Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Patrick Wants To Be Normal As Dad's Baby Mama Is Revealed

Although the Los Angeles Times is getting credit for the scoop yesterday revealing that Arnold has a love child with his housekeeper, The Daily Mail, actually revealed all the same information back in 2003. They are probably wondering where the love and recognition are for them. With that in minds, did Maria Shriver ask Arnold about this love child back then and never bring it up again? Did she turn a blind eye while he was Governor? The thing is, this whole sleeping with the maid and having a baby with her all happened about the same time he was initially running for Governor. Do we really think Maria did not know? She saw this woman everyday for ten years and never knew? She got the cover of Kneepads this week so look for her to keep that going for awhile and parlay all this to getting back into television every night and a book and whatever else she can think of.

Meanwhile, Arnold and Maria's son Patrick is 17. In one of the saddest parts of this drama, he Tweeted that he loves his family very much but on some days wishes the family could just be normal and not subject to being who they are. This is why you need to start keeping it in your pants Arnold.


  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I cannot believe that he repeatedly screwed this ugly homewrecking skank. Gross. I cannot imagine the way Maria feels at this moment and I have lived it, just not with a bastard kid involved. I hate Arnold more than Mel right now and that is saying a whole lot.

  2. middle child started sex ed in school this week. this story came up as an example of keep it in your pants or use protection.

    i hate how some of the media is reporting that she was "after him" since the 90's and then were having "unprotected sex". as if he was powerless to her charms....

  3. I heard that Maria and the maid were pregnant at the same time too :(
    Also that Maria would not be making any further comments on the situation. My immediate thought was "right, until your good friend Oprah calls looking for an interview". This is actually a win/win for Maria and Oprah.

  4. 10 bucks says she's got razor blades in her hair.

  5. Anonymous9:59 AM

    This women looks like she has repeatedly used the hush money for plastic surgery. And didn't know when to stop.

    Married men choosing women to screw has never been about the woman's looks. It's just sex and manipulation.

  6. I find it hard to believe that Maria didn't notice that they had this maid who NEVER CLEANED!!!

    I used to like Arnold but now I think he is just a degenerate.

    I only feel sorry for his children, especially the little boy whose life will now never be the same and who will know the great lie about his life. These people all SUCK!

  7. ?! I see nothing in this as any kind of win for Maria. She has been humiliated to a degree fairly unimaginable. Not only did her husband cheat, but he cheated with a gutter pig (side eye to Jesse James), while they were conceiving their own fourth child, AND he got them both pregnant. Both boys are closer to 14, not 10. Maria doesn't need the money, nor the leg up professionally. She's got her Kennedy money AND her Schwartzenegger money. She was an accomplished journalist and author, before she dedicated more of her time to her charities and children. She's a good mother, and she's a dedicated Catholic. She's a class act who didn't even say her focus was on HER children - she said her heart was with THE children. What an incredible heart that woman has. NOTHING in this is a win. She's nearly 60 years old with 4 children. Sure, she'll maybe meet someone, but go after a real life partner at that point?? I hope so, but she's put in a lot of years to a man who sucks the biggest ass out of anyone in hollywood. Hey Arnold, I think your return to Hollywood aint going to happen how you thought, JACKASS.

  8. And the sick thing is, if Maria and the maid were preggers at the same time, Arnold probably got off on it. Douchebag. He and Tiger Woods will probably become good friends and golfing buddies.

  9. he wasn't told the kid was his until it was a toddler.

    wondering how many other "secret" arnold babies there are.....

  10. I feel sorry for the kid--especially when his father tells the world, "it was a mistake". I bet that feels good, knowing your father has acknowledged you as a mistake.

  11. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I'm pretty sure the maid did do some housework. He could have boned her anywhere. Their Malibu home looks very large.

    Maria's intuition may have been pinging for many years, but Arnold takes full blame.

  12. His son with Maria and with the housekeeper were only born days apart.

  13. First, Arnold is disgusting and I agree with others here that I'm putting him on the shelf right next to Mel Gibson.

    I was thinking about this earlier, and in some ways this is not just about Arnold being a pig. It's my opinion that in the Kennedy family if you're a male you do what you want and if you're a female you be the dutiful wife & just deal with it. I think Maria grew up in a family where the male of the household cheating was acceptable. We are a product of our environment, and while we have the ability to change you have to choose to do so. She's obviously decided that she's done with Arnold, but it will be interesting to see if she ends up in another relationship with a cheating guy or if she gathers up enough self worth to realize she deserves more than that. She had such a promising career at one point and has a national stage; she could really do a lot more with her life if she chose to do so.

    It's always the kids I feel the most sorry for in these situations, as they don't ask to be brought into this mess. This has to be just horrible for them.

  14. Amazing, This is what he cheated with ....the man needs help, serious help.

  15. L.A. news kept running a promo yesterday "How did Arnold keep this child a secret?"

    Duh, em oh in ee why, that's how.

    Really sad part is TMZ reporting that the secret son looks like Ahnut.

  16. First and foremost, Maria is a Kennedy.
    That doesn't excuse anything but it sure as hell explains her actions through the years.
    That being said, she's going to get a career reboot out of this - it's probably her way of getting payback. Arnie's finished politically, so now she's cashing out the account so to speak.

  17. There are 2 stories getting twisted. The (blonde) stewardess & child was reported by the Daily Mail in 2003. That child is 19ish now. This housekeeper and her 10/11 y/o was uncovered recently, although Arnie found out he was the father when the child was a toddler.

    I heard that Patrick and a sister both changed their last names to Shriver on FB.

  18. my heart breaks for the kids...even the housekeeper's one...possibly more for him than anyone else. i think this is about to get dirtier than we could have prognosticated...even the latin morning shows (telemundo, univision and tv azteca, specifically) are ripping into the mistress...accordiing to the reports, there's already a lot of backlash and outcry from the mexican community in LA, (baena is mexican)...i think we're only seeing the beginning of how ugly this is about to get.

  19. Rickatoo - I thought I read the the 19yo was proven via dna not to be Arnold's. Or was that just what they told us?

  20. SueEllen made me laugh. Out loud, even.

  21. I hope Maria's "Kennedy" children learn differently and see what their father has done as unacceptable.

    Rickatoo, gawker has a story that Arnold has two secret kids but I don't know how accurate it is. I read it yesterday when I was half asleep.

    I don't think the housekeeper was being pressured or manipulated, it sounds like after she told Arnold about the child a year or two after the fact he paid up. I find it pretty disturbing that the woman kept her job at the house with Maria but some of the comments about her looks are just as disturbing. I don't think that needs to be attacked.

  22. PS - Evidently someone forgot to tell you where all those qualities get you on the Woman Hierarchy List (see the first post). All those qualities put you at the bottom of the Woman Hierarchy List. At the top is drugs+hookers/porn stars. Gutter trash is somewhere right under models. It's all these women who look at spreading their legs and remaining stupid to make a living that go to the top of the list. Women like Maria are down at the bottom with the likes of Sandra Bullock, Sheryl Crow, Madonna, Cher - I could go on. Even Elin Woods, spreading her legs and popping out spawn for her meal ticket and looking ever so pretty, rates above Maria who studied and actually worked for a living. That's reality in a porn driven world.

  23. _-_=_ .... kind of makes me rethink the way I went about my life. I really should have gone out with that super rich married dude who begged for a date, rather than marry the loyal, loving guy I met on a trip. Not. But unfortunately, your observations are not far off the mark.

  24. that breaks my heart. these poor kids have one of the most recognizable names ever (maybe the most)and are going to have to hear about this for the rest of their lives.

  25. Although I'm not shocked by this story, I find it a very pathetic turn for Arnold. You'd think it would take more than a conveniently horny starstruck maid to draw a man away from a happy marriage with a loving wife and kids. Pathetic and depressing.

  26. I bet John Edwards is pissed.

  27. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I just read this at X17:

    Since leaving his post as governor of California, Schwarzenegger has started to re-boot his film career, including plans to revive the Terminator franchise. When speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, the producer of one of his upcoming films seemed adamant that the scandal would not affect the box office.

    “It doesn’t affect this movie ... This is just another one of those things no one will remember,” said Albert Ruddy, producer of Cry Macho, in which Schwarzenegger will play a horse trainer. “Let he who is free of sin [cast the first stone], right?"

    Let's see if his movies will do any good especially the Terminator ones since he is making a come-back.

  28. The ABC affiliate in LA is now reporting that this woman did not 'retire' from the household staff, she was fired by Ahnuld after threatening to go public with her whole story. So the philanderer and the extortionist basically deserve each other, but all of these kids suffer the consequences.

    As for Maria, I'm thinking that growing up in the Kennedy household would teach both her and Carline the exact opposite. After watching the women of the generation above them suffer, I am sure they vowed not to put up with that type of behavior in their lives. If Maria was going to be the 'look the other way' type, this story might not have ever come out.

  29. Wow, Sylvia - Al Ruddy said that? The man who brought The Godfather to the screen? My esteem for him just went down a few notches.

    I think he's wrong on this one. Everybody's going to remember this one. Arnold is a relic from the 80's and now a joke.

    As for keeping it in his pants like Enty said, I think that ship has sailed. I'll bet he's got more kids around. Didn't he have a love shack above that Starbucks where his office was? And it's evident now that he never practiced safe sex.

  30. BITCH!

    What kind of nasty person screws someone and interacts w/the family???

    How hard is it to wear a fucking condom!!!!!!

  31. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Don't always assume a condom was NOT used. They work most of the time, but break some of the time.

    Blamk minus blank equals blank,

    Read "Smart Women Marry Money"! LOL. One of the authors is the ex-wife of Harrison Ford's son.

  32. After feeling heartbroken for all the children involved, when I saw the photo of the maid, I felt even more for Maria. She has admitted on Oprah that she felt the pressure to be skinny, and he cheated on her with a voluptuous woman. I am sure that is screwing with her mind as well as the cheating and child.

  33. The whole situation is grossly tragic. I will pray for all of the children. This is so sad.

  34. I thought the mistress was an attractive blonde flight attendant?

    It's my opinion that in the Kennedy family if you're a male you do what you want and if you're a female you be the dutiful wife & just deal with it. I think Maria grew up in a family where the male of the household cheating was acceptable.

    @carrie - another CDAN poster commented that Maria's daughters all have the middle name rose. Rose. Maria's long-suffering grandmother. The Kennedy women are martyrs for love.

  35. Awful for their kids, awful for this other kid who is just finding out (I am assuming) that the guy he always thought was his father isn't, and will be forced into the limelight as Arnold's son... Sad, sad, sad

  36. Anonymous11:27 PM

    I don't know that I blame the maid so much. She was screwing her employer...who knows what Arnold told her. She was probably manipulated as well. Arnold was the asshole that wrecked his family. Maria had to know something was going on with him-there have been groping stories about him for years. Another Kennedy doormat. I'm glad she finally dumped him-show the kids that women don't have to put up with that kind of behavior. All of the kids will be the ones who suffer the most. He is just repulsive.

  37. Condoms?!?!!? Somebody mentioned condoms?!?!!? He was MARRIED! He was BREEDING with his WIFE! Couldn't that be enough?!?!!??!?! This is just so wrong on so many levels. So many lives destroyed by this one man and his peen. It's wrong. And Lynette, please count your blessings every day and be happy. You are one of the lucky ones. It doesn't always turn out like this, thank goodness!

  38. @Pookie - She is from Guatemala, not Mexico.

    @Michelle - There are reports the maid said she was "going after" Arnold. Neither are excused.

  39. sonic, don't shoot the messenger. i was merely relating what morning shows had said. that is all.

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