Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Kirstie Aley Diet Plan - Also DWTS Spoiler

Before I start criticizing Kirstie Alley, I had to say that I was a little upset that Chelsie Hightower and Romeo got bumped off the show. Chelsie is my favorite and always will be and I never thought Romeo would get this far. The fact he did and made America fall in love with him is great considering that most people had probably not heard of him. His farewell speech was one of the best I have heard since the show started. It sucks that the Karate Kid moved on when he clearly did not deserve to.

OK, enough of that. For the past two years Kirstie Alley has hinted that she has the great diet and exercise program to sell to the unsuspecting public. At first I think she said it was some kind of Scientology thing and later she said it was something she had developed. She has not had many takers because she has not lost any weight. On Monday night's DWTS show she said she was rehearsing 7 hours a day and only eating 1400 calories. She also says that when she tries to lose weight she never eats more than 1400 calories a day. That will make you lose a lot of weight. My fear is that she is going to somehow convince the world she did this on her diet program that she will sell rather than fessing up and saying that if you starve yourself and work out 7 hours a day you will lose weight. I think we can also expect that when she starts selling this program that she will say she was misquoted about how she loses weight.


ms snarky said...

She also says she's gone down to size 6.
More like size 16.
The woman is delusional.

Baka Neko said...

I wouldn't say that 1400 calories a day is starving yourself. 1400 calories seems like a good sane diet to me.

bluebonnetmom said...

She says she only needs to lose 30 to 40 lbs. Right. And you are a size 6 as you claim. ms snarky is right, she is at least a 16.

Terri said...

1400 is good, but she is also dancing off at least that much.

The thing about Kirstie that I don't like is that she is a self-saboteur. She lost a lot of weight, gained it right back. Remember that bad week when she fell or something (I was boycotting due to Chris Brown). She likes to play the victim and wants people to save her. I think Maks is done with her. So very done.

MacVixen said...

1400 calories a day is definitely reasonable for a diet. I think enty's bigger issue is that Kirstie is also supposedly working out 7 hours a day, but won't talk about that piece when she tries to market her new diet. Working out 7 hours a day - now THAT should definitely make you lose weight.

But to ms snarky's point, ain't no way in hell that Kirstie is a size 6. i wouldn't even guess a 16. More like 18-20 would be my guess.

ms snarky said...

1400 calories is 3 meals of 400 calories each, and 2 snacks of 100 calories. Or skip snacks and have 2 glasses of wine. That is pretty do-able. She's so annoying. I watch the show pretty regularly, and I agree. Maks is hate hate hating her.

ms snarky said...

and btw, I can't believe that Romeo was voted off, he was a good dancer and pretty appealing. He came off as pretty genuine. I was hoping for that blonde chick whose name I can never remember.

bflogurl said...

I DON'T agree that the Karate Kid should've been voted off last night. He has been VERY consistent in delivering good performances, he was battling an injury and still gave it a shot.

As for Kirstie, she is certifiable.

selenakyle said...

It's all in the voting.

I don't even watch it this season but I would love to see Maks win, just once, whether it has to include KA or not.

mikey said...

Who is voting for Kirstie? I wish the show would share the vote breakdown with us. I find it hard to believe she's getting that many votes.

If she's a size 6 I'm a -2.

Pookie said...

@ Terri, you nailed it. this is it exactly.

RocketQueen said...

I agree with everyone else that 1400 is often a recommended number of calories for women to lose weight, the FUNNY thing about this is that she's basically admitting it's NOT about the product she's hawking, it's about simple calories in, calories out.

I'd say she's prob a size 10 right now. Good for her.

Rickatoo said...

rehearsing dance for 7 hours a day is an HUGE workout. adding 1 hour of jazzercise a day (to my then plateaued diet) helped me lose 30 lbs in less than 6 weeks.

she's not a 6, but she looks great.

__-__=__ said...

You would consume 1200 calories to maintain a body weight of 125 lbs. And if you eat real food, instead of JUNK, that is plenty of food. And plenty of weight for most women - unless they're six feet tall. She needs to quit encouraging other women to be OK with being heffers. There, I said it. Right after eating a pink grapefruit - when I really wanted pizza!!!

KellyLynn said...

I was thinking more along the lines of a size 12. She is dancing her ass off, but I do agree she won't keep it off for long. She would have to be honest with herself about what size and weight she is, rather than trying to wishful sound-bite her way into a smaller size.

I thought it was great when Maks told her 1400 calories wasn't enough to sustain her energy for rehearsals. 1400 is a good number for an average level of activity, but not at all for someone who's in intense training.

I think Maks has been pretty patient with her so far, but everyone has a limit to how much they can take.

feraltart said...

_=_=_ I think it was a pretty broad comment you made about women and their weight, as well as being sexist (I take it men can be fat?). I walked the Inca trail with my husband - 4 days of stairs over the Andes mountains at high altitude and I lost NO WEIGHT! The only time I have lost weight is if I consume 800-900 calories per day - it is starvation levels. I no longer diet as I would rather be healthy. I am fat but fit. I got to the gym 5 days a week, am on no medication, wear no glasses, have no health issues whatsoever. Just because someone is slim or skinny doesn't mean they are fit and healthy. Discriminating against someone because of the size and shape of their skin is no different to discriminating against someone due to the colour of their skin.

Jessica said...

I said the EXACT same thing when she first started DWTS - almost every celebrity, except Bristol, loses a ton of weight when they do the show, and I said give Kirstie about 6 months, and she will be telling the world she lost all her weight using her Scientology-backed diet crap.
Obvious angle is obvious.

Jolene Jolene said...

I'm with __-__=__ !

I wish Enty didn't word it this way and say "1400 calories is starving yourself." With 7 hours of exercise, yes. In general, no. Not even close. This is why people are obese in this country. They hear one person say "oh 1400 calories is starvation." So they start eating 2400 when they're 5'4".

Being overweight is not a good thing. It's not healthy. You want to love your body for being a 200 lb woman, go ahead, but don't go around saying it's okay with that "Embrace your body!" bullshit. While I don't like Kim Kardashian, SHE is someone who isn't stick thin but is not overweight either. She's a "healthy" size. Promoting that is fantastic. Promoting starvation is not okay, but neither is promoting obesity or being overweight.

Trish said...

I can (with absolute certainty) state for a fact that (as of last year) she has no secret diet product. She is TRYING to get someone to develop a diet product for her, but the problem is: (A) she won't work with anyone who isn't Scientology and (B) she doesn't really want to do anything healthily or intelligently. She wants a magic quick fix that she can hawk to her hearts content, consequences be damned.

If she ever does manage to get someone to produce this magical mystical product for her, I can assure you it will NOT be a good idea to use it.

libby said...

The 2000 calorie per day rule is only for active, average to large men. I've overheard many women making the mistake about cutting their calories based upon the 2000 number. For women, calorie intake should be maybe 1400-1700 (depending on their height/frame), unless she's a fireman or active military.

Jolene Jolene said...

feraltart--I really don't think __-__=__ meant it that way...being fat and being overweight are two different things. Sometimes people see someone and think they're fat when they aren't overweight, they're just not skinny or thin. There's a difference.

I don't know about __-__=__, but I'm just sick of the thin shaming. I hate that when someone says something about someone who's overweight, it's so offensive blah blah blah. But people say someone is starving themselves or are emaciated when they are eating a normal amount of calories, oh it's okay! Please.

ForSure said...

feraltart, what does wearing glasses have to do with health or weight? really odd comment you threw in there.

No way Kirstie is a 6, 10, or 12 right now. I know the camera adds a few pounds but I would guess she is about a 16, similar to my size. If she was a genuine 6 or 8, she would be showing off a little bit more instead of wearing black and solid color full coverage all the time.

Anna Geletka said...

Jamee, I don't like the thin shaming either, but I also don't appreciate _-_=_ fat shaming me by suggesting that 125 is a good weight for anyone "under six feet". It's possible to be fat and healthy, it's possible to be thin and healthy.

"Encouraging other women to be heifers?" Yeah, I'm real sure that _-_=_ didn't "mean it that way". And I'm also sure that Kirstie Alley, with her WELL documented struggles with weight and the absolute FEEDING FRENZY of negative attention she gets about her size, is convincing women to stay fat. Singlehandedly going against the constant and incessant babble of people like _-_=_, who suggest that anyone over 125 simply needs to eat more grapefruit.

That's bullshit.

JW said...

1400 calories a day is starvation when you are dancing 7 hours a day. 1400 calories is okay to lose weight when sedentary (depending on your starting weight).
However, you need to eat back your exercise calories.
Look at it this way - if it takes 1400 calories just to run the body's normal metabolic processes and lose weight healthily, if you work off (conservatively) 1000 calories dancing, you are trying to run your entire body on 400 calories a day. NOT healthy.

Krissie said...

Kirstie says she is a size 6?! Oh, for goodness sakes. This reminds me of a few years back when Mariah Carey lost some weight and announced she was now a size 0! (I'm serious, Mariah actually said that.)

feraltart said...

Hi all, I just got back from the gym and the computer ate my response, so here we go again.
JS, my comment on eyesight is because I have a friend with juvenille diabetes (insulin dependent, diagnosed at 19) who hasn't looked after herself for 20 years and has had two bleeds in one eye. She will need surgery to correct the problem and may lose her eyesight. Looking at her people would think she was fit and healthy because she is not overweight.
I have no problem with slim/skinny people, if I did I would have no friends.
I agree that calling people names due to their small size is just as wrong as calling people names due to their large size. I don't do it and my comment carried no negative comments re: people of a smaller build.
I understand that severe obesity carries physical and mental issues, I just don't think that calling people names helps.
Fat people have been around for a very long time, not as many as there are now, but some people are naturally larger. I have been fat my whole life, I don't mind that, what I mind is the assumptions made about me due to my size, which is no different to assumptions made about people due to their skin colour.
I like that we can have these discussions on this blog, and I always read the replies given to my comments and appreciate the time taken to respond.
Finally, my first go at this was better, I hate when computers eat your homework. Have a great day everybody.

Bit dams said...

about a year and a half ago i was so upset i literally could not eat. for 2 weeks i just couldn't get anything but water down. lost 15 lbs. i know its unhealthy, but i wish i could do that again......of course, w/o the hair falling out stuff

Audrey said...

I imagine Kirstie Alley is no different than any other woman on the planet who has spent most of her adult life doing the yoyo diet routine...starve to lose a few pounds, get bored with the diet and fall off by eating ice cream and chocolate, gain what we lost back and a few more pounds just because. Does it matter if she gains weight when she's done with DWTS--not really. Just proves she is human. As for the miracle fix someone suggested she is looking for...well duh! Every one who is alive and needing to lose a few pounds is looking for that. Walk down the aisle of a store selling weight management products--there are tons of quick fix miracle cures out there.

Meg said...

I haven't watched this season but I saw Chelsea/Romeo on Ellen & he is seriously adorable.

Kirstie is like 60, right? So she isn't going to get the same results as Kelly Osbourne. She's definitely lost weight and I think she looks great right now. BUT...I will not be buying anything she is selling, diet product wise.

Anonymous said...

Am I having flashbacks or something????

Anonymous said...

Oh okay I see, ENT hasn't posted since Wednesday....I was like "I swear I've read this somewhere before" DUH

Elle said...

There were postings yesterday - I commented on a bunch of them. Not sure why Thursday suddenly disappeared?

.robert said...

Blogger went down yesterday evening so evidently data was lost.

Sorka8 said...

Scientology must teach people to be delusional. Who the hell would follow her diet when she can't seem to keep on one herself? The woman yo-yos her weight. Not healthy at all!

The Black Cat said...

1400 calories is reasonable. I burned a lot of calories at a job I worked at last year and I got trimmed down quite a bit so I think a lot of weight loss and toning has a lot more to do with physical activity than many of us would like to admit. Unfortunately you have to keep at it and many of us just don't have time to work out several hours a day.


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