When I first heard that Debra Lafave is pregnant with twins I immediately wondered what teenager got her pregnant. It turns out though that the former middle school teacher who never served any jail time for having sex with her 14 year old student, is having a normal relationship with a guy who is actually older than her. Debra made the news back in 2004 when she was arrested after having sex with one of her students. No one would have probably paid it too much attention except for the fact that Debra liked to pose in sexy outfits which were of course posted all over the internet. Debra plead guilty but only received probation and house arrest. She was also not allowed to be near kids, so how is she getting away with this pregnancy thing? They feel her own kids are safe?
I know in my state the situation would be very scrutinized. For example, my daughter's birth mother was found to be an unfit parent by the state. If she ever gets pregnant again, her children will be taken from her automatically.
ReplyDeleteHuh. I wonder how that one will play out. I can see both sides of it. I mean, doesn't Mary Kay Leturneau have kids with her 14 year old husband? (Who is no longer 14)
ReplyDelete^^ Yes SueEllen.... so where is the line drawn??
ReplyDeleteUgh. Having teen boys myself, who often bring their friends over--I cannot see the attraction to them. They are goofballs, generally pigs, whose conversation skills focus on the word "dude". LOL. I mean, really.
ReplyDeleteThat't the problem, isn't it, bflogurl? Whose line are we using?
ReplyDeleteI bet nothing happens to her and she has kids and lives a nice(?) life.
Kids are bad for your health.
ReplyDeletei can't imagine the type of man that would want a relationship w/ her, knowing her history.
ReplyDeleteI'll probably get raked over the coals for this but if someone like Debra Lafave had wanted me when I was 14 I would have counted myself as the luckiest kid on Earth. Maybe it's a double standard but I just don't think it's the same when an older woman seduces a teenage boy. OK, rake away!
ReplyDeleteIt's still gross. Kids should be kids.
ReplyDeleteMaybe for once, for once, a bad bad person had a pivot point and will be nothing but a good human here forth...
ReplyDeleteOr maybe not.
It's not necessarily about what the kid wants or doesn't want, it's about their ability to make adult decisions. We've decided that 14 year olds are not mature enough to make adult decisions, such as having sex. A true adult should understand that 14 year olds are not mature enough to truly consent. Now, not all kids have the same maturity level, but 14 is AWFULLY young.
ReplyDeletelooserdude, I think a lot of guys might see it as ok and an acceptable double standard. That's probably how she found someone to date and get her pregnant, although that really just takes an one time accident.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it'll be fine. While she's no angel, sadly, she'll prob still be better than a lot of mothers out there.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that this is even news leaves me astonished. Who cares what she is doing now. What matters is what she did then. She screwed up, did & is still doing her time. Everyone thinks she got off easy with no jail time. Imagine someone taking your mid 20's away from you by sentencing you to house arrest for 3 years & limiting travel & curfew for the next 7. 10 years of life gone. I tip my hat to her. She has done the time, completed every single thing the state has thrown at her (normally does not happen), found & held a commendable job, found love & is moving on. She is not a sexual predator. She has never gone back to that dark time. She doesn't prey on adolescents. She made a mistake. Poor judgement. No different than 50 year old who shack up with 19 y old eye candy. Let her live. Leave her be. God forbid if you make an error judgement. What if you were to drive after a couple of drinks? What if you get caught? Or worse DUI manslaughter? I guess that 1 choice would ruin ur life.
ReplyDeletelooserdude - my husband said the same thing - he would have LOVED to have a teacher done this with him - but when I asked how he would have felt if a male teacher had tried this with his 14 y.o. daughter, he said he would have killed the teacher. So yes - HUGE double standard. I'll never understand that.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm with momster - I haven't seen a remotely interesting 14 y. o. boy since I was 14.
i didn't even like 14 year old boys when i was 14.
ReplyDeletei kinda dread my kid getting to be a teenager. uggggh.
did you know newt's first wife was his geometry teacher? it started when he was 16---she was 7 years older than him although his second wife says the age difference was 9 years.
ReplyDeleteit's interesting the men are kind of 'meh' about these things, and there's clearly a double standard. i just think there have to be SOME kind of rules regarding at what age we can legally make decisions. can a 14 year old guy consent but a 14 year old girl can't? don't think so.
I don't get the attraction to teenage boys either. Most of them are just smelly and sloppy. I didn't even like them when I was a teenager.
ReplyDeleteNow I like a young man just as much as the next cougar, but I really wouldn't go for "pubescent".
If she has paid her debt to society, then we should let her be. I cannot imagine any 14 year old manchild being hot enough to throw your life away for.
ReplyDeleteAs my daughter was the victim of a teacher who thought it was OK to seduce teenage girls, I have a much different mindset. To me, these teachers have been entrusted with our kids for eight hours a day. They are there to teach, not to seduce or be seduced. They are there because they chose that profession and wanted to be educators. They are not there to date their students. Period. And I am sorry, but I don't think there is punishment enough for taking away a CHILD's "innocence." Three years of house arrest? Too bad. My daughter has to live with this for the rest of her life. Not her choice. Her teacher only got two years and there were 50 young women involved. I don't care that he can never own a cell phone or have access to the Internet ever again. I don't care. It was his choice. My daughter did not choose this. HE DID. So since he chose, he gets to pay the price for the rest of his life. I don't feel bad or him or for Lafave. Not one bit. I feel sorry for their victims.
ReplyDelete@sassyyankee yes I feel for the victims. I don't know about your particular case, but in this case it was consentual. May it be that with a 14 year old no one is arguing the stupidity of the act. I know the'victim in this case & he is doing just fine and dandy. He to this day still brags about it. It is a shame any of it happens. I feel for both in this situation. Are you telling me you have never made a bad decision? Everyone has. Some bad decisions are worse than others. Some you get caught with & some you don't. The bottom line is she made a horrible decision, is paying the price with her freedom & has tried to move on. She lost 10 years of her life because of this. There weren't 50 young men involved. It happened once! She never hounded him, sent pictures, or tried to contact him or the family. Leave her be & focus on the predators out there. Every decision we make affects our life & the lives of others. Let's just hope you are as perfect as you make yourself seem.
ReplyDelete@bradstevenson. I never claimed to be perfect. All I am saying is she made a choice. And she had to pay the price. The victims did not have a choice and they have the pay the price, too.
ReplyDeleteHe had a choice. He could have said no, could have not called or text her. She also had a choice, I understand that. You should just be less judgmental & assume the worst. It wasn't a rape in this case. If your logic is sound.. One life was ruined in this case already, why continue ruining another humans life. Their are rapists & true sexual predators in every neighborhood across this nation, yet the only picture you always see in Tampa is this poor girls mug shot. It's unfortunate how the media works. They don't mention that she has held a steady job for 3 years as a professional, that she completed a course that maybe 2% of sexual offenders complete, & that she has completed all that the state has thrown at her. It's over & has been. All I'm saying is let it be
ReplyDeleteI think one of the worst double standards we have is for being soft on female child sexual predators as opposed to male child sexual predators.
ReplyDelete@bradstevenson, I object to name calling @sassyyankee. Her child was sexually abused, let's support parents in this situation who back their child, because too many don't and want to put their heads in the sand and the abuse in the too hard basket.
My personal opinion is that even if it was consent, there is an uneven power relationship between an adult and a 14 year old CHILD. This woman is a paedophile.
@bradstevenson, I would like you to come clean with exactly what your relationship is to both the parties involved in this scenario. By the way, I think Mary Kay Letaurneu (sorry for the spelling) is also a scumbag paedophile. I think all paedohiles are scumbags and should be locked up.
My relation to either parties involved is irrelevant. I can however comment on both parties, knowing the facts that you & the majority of readers do not know. I wasn't name calling at all, & trust me I feel for her daughter. The truth is is that there is a double standard. The sad truth is that the media glorifies it when it is done by a female. My main & only point was that we are all adding to the media frenzy by making comments. Unfounded & uneducated statements. Quick to judge & follow the masses. Take the worse thing that you have done in your life... Would you want to relive it everyday if you learned your lesson & served your time?
ReplyDelete& yes Latouneau is a different situation. She kept going back for more & violated probation numerous times. That is the case with all the other teachers. They continued doing wrong, continued seeing their students and are facing long jail sentences. Maybe more attention should be paid to the true pedophiles!
ReplyDelete@bradstevenson, I think your relationship to the parties is relevant. If you read my comment then you know I am against female paedophiles being held to a different standard. Finally, as far as I am concerned, people who sexually abuse children can expect to be vilified for the rest of their lives. It is a heinous act. You are also being hypocritical when you state your distaste of Mary Kay Letourneou, she too did her time, but you are saying she is worse. I am saying they are all as bad as each other.
ReplyDeleteHa, I thought the headline meant that football player Brett Lafave's wife was expecting twins.
ReplyDeleteThat's how much I know about sports.