Earlier this week I saw some photos of Lil Wayne with a woman and they were walking down a beach in Miami. Lil', was looking dashing with his bare chest, and his shorts halfway down his legs to reveal some skid marked tighty whitey's. Ahh, true love. Anyway, when I saw the photos, I said to myself, how much do you want to bet that she gets pregnant really soon. I mean while Wayne was in jail, K-Fed was back in the lead in their competition for who can have the most baby mothers. Wayne has some catching up to do.
Several websites have identified the woman as Dhea. Not sure how you pronounce it, but hopefully she likes being a mom. Since the day at the beach, they have also gone to a Heat game and spent more time in Miami. I am not a big fan of "dating" stories because I think they are, for the most part boring. These kind interest me though because I always wonder what a girl sees in this situation. As much as I admire Lil Wayne as a rapper, and I do, because he is very good despite the fact he works with Chris Brown, I wonder why women find him attractive. Do you?
The guy's talented, and I always find talent attractive. But one look at his mouth and all the metal in there....no thanks.
ReplyDeleteAnd Enty, I'm sure she's already pregnant, we just don't know it yet. Everyone knows Lil Wayne doesn't like to wrap it up!
He studies psychology I am sure he is a brillient conversationalist!
ReplyDeleteBut really - EWE
No, no I do not.
ReplyDeleteOf all the Lils, I prefer Lil Jon. Mostly because I know more of his music but especially after seeing him on Celebrity Apprentice.
I DO constantly wonder why, if I am poor as hell yet still able to afford my birth control each month, people who earn MILLIONS of dollars per year seem to suddenly find themselves in ~a family way~ more often than not (*cough, cough* JanuaryNatalieandprobablyScarJo *cough, cough*).
ReplyDeleteHaving kids should be more than just giving into some trend, of course, but you'd never know it based on Hollywood.
I'll take the grill over what must be some rank teefs, and the resulting breath! My Gawd it must reek if they're rotten under all the metal, and also if he still downs as much Robitussin as he used to claim...
ReplyDeleteBut she's pretty!
I'm sorry- normally my liberal ass wouldnt say this but....
Eww, my biggest problem with him as well as Travis Barker, now that I think about it, is the complete covering of ugly tattoos looks I dunno, dirty? I cant quite describe what I feel when I look at those two. I just want to rub them with a clean rag and make them cover up.
Lol, I channel a grandma I guess and since thats the opposite of sexy (no offense to the grandma's out there :) I think that's why Im not feeling lil Wayne.
I DO like his music tho- but Jay-Z is better.
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ReplyDeleteMy daughter says when he's on stage he commands your attention -- but off stage he's nothing special. Me? I don't know him, only heard him in a Fall Out Boy song and can't really be bothered with finding out about him.
ReplyDelete@Tempestuous Grape -- I completely understand. I have relatives I can't really talk to right now because they love Glee.
ReplyDelete@Jasmine -- I'm not a big fan of heavy ink either, I must say. BIGtime turn-off. I like it when people get anchors, though. Or portraits of their pets...
One of my more vain friends was once asked about getting a tattoo. She tossed back her hair, looked everybody square in the face, sniffed, and said "you don't put a bumper sticker on a Bentley."
Now, Lil' Jon is NO Bentley. Not what I'm saying. So I guess the ink doesn't make him any uglier, but it sure doesn't help matters.
Also, of COURSE Jay-Z is better! That's like comparing that Mormon Twilight lady to Shakespeare! ;-)
this creature is beyond ugly as sin. and since when did you like rap music?
ReplyDeletelol @ MCH! My least favourite of all the Lils is Lil Mama.
ReplyDeleteI understand about body art but it has to be done well. This idiot looks like a map by Rand McNally. YUCK!
ReplyDelete@selenakyle: In high school I went out with a guy who had braces. The aroma from the food that would get caught in there was, uh, pretty foul. I imagine Lil's mouth probably smells similar. I dumped my dude until he got those things off -- and he had the MOST incredible smile after that... I don't think you can get "the grille" removed...
ReplyDelete@ Rocket - I'm not familiar with Lil Mama.
ReplyDeleteI will always, however, have a soft spot in my heart for Lil Sebastian. RIP.
Lil Mama is a judge on America's Best Dance Crew and she's the one who got up on stage with Jay-Z and Alicia Keys when they sang "New York" for the first time and he basically shoved her off the stage for trying to share the limelight. She's ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteAlthough Lil Kim is pretty ridiculous, too.
@RocketQ - Hahaha! That's hilarious. I wonder if there is video of that somewhere. I'll have to look.