Monday, May 30, 2011

How To Make Money While On House Arrest

Only Lindsay Lohan could make money while on house arrest. There should be some kind of prohibition about her sitting up on her roof everyday selling some new product while she pretends to read scripts. Like someone is going to give her a job. Notice how Lindsay is posing and smoking on the e-cigarette while the packaging is front and center for the world to see. Yes, because the company is like, we don't care if this make us look like a bunch of a-holes for giving her money, we know we will get our product's name out to the world. Have a product? Give Dina a call and she will have Lindsay up on that roof really fast with your product. If you do not have quite as much money, then Dina will send Ali up on the roof.


  1. They could put a pole, some spotlights and a coupla mattresses up there too...

  2. Anonymous11:26 AM

    She looks better than usual. Hey, we all need to earn money.

  3. If I were a company seeking a celebrity endorsement, she would honestly be at the bottom of my list to call. She can't commit or stick with anything.

  4. Anonymous11:38 AM

    if the companies only need her to be seen with their merch, then she's perfect for the job. it's easy money, so it appeals to her. companies know that the paparazzi will stay on her heels.

    and what junkie doesn't like easy money?

  5. I loved those photos taken of her on her roof the other day. did tthe paps get access to her on her roof, you ask? Why She invited them, of course - Like, Duh!

  6. I'll bet the pages in that fake script she's holding are blank.

  7. I'd like two weeks of her "house arrest"
    doesn't seem too bad lounging in the sun, eh?

  8. When is she going to go back to her natural hair color?

  9. Yes Nightmare Child, shes blessed with a beautiful natural hair color and she bleaches the crap out of brains

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Would really like to know the name of the script she's reading.

    I think it's comical that they chose Lindsay to be their spokesperson. Because when I want to kick a nasty habit, she is the definitely the person I look to for inspiration.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. She could make a fortune endorsing a lot of products: hair color, OTC analgesics, Vagisil, energy drinks, security systems, you name it. She'd also be a natural for international booze & cigarette commercials.

  14. People are so envious of this girl, it's amazing, and a shame that most people can't just admit it! She must get a big chuckle out of that. I certainly would.

  15. @JasonBlueEyes - Clever, I never even thought about how they got the pictures.

    Maybe she'll get so many paps up there the roof will cave in.
