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Well, whether she did it or not, she's going to get the guilty verdict.
ReplyDeleteYes, I will be following it, but because it is related to my job. My company's tv station in Orlando, WFTV, will be streaming the trial live.
ReplyDeleteI feel she will be found guilty. Just hope they don't ask for the insanity plea.
ReplyDeleteI recommend to anyone feeling sympathy for Casey Anthony to listen to her recorded phone calls & jail visits from her parents.
ReplyDeleteShe is a very frightening person. Yes, I believe she's guilty. I've kept up a bit with the evidence.
Take a look at Lillian Glass' body language blog---she has FASCINATING analyses of CA flirting with & manipulating her lawyers. It's gross.
I won't be watching but I'm curious to know what the jury decides. She might get out of a "guilty" verdict if she has a really good lawyer. Then again, I highly doubt she can afford a really good lawyer...
ReplyDeleteOh and for the record, I do believe she is guilty.
ReplyDeleteLiving in south Florida we've been inundated with trial news - in fact, we thought our county might be supplying the jurors (Palm Beach County). I plan on watching and can't see where she has any chance of being found innocent - how much evidence do you need?
ReplyDeleteThe Matrix defense.
ReplyDeleteI know I'm preaching to the choir, but forgive me here.
ReplyDeleteIf she didn't want her kid, somebody did. Better to give her away, get it over with before they're too old.
Who on Earth thinks a murder & cover up would be less 'embarrassing' or troublesome than just admitting you can't take care of her?
So many people murder their unwanted kids. I just don't get it.
I CAN NOT WAIT to see this trial, I've followed every ounce of it for years on a near daily basis. Anyone who has any doubt of her guilt needs to look at the facts from start to finish. Reasonable doubt simply doesn't exist in this case.
ReplyDelete@Libby She knows her parents would take that little girl off her hands, she couldn't bear the thought of it. She hated the love and attention they gave her little girll. Classic case of I don't want her but you can't have her either. Sickening.
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ReplyDeleteI responded, then saw your last comment...
ReplyDeleteThat's the whole point. Cindy told her that day, supposedly, that she wanted to take Caylee away from Casey, b/c Casey was neglecting the child. Next thing you know, the child is dead.
If Casey gets away with ANYTHING, I'm gonna be pissed!
At the risk of sounding like a dork, I have followed this case religiously for 3 years. I belong to a true crime forum that is absolutely amazing in their coverage and tracking of the facts of this case. I can't wait for there to be justice for this little girl.
ReplyDeleteOh, yeah and her attorney is a moron and blew over 200k from pictures sold to media outlets and now Casey is indigent and the court is paying for everything.
The real story is in how mother $indy created the baby killer. That's the book I want to read. There was lots of strange going on in that household. Wait for $indy's brother to take the stand.
ReplyDeleteI've been following this story since the very beginning - it just got to me. I don't have the time to watch the trial, but I will follow it closely. It's about time she goes to trial and make them all spill their guts out under oath.
ReplyDeleteThe book should be called The Making of a Psychopath. Who kills their child and then goes to Target to buy a new bra with a stolen checkbook?
Guilty. And since Osama bin Laden's already dead, I wish they'd force her to live a year in isolation with Joren Van der Sloot and Mel Gibson before frying her butt in the electric chair. May she rot in hell!
ReplyDeletei'm watching. the parents' former atty says he believes casey will testify. THEN it was reported that baez said 'what happened here will be clear within 5 minutes of my opening statement.'
ReplyDeleteso speculation is she'll admit she killed kaylee---by accident---and staging it to LOOK like a homicide so she wouldn't get blamed for it.
now is that the biggest crock you've ever heard???
She's a sociopath, manipulative and a compulsive liar. I've followed this story from beginning to end and heard every single tape this psycho made. This was a pre-meditated murder of her child, right down to a heart drawn on that tape covering the childs mouth. I have absolutely no sympathy for this murderer. NONE!!! She certainly didn't have any for her child. She murders her child and then goes out clubbing that night...and then lies about everything the whole time. Her crocodile tears don't fool me, and certainly won't fool the jury.
ReplyDeleteAlso...I'm with Ecua idea. Except I think for Casey's punishment, they should not kill her, they should drop her off in the street, in the middle of the war in Afghanastan. The Afghanis can catch and torture her for us.
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ReplyDeleteShe is a cold, selfish BITCH that does not even deserve to be called a Mother. I hope they fry her ass. Her beautiful daughter deserves JUSTICE. I bet her family is a piece of work as well.
ReplyDeleteOh, I'll be following closely, as I have since the story broke. I think she's guilty. What I'd really like to find out is how her parents first pointed the finger at her, so obviously they had beliefs that Casey could've done it, yet now they say Casey isn't guilty! I get parental love, I'm a parent. But, well, where is the justice for the child??? Does parental love supercede grandparental love when the grandchild is gone?
ReplyDeleteYeah, I think we're going to hear some messed up stuff during this trial. Now I'm going to go watch that body language clip someone cited above.
Won't watch. Guilty. Let her fry
ReplyDeleteIf she didn't want to go to jail, she should have gotten Lindsey Lohan to do it. Everybody would get off then.
ReplyDeleteJesus @ the comments in here. Holy guacamole.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised they didn't move the trial elsewhere. I smell an appeal.
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ReplyDeleteThe parents told on her because Casey and Caylee disappeared for a few days, also a couple of gas cans were missing from the father's shed, the locked had been smashed. When Casey returned without Caylee...the father went to check the car and Casey wouldn't let him in the trunk. When he got into the trunk, there were the empty gas cans and no Caylee...but the smell of something that had been decomposing in the trunk. The mother said the stench was horrible. She knew then she was guilty.
ReplyDeleteLizzy Caplan HAS to play Casey in the movie.
ReplyDelete@Sue Ellen - was thinking the exact same thing.
ReplyDeletesue ellen, where would you move it? it has to take place in florida and coverage of this was everywhere.
ReplyDeletethe standard isn't to find a jury who's never heard of the case. it's to find 12 people who say they can be fair and listen to ALL the evidence. that's been true in every trial ever conducted and it will be true in hers.
all this pish posh about 'not getting a fair trial' is just defense attorney bullshit. they say it in every high profile case.
ReplyDeleteThat's the problem with cases like this, where could you move it? I guess you could make the argument that a bigger city (read not the place it occured) would give her a "fairer" trial. Boh. I just think some lawyer will appeal based on that.
And I highly doubt that one would be able to find 12 people willing to listen to the evidence there. Bonne chance with that one.
ReplyDeleteOn both fronts?
It's a death penalty trial - there will be an appeal regardless, no?
ReplyDeleteI'd rather not say ;) Seems like a hot-button topic!
ReplyDeleteHA! Good thinking. I, on the other hand, have not learned that skill yet. Where for art thou, filter?
ReplyDeleteThey are getting a jury from outside the area. A change of venue is to get new jurors. If the jurors aren't from there, the problem should be mitigated.
ReplyDeleteRumors are that they might even be getting jurors from a different state. Have no idea how that would work, but you are entitled to a jury of your peers - not your neighbors.
I have no doubt that Casey killed her daughter. Every time i see pix of that little girl, it hurts so much that she can't be here with someone who loves, nurtures and treasures her.
ReplyDeleteThe trial has been moved to another county in Florida, but with the communication systems we have today, a change of venue doesn't accomplish what it used to. How many of us are in Florida or in Aruba or Peru? Unless i'm in ostrich mode, i'd rather know what's going on "out there"; i'll try to keep my filters up and take things with at least a grain of salt or a bit of skepticism.
I think the whole family is one big boil of dysfunction, and Cindy might have a leading role in it. Actually, i'm sure she does. It's a generational thing so who knows what came before this?
All i can hope for is that we learn from this. And maybe learn to gently communicate with frustrated/troubled people that we know. I don't know; currently society doesn't have the systems needed to provide support for this kind of problem; maybe that can only happen in a utopian, unobtainable world.
But i still think that the more we know, the better chance we have to change things.
Ohhhhh, i'm wrong about so many things, but here's one i can correct. I just read that the trial is still in the Orlando area but that jurors are to be brought in from outside that venue.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if this girl is guilty or not - I haven't been following the case closely at all. I sort of get disgusted with people like Nancy Grace and other media outlets stirring up lynch mobs, so I avoid this type of sensationalist coverage altogether. Hopefully justice will be served, whatever it be.
ReplyDeleteWhether she's guilty or not, I wouldn't want to be the one to judge her fate.
@MAC - I am also obsessed with true crime.
ReplyDeleteI followed this case obsessively for about a year or so after it happened, much like many of you. No doubt in my mind she is guilty. I have always believed they would try for an insanity plea. This girl is like the female version of Scott Peterson, IMO.
Is it just me or has this trial seemed to drag out FOREVER. Why is it just now going to trial???
The jury pool is from Pinellas county which I still think won't help her, what city even outside of Florida hasn't seen this story covered?
ReplyDeleteIts going to be difficult choosing a jury regardless of the media coverage since they need death penalty "qualified" jurors and they have to be sequestered for a long time far from home. Sadly this trail will also cost us tax payers quite
a big chunk.
She is guilty and she will be found guilty, it's a death penalty case so appeals are expected.
I have no sympathy for this poor excuse of a woman, a quick execution is in order for this baby killer.
I live in FL and Casey is in the news all the time here and we are to the point where we can't wait for the trial to be over because we are so SICK of hearing her name. We taxpayers will foot the cost for her trial and for the many years she's moldering on death row.
ReplyDeleteThey were saying on the news this morning that it will tough to get a jury because not only will the jurors have to be sequestered for weeks, they will suffer financially as they will all have to take a leave of absence from their jobs and the state only pays jurors $30 a day.
I wish they could pull jurors from the ranks of the unemployed.
ReplyDeleteMango -- I don't think there's a bar to having unemployed jurors on a jury -- You just can't use them as your "pool"; potential jurors need to come from a randomly drawn group of voters. BUT the financial burden to jurors on trials that will last a while frequently results in a jury comprised heavily of retirees, the unemployed and those few who will be paid by their employers while on jury duty and the so-called stealth jurors who have an agenda and desperately want to serve on a particular jury. You tend to lose the right to a jury of your "peers".
ReplyDeleteThere've been studies [sorry i can't link to any] that show it's cheaper to house an inmate for life [in states w/o the death penalty]. The astronomical costs to the state result from all of the appeals that occur after a death sentence has been rendered.
But we've all heard of DNA and other evidence vindicating people who've been in prison. It's been shown that Texas has put at least one person to death for a crime he didn't commit. [The man was found guilty of setting a fire that killed his children. He always proclaimed his innocence and declined all plea bargains. "Expert" testimony "proved" he set the fire. Newer forensic techniques debunked the earlier "scientific findings" AFTER the man was put to death.
Even when i think of someone like Bundy, Gacy or Dahmer, i lean toward life w/o possibility of parole. Learn as much about those sick f&#%* as possible and keep them in the most boring, sterile, remote tiny cells possible. Too many people can't afford the defense they need. [Sorry, this is a touchy point with me; i come from an area that is known for not giving indigent people many defense resources. Uh, that would be the United States.]
I wish she would just freaking admit it already and and give the people following this a sigh of she can answer WHY
ReplyDeleteAs I type this I look over at my baby boy happily eating his homemade mac-n-cheese ...feeling safe, secured and loved. I am going to get off this damned computer and go snuggle with my boy and even though I am not religious at all..I will say a little prayer for this little girl and all the other innocents ...and give my little guy an extra hug just because I can...and I thank my lucky stars every day that is the case :)
I haven't followed the case at all because I start having an anxiety attack even thinking about the possibility of what she did. If she's guilty, I hope she is found guilty. I don't support the death penalty, but hopefully she'll have the rest of her life to think about what she did while sitting in jail.