Thursday, May 12, 2011

Leo & Bar Split - Who Cares?

Apparently the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli have split is supposed to be big news in the tabloid world today. Do you really care? Do you sit around with your friends and discuss their relationship or if they are dating or who Leo is dating? I'm guessing you don't. I can honestly say that with the exception of a few days late last year when I seemed to repeatedly run into the pair of them over the course of a weekend, I don't think I ever even mentioned aloud the fact he was dating Bar to anyone at any point. Their relationship is not really tabloid material. It is blah blah blah. It is boring and vanilla. We want more from our gossip relationships than blah blah blah. Now, if Leo or Bar starts dating Jennifer Aniston then we will have something more than blah blah blah.

Plus, isn't this like the 18th time they have broken up over the years?


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