Friday, April 01, 2011

Steve Carell And Keira Knightley?

This is going to either be the best casting decision of all time or after seeing the movie, you are going to be saying what the f**k were these people thinking of? In his first post Office project, Steve Carell is going to start shooting a movie about the end of the world. During the end of the world Steve's wife leaves him so he sets off to find his high school sweetheart. Joining him on this crusade is Keira Knightley who it sounds like ends up with Carell at the end. First of all, there seem to be a lot of people left for the end of the world. Second, I know television sitcoms are full of couples who in no way would ever match up if they were off screen. I mean normally 300 pound guys or 60 year olds with no jobs get hot women. I get that, but movies do not usually do that. I am not saying that Steve is ugly and I am not saying Keira is hot, but I am saying I don't see how there could be any chemistry at all between these two. I have not watched one Steve Carell movie where he had chemistry with anyone and this seems so much harder.


  1. Get Smart II: Praying for a Hookup?

  2. he has great chemistry with amy ryan :)

  3. I'm kind of over Steve Carell. I liked him on the Daily Show, but other than Anchorman (where he was my least favourite of the news team), I haven't liked him in one movie. And I could totally take or leave Knightly.

  4. What is the age difference - 20 years?

  5. A bit more than 20 years. See what I mean about the pedophile stuff? I remember well the skeevy old dudes trying to talk to me when I was 20. Ick! Nast!!

  6. When my husband turned 40 a few years back, he had more young women hit on him then he had in the entire 10 years beforehand. They must have been very aggressive too, as my husband is very shy and wouldn't notice unless they were right in his face. Gave him a nice ego boost. Sometimes it is the younger people hitting on the older ones.

  7. I think he has been good as the boss on the Office, but otherwise I am not a huge fan. Dont buy him as a romantic lead either

  8. Weirdest movie plot ever.

  9. Anonymous2:49 PM

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  10. Dan in Real Life. He has chemistry with Juliette Binoche--and she's age-appropriate, too.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. The worst box office hook-up on screen was Goop and M.Douglas. It was skeevy and had no chemistry.

  13. I bet Steve Carell had chemistry with Tina Fey.

  14. I liked Steve Carrell in Little Miss Sunshine, but I liked everyone in that movie.

  15. I thought he had chemistry with Catherine Keener & Juliet Binoche! :)

    Is this supposed to be a comedy??

  16. Good point, Henriette. He WAS good in that.
