Rebecca Black Has Received Death Threats
Apparently people really do not like the way Rebecca Black pronounces Friday. The one hit You Tube wonder is under police protection after receiving not one, but two death threats. One of the threats came via phone and the other was via e-mail. Both wanted her to get the damn song off the internet or they would kill her. Here is a tip for her would be killers. Umm, don't listen to the song on the internet if it is bothering you that much. I don't think anyone should be receiving death threats, let alone a 13 year old girl with a really bad song. Obviously these two would be killers have not seen the movie Battlefield Earth or they would be focusing all their efforts on making sure that movie never saw the light of day again.
The police are taking the threats very seriously. Can you believe that song has generated 100 million hits on You Tube? Lady GaGa and Bieber are like at a billion, but that is for every song they have done. That is a crazy number of people who have listened to that song.