Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bear Blu?

I honestly thought Bear Grylls had the market cornered on all people named Bear. I never thought there would be another. I am not even sure Bear Grylls is a real name. I think it might be a nickname. His real name is probably something like Seymour so he went with something tough. Well, real or not, Alicia Silverstone has called her new son Bear. Just to make sure he really sounds like a cartoon character and will be laughed at frequently she went ahead and dropped the middle name Blu on him. So, he is a redneck bear. I mean if she had made it Blue, then it could have referred to a nice cheese or the temperature of a steak, but she pretty much put her cartoon character in a too tight hat, cut off trousers and made his best friends Deputy Dawg and the Berenstain Bears.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Bear is a nickname for Grylls, but his sister gave it to him when he was a child.

  3. i think it's ridiculous.

  4. Bear is something you use as a nickname. Is there a family connection reason for using that as a first name?

  5. they are fucking IDIOTS.

    I know she treats her dogs like babies, but naming her baby after a dog is ridiculous.

  6. The rich (?) can get away with things that you and I cannot. Meh.

  7. Perhaps it is her attempt to remain relevant.

  8. What Tanyat said :) Love Bear Grylls.

  9. Haha, Blu is my dogs name!

  10. The main thing going for these kids is that most of them are growing up in California. Wacky names are very common out there, must be the hippie ancestors.

  11. Just like all the Moon Units and Happy Trails of olde, he'll just figure out a nickname that won't get him beat up on a daily basis.

  12. Why, Alicia, WHY????

  13. Bear has said his given name is Edward. Edward - Teddy - Teddy Bear - Bear.

  14. Alicia is a dumbass.

  15. Oh and for a Vegetarian to name their kid after a wild animal is just stupid.

  16. Bear Grylls has sons he named Huckleberry and Marmaduke. Again, why???

  17. I think the name is silly too but
    @Jamie's Girl- it actually makes some weird sense for her to name her child after an animal. Vegetarian's LOVE animals, THAT'S WHY WE DONT EAT THEM.
    Now, for a meat eating hunter to name his or her son Bear would be weird to me, I mean, to kill the same thing you name your child? Lol, now that's stupid

  18. fabulous name! my bff and i have so much fun guessing names. she was closest this time; Gold Huminoid.

    Its fun, play along, rotflmao. (Poor kid)

  19. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Yeesh. IIRC, Anthony Kaedis named his son Everly Bear. That I can handle, since Bear is the middle name. But Bear as a first name is ridiculous. My brother's nickname was Bear, because he was born when we lived in Alaska and when he was a toddler he'd run around making bearlike growling noises. But when he left to go to college, the nickname died.
    Why do people give their kids such ridiculous names? Their child isn't going to thank them for being named something stupid once they start school.

  20. Thank you, Jasmine. Was going to say the same thing. ;)

    I kind of like the name Blu...hopefully they'll call him that. I just read in another article that Bear Grylls has 3 sons, two of which are named Marmaduke and Huckleberry. :)

  21. Calling your child Bear Blu is child abuse. Wtf do you think will happen when they get to school??!!

  22. My SO has an uncle who had a dog named, "Bear." GREAT name for a "domesticated friend," but NOT a name for a person.

    I've got an Edward who I wanted to name Tamerlaine (hubby said no f-in' way!), and an Isabella (ere Izzy was a cool name -- she's 22).

    I've always wished I had a cooler name (I'm a "Laura") but nothing like Peaches or Nefretiti...

  23. @mnggoddess:
    My son was, (and still is -- at least to me), "BooBoo."
    Edward - Teddy - Teddy Bear - Bear
    He loved Yogi and Boo and he was my Boo. He is now 26 and engaged to be married, but he will always be my little "BooBoo."

  24. My uncle Luke is named Lucas Bear, and his sister's name is Dulce Canan (always pronounced cannon). They're both in their early thirties, have great careers, and were incredibly wealthy and popular growing up. I highly doubt this kid's name is going to affect him negatively at all. Sorry, Ent, but we're well into the 21st century. Names aren't what they used to be.

  25. Oh, and one more thing. Some of you guys are being awfully judgmental about this name. Maybe stop and consider that you're exactly the reason people are afraid to name their kids what they like and instead go with stuff that's more mainstream. Since when should people be relegated to a small paragraph of "safe" names just because some small-minded folks say they should? My son's name is Walt Demby, and the snobbery I've encountered over his middle name (which was my Grandfather's, btw) has been both hurtful and rude. Please try to encourage individuality rather than stamp it out.

  26. @GoGo - I always loved the name Isabella

    @Em Cue Em - Good points! I love your son's name! I am really sitting here trying to fathom what anyone could make fun of either name for??

    Now I feel guilty for making fun of Pilot Ispecktor. :-/

  27. @MCH: Or Moxie Crimefighter!

  28. @Em Cue Em

    My mom picked a unique name, back in 1959, with my first name, Melody. It really was very unusual back then. It's still a nice name.

    I really have to say there are good unique and bad unique names. I just hope Alicia's child doesn't have a weight problem, given the name.

    I have a friend who named her daughter Cassiopeia. They call her Cassie. That's okay. But Track Enfield and Bear Blu? I dunno.
