Friday, April 08, 2011

Michaele Salahi Shows Off Her Ego

Now that the official cancellation of Real Housewives of DC has been confirmed for about the 5th time, Michaele Salahi told Kneepads that it was canceled because she was not going to be a part of the show. Uh huh. How about that even with her in it, the show was a snoozefest. Michaele says that Andy told her after recess that the show would only work with Michaele and since she was not going to be in it that the show would be canceled. This is how I imagine the actual conversation went down. It probably involved begging Andy to have her own show and when he said hell no, she bluffed and said she would not do RHDC. Since the show sucked, Andy said it would be canceled. So, at least we will have the benefit of not having to watch Michaele and hopefully she will fade away quickly.


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