my phone.
ReplyDeleteThe thing that freaked me out about Joplin is that tornado (an E5) stripped the bark from the trees. I'm having nightmares.
The Duggars creep me out but bless their hearts. It will be years before Joplin is the same.