Lindsay Lohan Hurt By Betty White Comments
I am actually surprised that we have not heard from Dina Lohan on this issue. She usually rushes to her daughter's defense when someone dares say anything about Lindsay. Earlier this week, Betty White gave an interview to the Daily Mail and said the following about Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan.
"They party too much, don't learn their lines, are unprofessional and they grumble about everything. I think they are terribly ungrateful. I cannot stand the people who get wonderful starts in show business, and who abuse it. Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen, for example, although there are plenty of others, too. They are the most blessed people in the world and they don't appreciate it."
For her part, Lindsay said, "I've always been a fan of hers. It's just a bit strange when people feel they must speak publicly about others. Especially a grown woman." Yeah, well if she had something nice to say about Lindsay, then I don't think Lindsay would have minded that Betty said it publicly. She just can't handle the truth. Wow, a Jack Nicholson line. Going to be a good day when Nicholson lines start popping in your head.