Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Which Record Producer Date Raped Kara DioGuardi?

Kara DioGuardi has a new book coming out next week, and in her book she talks about being molested when she was 11, and also talks about a music producer who date raped her.

She says that in 2000, "A fairly known producer took me out to dinner. [W]ithin a few hours, he was on top of me, pumping, sweating, and speaking to me in Spanish, not a word of which I could understand."

She says she did not tell anyone because she was afraid the guy would ruin her career. Must have been a pretty powerful guy. And he speaks Spanish? I have a very good idea who the guy is.

She also throws in one more blind item and this one, I don't have a clue about. But, it should probably be pretty easy because you just have to look at the records she worked on.

In this one, Kara was on a three day trip with a hugely successful artist.

"The trip's activities consisted of watching Russian porn, scavenging around the kitchen for food [and] leering at two strippers...as they performed sex acts in the living room." She continued to work for him until he started groping her.


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