Somehow, Joran Van Der Sloot is still alive in a Peruvian prison. When he is going on trial for the murder of that girl? Honestly, it does not really matter to me. We all know he killed Natalee Holloway so if they decide to keep him in jail in Peru indefinitely while they think about bringing him to trial for the murder of the Peruvian girl than I am ok with it.
Anyway, despite the prison probably doing nothing to protect him, somehow Joran has not only managed to stay alive, and unhurt, but has also become the guy everyone fears. Apparently Joran has stabbed three different inmates since he has been in prison and almost killed one of the three. So, let me get this straight. From the reports that have leaked since he went to jail, he has his own room, meals delivered to him from the outside, reporters paying him for his stories, and yet he also finds time to stab random inmates.
Cockroaches have survived for millions of years.
ReplyDeleteI know I'm going to hell for saying this but I had honestly hoped for a different outcome than this. How does one kid get so lucky?? He never really seemed THAT smart to me.
ReplyDeleteit's only a matter of time til someone gets to him.
ReplyDeleteOf COURSE he's turned into King Shit over there. It isn't like he didn't already have psycho in him. This makes me so ANGRY. Someone at least please tell me he's probably been raped?
ReplyDeleteRocketQueen, I heard he's been raped repeatedly. He cries in the corner after it happens everytime.
ReplyDeleteThank you, bits of moxy. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteOh bits, I hope that's true. If ever anybody deserved to be slowly tortured...
ReplyDeleteI know its of no real comfort, but..Maybe think of it this way. He isn't harming anymore women. And eventually his sparkle will wear off and favors will become sparse -then serious anal damage will begin.
ReplyDeleteHe is horrid and also at least a foot taller than the average Pervian male and most likely outweighs them by 50 lbs. so he could probably take on a few of them and come out ok. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteHe is operating on Euros which are very valuable in SA. I don't know the exchange rate now but it was at 4 PEN to 1 Euro. Prisons in Peru are not like lock-down American jails. The inmates have a courtyard and can cook meals, visitors can deliver food and items and such. Conditions suck--they are not comfortable places at all but you can buy what you need inside or out.
Being a psychopath is a big advantage in a physical confrontation. I'm not sure psychopaths know fear and they certainly feel no restraint or squeamishness when it comes to injuring others.
ReplyDeleteI guess I'm in the minority when it comes to "an eye for an eye", but I find it hard to be cheerful about this one being raped in prison.
ReplyDeleteHOWEVER! That doesn't mean I don't feel worse for the two girls he murdered and their families. Obviously.
Good point, bits of moxy. At least he can't hurt anymore women in there.
ReplyDeleteI agree with SEM - I dislike this punk very much but don't want to think about anyone being raped repeatedly.
ReplyDeleteI don't even wish death on Bin Laden (because I want his sorry ass to answer for his crimes) but man I wish someone or something would happen to this breathing slime. He is a true psychopath, he cannot be redeemed, he really just needs to meet the other side as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteGack, I need a shower all over again now.
So creepy. Every time I see his picture I get the jibblies.
ReplyDeleteThis man is a serial killer, they are a trail of bodies they are trying to connect to him in several countries. I am not a fan of rape at all (despise it completely), but I have to smirk a little thinking this SOB is getting a taste of his own medicine. I also agree he is a Psychopath without redemption. I hope he NEVER gets out and someone takes him out slowly and painfully.
ReplyDeleteI live in the area Natalee was from. There is nothing that can be done to Joran that would appease anyone here. Nothing.
ReplyDeleteSomehow you get the feeling that he won't survive prison. There will be a price on his head eventually, and someone will want to collect. He's not keeping company with honorable men, after all.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that his secrets will more than likely die with him, and that won't help Natalee's family one bit. They so deserve the truth - or at the very least, a body to lay to rest. The Peruvian family may never get justice, but they can at least lay flowers on their daughter's grave. It's incredibly sad the Holloway family will never get that.
looserdude - I completely agree.
ReplyDeleteHe is a socio- or psychopath and I am not surprised he is doing "well" in prison.
Yea I don't think anyone wishes rape on anyone but for this guy... he deserves a taste of his own medicine, definatly. I just don't see how it's possible that anyone in peru can restrain him. He's an animal. He's 6'5 or 6'6. And peruvians are primarily short people so unfortunatly he probably get away with alot.
ReplyDeleteThis guy scares me. Right from the first moment that his picture was on tv, it just sent a chill through me.
ReplyDeletei'd like to grab his big elephant ears and twist them until they come off.
ReplyDeleteis that mean?
Patty for the win.
ReplyDeleteI think when serial killers die, that very quietly their psychiatrists should give the information they reveal in their sessions to police. It is beyond unfair that these slime buckets get to have confidentiality and keep families tortured because they don't know where the bodies of their loved ones are.
ReplyDeleteCan't condone rape, but can understand people's sentiments in regards to this thing.
Sue - there was a you tube video where a German reporter (I think) had taken Jordan for a ride in his car. his car was set up with a hidden video cam. He admitted he did it - said something like Natalee had passed out on the beach, he couldn't revive her, so he called his friend who had a boat, and they dumped her body out at sea. He is plain evil.
ReplyDelete@mngddess - I don't believe that horseshit for a second. If you're with someone and they pass out and you can't revive them, you call a fucking ambulance; you don't dump their body somewhere it'll never be found. This fuck killed her, I have no doubt in my mind. Especially after what he did to the poor girl he's currently in jail for.
ReplyDeleteprecisely, RQ. that's a very common thing for killers to say---it was an accident, blah blah, i freaked out, blah blah, didn't know what to do, blah blah.
ReplyDeleteit's NOT FUCKING TRUE. this guy is a stone cold killer. i'd say his second victim (that we know of, that is) proves that completely.
It is wrong but I wish him a long unhappy life in the deepest pit of a prison the world has to offer.
ReplyDeleteCould be he is stabbing people to make sure he is put in solitary confinement if the rapes are true. He deserves everything he gets. We are dealing with a serial murderer on Long Island now and my heart goes out to all of the families involved.
ReplyDeleteIs it me, or does he look like Jim Carrey's younger, sociopathic brother?
ReplyDeleteI hate to burst some bubbles here but Joran has been openly bi-sexual since his mid-teens. One of the Indian brothers who were with him the night Natalee went missing was a lover, he was arrested in the Netherlands with his boyfriend who identified himself as gay to the arresting officers. He's been right out in the open all along, so if there is any prison raping going on it's Joran who's doing it.
ReplyDeleteHow is he getting knives to shiv other inmates and why isn't he being patted down daily is what I'd like to know. He will thrive in prison. When he leaves Peru the U.S. is going to pick him up and he'll serve most of the rest of his life in a federal prison for extorting the Holloway family - and that is all the family will get as far as closure for their childs murder. At least his serial killing will be at an end for a long time. This story is far from over. He's a miserable monster, and he will kill again. And again. Bet on that.
oh zandra, that's such a depressing thought. He'll probably be worse when he gets out, won't he?
ReplyDeleteferaltart that would be awesome if that were allowed.
ReplyDeleteI agree RQ, very depressing thought, and aren't the majority always worse when the come out? He's like Manson...keep him locked up for life.