Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Maria Shriver Leaked Love Child Story

Hmm, I still say that the e-mail Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon sent to all of her husband's co-workers about his cheating is still the best Hollywood revenge story I have heard, but Maria Shriver does probably break the top ten. It would have been higher, but I am still not convinced she did not know what was going on for a long time, chose to live with it and then when the time was right used it all to her advantage. I guess if you live with something that long you are entitled, but why didn't she just leave many years ago? It was not like this whole cheating thing was a one time thing. It was not like the groping or molesting was a one time thing. At some point, you have to say you will not tolerate it any longer and leave.

Anyway, it turns out Maria is the one who leaked the story to the press because she just found out and was so angry. Again, what is her answer to the question that the world kind of knew in 2003? Then this kid goes on vacations with you and you don't notice the resemblance? I just do not buy it.


  1. I think she has the right to handle it in any way she wants. She's not the one cheating here. As long as the kid isn't harmed because it's not his fault. Then again, it's hard to see how he wouldn't be affected by all of this.

  2. More evidence of the fact she didn't know about the kid. I believe she knew about the cheating, but not the child. There is no way you would allow a woman to work in your house for years while knowing she had a kid by your husband. No way.

  3. GO MARIA!!!! I'm 100% on your side. I don't care if you knew sooner or later or when you found out. You do whatever you want with whatever info you have. It's your life and was your man.

  4. not to be an elitist bitch,but who brings their housekeeper on vacation? with her kid?

    i'm sure anywhere they went had ample help already in place to clean and cook.

    Family vacation!

  5. I know I'm becoming a one hit wonder with this statement, however it still holds true...Maria is a Kennedy, first and foremost.
    If this story had come out during Ah-nald's Governorship, that would have destroyed him politically. And Maria is a Kennedy. You don't do that.
    So she held back until he was no longer in office and then did what she could to destroy Ah-nald and whitewash herself in the process, while giving herself a career reboot.
    Mark my words, she's going to end up as either a high profile charity advocate or in political office.
    This was a carefully crafted and executed vengance scenario.
    Now, do I blame her? Only for the fact that she let her Kennedy instincts and training dictate how and when she exacted her revenge, instead of speaking out when the event occurred, even if it wrecked Ah-nald's political career.

  6. She IS a Kennedy in that she's sly like a fox, emotionally resilient, and has the kind of money and power not typically afforded to other women in similar situations. But I still think it's asinine to think that some women have a genetic tendency to forgive indiscretions. I DON'T THINK it works that way. If Chelsea Clinton's new husband steps out on her, I REALLY hope that there won't be a bunch of people shrugging their shoulders and saying "well, she's a Clinton, after all!" The blame needs to be put on the right person. I'm SO tired of people insinuating that "she should have known better." Sorry, but that's victim blaming at its finest.

    I agree with many of you in that I think she suspected Ahnuld of cheating, but I also don't think she'd be down with her husband's baby mama living in the same house.

    I think the timeline makes sense, and I think Maria is going to humiliate the HELL out of Ahnuld. She's a Scorpio. You do NOT mess with them and expect to emerge unscathed!

  7. Have to agree with Merlin. I am wondering, though, how many Sacto Democrats also knew and used it to their advantage. Arnold governed more as a Dem than a Rep.

  8. @Merlin -- "her Kennedy instincts and training dictate how and when she exacted her revenge, instead of speaking out when the event occurred, even if it wrecked Ah-nald's political career."

    I'm honestly hoping that you're correct, and that she timed everything in order to wreck Ahnuld's MOVIE career comeback. A political scandal is one thing, but becoming box office poison is something else entirely.

    Like I said: sly like a fox.

  9. If she leaked it, it makes me think less of her. How many more kids are picking on her kids now than before this story came out? Kids are cruel. Maybe they're old enough, I don't know how old her kids are but if they are under 18 it's still pretty shitty.

    Do what you want if there are no kids but when there are you have to put them first.

  10. I have been thinking about this a lot and I don't understand how she didn't know the kid was his either, based on how similar they look. But whatever, I'm still Team Maria.

    Based on the fact that she was the one that leaked the story, that certainly does point to her being ignorant of the situation as crazy as it seems. If she had known all along, I really don't see it going down that way.

    Again, Maria is certainly handling this whole situation better than I would.

    Hell hath no fury...

  11. She learned from her mother and aunts and Grandma Rose to look the other way so long as the husband didn't get sloppy with his indiscretions. I can see why she leaked this -- he's been trading on his *good* reputation and her family's for decades. Time to out him and his slob girlfriend(s.) She had to show her children that you don't tolerate this disrespect and humiliation in a relationship.

    On having waited to pursue this issue: she's had major eldercare problems, probably for decades, with her parents and uncle Ted. This way they weren't troubled by papps while they were alive and suffering. And now Ahnold can't hide behind their illnesses and hope his comeuppance would go away in the confusion surrounding their illnesses and deaths.

  12. Slightly OT: Who else thinks the trashy housekeeper is going to try to make a career out of this once the dust settles a little more?

  13. I am down with the theory that knew but that she wasn't going to do anything about it until both her parents were gone. And by that time, Arnold was nearly out of office. So she quietly moved out and made her plans before dropping the bombshell.

  14. Anonymous12:54 PM

    ita, merlin d bear.

    "Then this kid goes on vacations with you and you don't notice the resemblance?"

    if this is true, then her intuition was pinging all along.

  15. thanks Enty, all the gossip sites are "OMG poor Maria S. she didn't know!!". Come on!! she must have know. Did she not investigate that excuse of human being when the 2003 reports came out??

    He is total filth. And I agree with all of you who think she is intelligent and is handling the situation to her advantage. And well done.

  16. I'll bet that even if *she* didn't investigate the '03 allegations, the suits at the Kennedys' trust administrators' offices sure did for her uncle Ted.

  17. if she leaked this...it's very sad. whatever happened to kennedy composure? it looks like a knee-jerk reaction of an angry scorned woman...and while there will be no winners, the biggest loser is going to be the young boy that is going to be scorned the rest of his life. tragic.

  18. i love strong women! go Maria! i think she knew for his cheating but not for the kid

  19. I've read several articles on this, and it is my understanding the child was NOT with the family all that much. They interviewed the child's neighbor's. I think the mom lives separately from the kid as well, or did for years.

    Also, I read that the kid looking like Arnold had been a joke. It was so incomprehensible to Maria, she never put it together. I believe her.

    And this story today was that Maria JUST found out, and instead of just leaking this story, she was hysterical & fired up to do a PRESS CONFERENCE; her friends had to 'talk her down.' So she leaked it instead.

    For hundreds of years at least, many wives 'look the other way' when hubby's unfaithful, but the agreement is always with the provision that you don't have KIDS w/ a mistress. A huge part of that, I think, is that it's incredibly TRASHY to do so. Even to me, and I'm no Kennedy.

  20. I heard the boys celebrated their birthdays together.

  21. @Rose, I agree. I understand being angry and wanting to hit back, but in the media? Yeah, ruining his movie career is fine (but really when was the last time adultery & out of wedlock kids hurt a guy's movie career?)but there are kids involved. Now her kids, this other child are all having to deal with the fallout both in the media and in their own personal lives.

  22. She totally knew! As if the mistress would be able to keep her pie-hole shut about the baby daddy for 10 years while being in their faces on a daily basis. No way that woman kept that little diddy to herself for so long! I think she was also probably 'bribing' or had an 'arrangement' to keep quite, and so was taken on those family vacations & treated 'like family'. I think Maria just got sick of the mistress's bullshit, as well as Arnold's. And ya, she's sly & pragmatic.

  23. Sorry, she has DEVASTATED the Little 14 year old kid. Ihave ZERO respect for her. The kid is innocent. She may have made Arnold look like a punk, but she stinks on ice like dead fish.

    She really hurt this kid. Remember, her kids were raised by their dad, this little boy was not. He's the victim, yet, she took a baseball bat to the 14 year old kid's head, in the name of Arnold's career.

    BTW, she knew he was cheating. She knew the kid was his too.

  24. But it's not HER kid. Maria is protecting HER kids. Too bad for the maid's kid but that's what happens when your mother doesn't protect you. I suspect the maid will be visited and have everything explained to her sometime soon. I think she'll probably go back to Guatemala. After all, we're talking about the Kennedys.

  25. @equation -- I agree.

    @Jamie's Girl -- Yes. That kid not only has to contend with being the result of a notorious affair, but he also has to deal with strangers on the internet calling him racist things like "little monkey boy" because of his appearance. That's gotta be tough. He shouldn't have to suffer because of other people's ignorance.

    As far as we KNOW, Maria hasn't said one unkind word about that child, and I think it's unfair to assume that she has, or that she will. She's a grown-up. She's a mother. I'd think she was raised with enough manners and decency to not taunt this boy or make his life any harder. The kid wasn't the one who betrayed her.

    But what was she *supposed* to do? Play along with the ruse until he turns eighteen just to "protect" him?

  26. What's Baena's IRS exposure in all of this? I think that's the real reason she hired that law firm -- altho I'm surprised not to see Gloria Allred up in her face.

    And her not-yet-ex announced this morning that *he* only found out the kid isn't his last week. Doesn't say why the divorce filings say they had no kids, tho.
