Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Kirstie Aley Diet Plan - Also DWTS Spoiler

Before I start criticizing Kirstie Alley, I had to say that I was a little upset that Chelsie Hightower and Romeo got bumped off the show. Chelsie is my favorite and always will be and I never thought Romeo would get this far. The fact he did and made America fall in love with him is great considering that most people had probably not heard of him. His farewell speech was one of the best I have heard since the show started. It sucks that the Karate Kid moved on when he clearly did not deserve to.

OK, enough of that. For the past two years Kirstie Alley has hinted that she has the great diet and exercise program to sell to the unsuspecting public. At first I think she said it was some kind of Scientology thing and later she said it was something she had developed. She has not had many takers because she has not lost any weight. On Monday night's DWTS show she said she was rehearsing 7 hours a day and only eating 1400 calories. She also says that when she tries to lose weight she never eats more than 1400 calories a day. That will make you lose a lot of weight. My fear is that she is going to somehow convince the world she did this on her diet program that she will sell rather than fessing up and saying that if you starve yourself and work out 7 hours a day you will lose weight. I think we can also expect that when she starts selling this program that she will say she was misquoted about how she loses weight.


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