Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cheryl Cole Has Bad Week

Cheryl Cole has had a pretty bad week. She went from making almost $1M a week and starring in two of the biggest shows on the planet to earning $0 and having to spend all day listening to Derek Hough talking about the man bringing her down. You know, ever since Cheryl hooked up with Derek, she has been under this huge black cloud. She and her husband split, she got malaria, Girls Aloud has not done really anything, she lost her cushy judging spot on X Factor in America and now comes word she has been replaced in the UK version by Kelly Rowland. The only thing worse would probably be if Derek says he needs a place to stay permanently.


  1. I bet evil Simon Cowell is behind all this. The unofficial word is that Fox dumped her because of her Geordie accent, but I don't buy that. First off, Americans love British accents and second off a professional like Cheryl Cole could easily tone down her accent enough to make it comprehensible to Americans while leaving its exotic charm.

  2. i don't know who she is but she has lovely eyes.

  3. Did anyone even miss Derek on DWTS this year? Not me.

  4. I'm with looserdude... something went down between this chick and Simon, or perhaps, she didn't go down, thus the loss of employment.

  5. maybe she's knocked up and wants out of the limelight.

  6. I don't know. She was always a bad match for the American version. No one knew who she was and I couldn't understand her at all! Americans like British accents, but the mild upper class ones. She sounded like what I imagine an orphan from Dicken's David Copperfield would sound like. She won't be missed.

  7. No, she really was dumped for the accent...it's that Fox programming executive...weirdo...child actor....5'2"...when HE finally saw her from the audition shows, HE axed her, and made Simon do it. Sorry I can't remember his name, but he's really weird but really powerful. So, it really came down to ONE person's opinion (admittedly a confirmed money-making t.v. exec)that her accent was too thick.

    She was supposedly offered her British X-Factor job back, and she was 'too upset' to field their calls, and they stopped calling.

  8. Yeah something must have happened with her and Simon. She was set to star in the US version of the X-Factor for quite a while before being tossed, you can't convince me that the accent thing would have been overlooked until now.
    A whole lot of kicking her to the curb has happened in a really short period of time. There's more to this than we'll (probably) ever know.

  9. She is quite pretty. I don't know anything about her other than her bad taste in men.

    We americans love accents. I'm sure we could adapt to hers.

  10. It's a totally messed up situation when Cheryl Cole gets fired from two gigs while that skank Kim Retardshian gets paid millions to endorse all kinds of shit. What the hell happened to this world?

    Hey, network execs - Hire Cheryl. She's gorgeous, talented, charming, trustworthy, dependable, stylish, honest, down-to-earth, sexy and smart. She's Basically everything that wastful pile of shit Lindsay Lohan isn't.

  11. ^ Jason - didn't she get arrested for beating a woman in a club bathroom and uttering racial epithets?

  12. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I think this woman is absolutely stunning gorgeous.

    However, I saw a video clip showing her talking...and that accent is so thick it is almost unintelligible. Not your garden-variety British accent at ALL.

  13. God. She is truly, truly, truly, TRULY beautiful. Like, *staggeringly* gorgeous. I'll bet she eventually has a career here in the States doing SOMEthing. Americans might cock their heads at wacky accents, but they're suckers for dimples and big brown eyes.

    She'll be hawking Revlon mascara in NO time. Trust.

  14. This could turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to her. Sometimes our perceived at the time low points are. Simon has not gotten married either, what a surprise! lol ; )

  15. @Rocket - Oh My - you're right. I Just looked that up.


    "On 11 January 2003, Cole was involved in an altercation with a nightclub toilet attendant, Sophie Amogbokpa, at The Drink nightclub in Guildford, Surrey. Cole was subsequently charged with racially aggravated assault (she had allegedly called Amogbokpa a "Caribbean jigaboo" and a "black bitch")[116][117] and assault occasioning actual bodily harm. During her trial, Cole claimed she acted in self-defence (claiming she had been punched first) and denied using racially abusive language. The jury found her guilty of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, but cleared her of racially aggravated assault.[118] The judge sentenced her to 120 hours of community service and ordered her to pay her victim £500 in compensation, as well as £3,000 prosecution costs"

    *sigh* :(

  16. Sorka8, I didn't miss him either. If they get rid of Mark Ballas I'd be thrilled.

  17. Geordie accents are notoriously incomprehensible. Even other Brits have trouble deciphering it.

    She's incredibly pretty but I guess that couldn't make up for the accent. Still it's hard to believe that if Simon wanted her on his show, he couldn't bend the Fox (ewww, FOX!) exec to his will.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Sorry to break it to ya, Jason. Yeah, I don't give one whit about this English chippy (to quote Phoebe, from Friends).

  20. This story seems weird to me because they would know about her accent prior to hiring her, right?

  21. I think Cheryl isn't as innocent in all this as her PR would like it to seem.

    She turned down working with a speech coach to help curb her thick accent, she wouldn't meet with a stylist and was at auditions in some gawd awful outfits. Having Paula & Cheryl doing the same exact giggly banter with Simon was an issue. Of course Paula was jealous.

    She refused to raise her profile and go to the Grammys ore other public US appereances. She is still not over her divorce from Ashley Cole and was in a deep depression about it allegedly.

    Cheryl was offered the UK Xfactor gig but wouldn't give them an answer becuase she was so pissed. So they moved on to Kelly Rowland.

    A lot of bad judgement was made by all the parties involved.

  22. Who know what really goes on in those Realty shows.

    But I agree, Simon or Nigel was most likely the culprit.

  23. @Jason: maybe Cheryl should go back to court and say that the toilet attendant misunderstood what she was saying because of her Geordie accent that even American's can't understand.

  24. I'm sorry but I think the accent compounded with the fact no one one this side of the pond really knew who she was, contributed to her firing on the American version. It was always dumb to bring her over.

  25. I checked out some videos of her, and love her accent. Totally charming.

    Much more comprehensible than any of those skanks on Jersey Shore!
