Friday, May 20, 2011

Pete Doherty Is Finally Going To Jail

Apparently Pete Doherty is getting old enough that all the judges he had sex with previously when he was a prostitute have all retired or something because Pete is going to jail. I know, I know. After years and years and multiple arrests and court appearances, Pete is finally going to do time. Oh sure, he is not going to even be charged with all of these deaths that have happened because he supplied drugs to people, but at least he is going to jail. After pleading guilty last month to coke possession, this morning in a London court, Pete found out his sentence. I was expecting more probation or rehab, but he actually got six months in jail. So, for those of you with tickets to his show tonight in Scotland, you may want to try and get your money back.


Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

OMG, this is going to break Michael K's heart!!

RocketQueen said...

I read somewhere that he had 25 convictions before heads up, people. Considering he's the UK's version of Lindsay Lohan, I guess we'll have to put up with a few more Lilo shenanigans before she ever does any real jail time.

__-__=__ said...

Looks good though. (I hate myself for that comment!)

delilah said...


bluebonnetmom said...

It is about damn time.

Julie said...

i love this song about him

The Indelicates - Waiting for Pete Doherty to Die

(They also just put out their new album, David Koresh Superstar. Pretty damn awesome band!)

Anonymous said...

OH NO!!! This means he's not going to be able to sweep Kate away before she makes it down the aisle with the other guy!

Sarah MacManus said...
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Sarah MacManus said...

"All of these deaths"

Mark Blanco guy fell out of a window at a party he was at, you know where people were drinking and carousing.

He was cleared by the court of supplying drugs to Robin Whitehouse and the man who did supply them was charged with 20 months.

He isn't being charged with supplying because he DIDN'T actually supply them.

Pete's actually been in jail a couple of times, even recently. Just because you don't like or approve of someone, doesn't make them guilty - that's why, thank god, we have impartial courts instead of ignorant mob rule.

That said, I also think it's about time the boy spent some time behind bars. ;)


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