Monday, May 30, 2011

One Model Lives And One Model Dies After Falling 10 Floors To The Ground

Over the weekend, I kind of briefly heard about a model celebrating her 30th birthday party at a hotel, who had been play wrestling with another friend and then fell through a window 10 floors to the ground and died. It was tragic, but I did not think I was going to write about it. Then, this morning I took a closer look at the story and saw there were two women who went through the window, and the one who was not celebrating the birthday managed to live (pictured above). She is in critical condition in a hospital, but is probably going to make it. Can you imagine falling out a window 10 flights above the ground and living? I can't believe the windows were that weak at this hotel. How hard did they push each other into the window? What a horrible way to die. This reminds me a lot of the woman who was at her bridal shower and got paralyzed when her maid of honor pushed her in the pool. You just never know what is going to happen when you start goofing around.


  1. That;s why your Ma says "it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye"

  2. Um, do you really think it was play wrestling that caused both to go through a window and fall 10 stories?
    Gee, I wonder if anyone attending the shindig witnessed an argument?

  3. Two things I also read about this: the 30-year-old girl who died had a 15-year-old daughter(!), and this all happened very, very late (after 3 a.m.).

    This is sad all around.

  4. Reminds me of an incident in Toronto years ago, where a lawyer at a prestigous law firm, high up in a bank tower, used to like to shock his guests by suddenly throwing his shoulder up against a window (to show how "strong" it was). Apparently the stunt worked or, more specifically, it worked right up to the last time. Then the lawyer had thirty stories or so in which to consider (a) how strong the window really was and (b) what an idiot he was.

  5. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Pretty female. Are there any links to this story?

  6. When I heard about this it reminded me of the SATC episode where Carrie runs into an old party friend (Kristen Johnston) who hasn't changed at all.

    They are at Vogue EIC's (Candice Bergen) high rise apartment and she tries to smoke in the apartment. They try to get her to stop and she's by a window and after saying "I'm so bored I could die", she falls out the window when her heel breaks.

  7. I read this the other day. I remember it striking me as eerie because it was my birthday as well.

  8. The victim's name was Lashawna Threatt.

  9. @Surfer - It was more than likely a 5 year old daughter.

  10. @Jason - Here is a link to the story from The Huffington Post. In it, it says that she leaves behind a 15-year-old daughter.

  11. Strange. One article says "5" - the other "15." Not sure who to believe.

  12. What an idiot. But sadly, one survived, but is probably worse off for the wear. I hope she is ok.

  13. Do 30 yo women usually wrestle around for fun? Are we certain they were not fighting? Just wondering.

  14. mikey - my guess is drunken wrestling, serious or not. Basically: booze.

  15. Anonymous3:56 PM

    jamie's girl...this appears to be an unfortunate accident. with alcohol involved, even tho' i'll rip a fresh one, tearing into these women isn't necessary. but it is you that i'm talking too...

  16. Anyone else thinking of Locke on 'Lost?'

  17. I guess I'm dull. Back in the day I'd get drunk and dance - table optional.

  18. @Rose - I thought of that too.

    I watched a brief interview of someone staying at the hotel and they said they have no clue how someone fell out b/c the windows seemed like they were super thick/strong.

    Not to take away from the tragedy, but I bet the hotel ends up getting sued, even though the girls should have had some personal accountability. My husband says stuff like this happens all the time.

  19. LOL Mooshki! That wasn't play-wrestling or liquor-induced, though. :)

  20. a friend of mine accidentally fell out a 4th story window in NYC. Luckily her head landed on some grass in the yard of the building, but since it was the middle of the night she was there for several hours until anyone noticed her. She survived after being resuscitated twice at the hospital. She broke/shattered nearly every bone in her body, went thru 15+ surgeries, months in rehab after months in the hospital. She is a walking miracle. How the hell does someone recover from a 30 story fall?

  21. Anyone else thinking the deceased women broke her friend's fall? What a depressing story.

  22. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I work in an office on the 19th floor of an all-glass building. There are several windows around the floor with a little decal that say FIRE EMERGENCY WINDOW. I was told that these windows were designed to break more easily. Why? So you could maybe lean out and flag down a fire fighter? Heh. (I have no idea.) But maybe the 'wrestling' duo hit one of those.

    This W Hotel in Midtown Atlanta is not in a new building. It has been around for decades and so it may be a design issue. For the record, it is ugly as hell, too.

  23. So sad and scary. Now I remember seeing this too.

    Now I feel bad for making a joke about Lindsays roof caving in from the paps.
