Tonight is the first taping of X Factor and I was going to go except that a quick look at the ticket says two things that put me off. No food or drink can be brought in which is fine as long as the taping is quick. Nope. The taping is expected to run for five or six hours and the audience is supposed to dress nice for the show. Seriously? 5 or 6 hours for this show? I don't think so. I am not sitting somewhere for 6 hours just so Simon Cowell can have multiple smoke breaks and practice flexing his muscles in a too tight t-shirt. As much as I would like to see Paula Abdul get gloriously drunk and to see whether Derek Hough shows up to drool over Cheryl Cole, I just can't do 6 hours. The taping does not even start until 6, so there is no way I can go without food all the way until midnight.
Speaking of Paula, she signed her deal over the weekend so will be a judge on the show. Oh, and a mentor. As much as I like Paula and as much as I am sure she is grateful for a job, I am not sure that if I am a contestant that I want Paula Abdul mentoring me, Remember that whole American Idol scandal thing when she "mentored" someone. Plus, she has not had a hit in 30 years, so her advice might be a little outdated. And slurred.
Even Paula might not be able to breathe new life into this mess. Good luck to her.
ReplyDeleteWell it hasn't been 30 years but according to Wikipedia, "Straight Up" (the only Abdul hit I could think of) was TWENTY THREE years ago.
ReplyDeleteI always felt rather bad for her
(and I don't watch Idol so I don't know about her shenanigans there) but maybe bitch should be glad for a job.
Derek Hough showing up to drool over a woman?
ReplyDeleteOh Enty, don't ever change.
ReplyDeleteThis mess is going to go down in flames.
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine how many tantrums will be thrown when a contestant gets Paula Abdul while others get LA Reid or Simon hell I would take Cheryl over Paula.
ReplyDeleteI hope the kids have the balls to oomplain she is of no help to them vs. an LA Reid.
Watch the trains moving toward one another at full speed....
ReplyDeleteI know two people who went to the philly auditions.
ReplyDeletethe one girl is absolutely amazing, her name is Hilda, and I hope they show her on the show and show how awesome she was.
the other guy I have met, he's my friends step brother. he was in a band called Sic Vikki in the late 80's early 90's.
Hilda didn't tell me who won. She is epically amazing, so I'm hoping whoever won Philly is worth it and actually wins.
I'd drool over Cheryl Cole too.
ReplyDeleteWhile Paula will just drool regardless.
paula had a minor hit in the summer of 1991 with that video that featured Keanu.
ReplyDeleteI think that was her last hit. 20 years ago.
I think whoever came up with having Paula on the show is absolutely brilliant. Everyone can make fun of it all they want, but Paula is extremely entertaining, and with the falling ratings of American Idol...it is a great strategy. Since Simon and Paula (especially Simon) left...the show sucks. Now with Simon and Paula both being on X-Factor, which is a HUGE hit in the UK (the show Leona Lewis was discovered on), I think it will do extremely well here. If no one knew who the judges were on the X-Factor, I think America wouldnt' give it a chance as easily...but now it will be familiar to America and I guarantee everyone will tune in to watch.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention that she can't and never could sing and when she did have hits it was thanks to producers with their buttons and writers who churned out crappy garbage. Paula pretty much always sucked as a "singer".
ReplyDeleteHaving Paula on the showing is a smart marketing move. I could have cared less about watching the X Factor, but I may tune in mow. Her and Simon are like Laurel and Hardy.
ReplyDeleteTough crowd today LOL
ReplyDeleteI quite like Paula, I remember she had lots of popular hits and she married the good Sheen brother.
@Jason BlueEyes - Rush...Rush. Hurry, hurry, lover come to me.....
ReplyDelete(That song/video was so terrible!) :)
That was a pretty mean and cheap remark about Paula. Would you rather have JLo mentoring you?
ReplyDeleteBy the way she had hits in the 80's and 90's so that was less than 20 years ago.
I wonder how much they're paying her considering she quit AI over dissatisfaction with her salary. I bet she's making even less now.