Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lindsay Is Grateful For Jay Leno

If you say good things about Lindsay Lohan in public then she is grateful for you. If you say negative things about Lindsay Lohan in public then she thinks you should keep your opinions to yourself and not talk about her publicly. Apparently Jay Leno is enough of a kiss ass suck up that Lindsay is grateful for him. Lindsay was on Leno last night and says she is numb about the 12 day sentence. Not cocaine rubbing against her gums numb, but numb.

Jay likes Lindsay so much that he bumped Kristin Chenoweth from the show. You know, someone who actually has some talent. Oh, and reportedly the audience gave Lindsay Lohan a standing ovation. Really? You should all go home and bow your head in shame.


  1. Anonymous9:45 AM

    he's a ratings whore like all of the rest.

  2. I wouldn't know that Lindsay was on Leno's show because Jay Leno is an unmitigated ASS and I wouldn't waste my time on his embarrassingly unfunny show.

  3. i don't mind leno...and whatever his motives, he's trying to be compassionate and it's a refreshing. i'm still rooting for lindsay, she's so far gone and so messed up that i can't help but want to see her pull herself out of her self-made hellhole.

  4. TWELVE DAYS. WAAAAAH. Shut up, Hohan.

    And I don't care if Jay's main guest is the Dalai freaking Lama. Anyone who would willingly sit in the Tonight Show audience should hang his head in shame. Leno is the WORST.

  5. This trick AGAIN...
    Leno-you really just do not get it? You think that bumping a talent like KC will help you in the ratings later on? Hell no. Its the softball questions that she came to you for, either that or your show gave her and her family some serious money.
    Lindsay-did you really think that you were not going to get some kind of sentence? Really? Do you think that when you steal or bumble your probation that nothing will happen to you? Bitch, you may be playing a Gotti on the screen but you are not teflon like that family. Shit sticks to you and rubs off on everything you touch.
    And for anyone that was in the audience reading this-SHAME ON YOU for giving this trick a standing ovation.

  6. Anonymous9:53 AM

    120 days, not just 12. Big difference. I cannot believe he sucks up to Lilo. Maybe Dina is putting out a little on the side for old Jay. If I was Kristen Chenoweth, a TALENTED Emmy and Tony Award Winning Actress, I would tell Jay to kiss my ass. But, she is too classy to do that I am sure.

  7. I;m not surprised. They're both cut from the same cloth.

  8. Anonymous9:55 AM

    oops, maybe leno is lining himself up to be a sugardaddy for her?. he has really deep pockets and would enjoy wild, uninhibited sex.

    score one for linds!

  9. Hate Leno and this just proves my point that he's a total dbag.

  10. @Blue Bonnet -- I'd love for her to disappear into the penal system for four glorious months, but she probably WILL only spend about twelve days behind bars. That's why I didn't even blink at Enty's typo.

  11. I never see anything positive written about this loser. Whenever I see an article on "What has Lindsay done now" I don't even bother reading it anymore. She bores me. She's a joke. She's a compulsive liar, a thief and a complete low life. I don't understand why people keep giving this ungrateful loser more and more chances that she doesn't deserve. She also looks like an old lady and will be all wrinkles by the time she's 30...if she lives to see 30.

  12. I won't either of them the rating.

  13. Anonymous10:06 AM

    she's a lost cause until the public starts to ignore her. rewarding lilo with adulation is so not cool.

  14. an idiot ass meeting an unfunny ass

  15. Standing ovation? for WHAT?

    American people, YOU SUCK.

    I already know that though, because of the popularity of Reality Shows.

    (I am American, btw)

  16. Never watch him...and her..she's a nasty ungrateful creature....I can't imagine she'll be able to hang in much longer.......
    As for the audience ...idiots

  17. Pssssh.

    Here's what happened. Lindsay agreed to let Jay suck on her toes for an hour (because Jay's got a raging foot fetish) in exchange for total sympathy & ass-kissing.

    True story.

  18. Standing ovation? I think enty forgot to mention that the audience had walked out and the standing o came from the remaining audience, the Lohan family members.

    Leno isn't compassionate. He's all about business.

  19. I happened to have it on last night. I watched the Headlines bit (I've always liked that - even when National Lampoon had that regular bit in their magazine). Paul Reiser came on first and joked about his show being cancelled then made a remark about how NBC *never* makes a mistake. After he got through explaining what happened, I turned it off.

  20. Ugh. I echo a lot of comments already here. Standing ovation for WHAT, being the main one. You know who should get a standing O? RDJ, who actually kicked his demons and has proved himself by busting his ass and becoming a trustworthy and responsible actor. This trick has proved NOTHING.

    Also, I was watching Gossip Girl last night, and one of the characters made a comment along the lines of "Unless he's hanging out with Lindsay Lohan, I see no reason to suspect he's doing anything wrong". I laughed, then realized Dina/Lindsay will be launching a complaint against the writers of GG in 3....2.....

  21. Paul Reiser's show was already cancelled?

    When I heard about Linds on Leno, I really didn't care. I don't watch Leno anyway. But, it sure pissed me off when I read about the standing O and bumping Kristin Chenoweth. WTH?

  22. Leno sucks.

    Craigy Ferg all the way.

  23. Eh, had she been on a different show I might care, but who actually watches Leno anyway?

    The shows people actually like would never have her on.

  24. she's a flea bag

  25. Why is this post on top for so looooong? Enty, please add somehthing new.

  26. If Lilo thinks Leno has been sympathetic to her, she obviously hasn't heard any of his monologues.

    And as far as being a ratings ploy, Letterman was eager enough to have her on HIS show when he thought she was going to appear (I believe her father promised she was going on).

  27. I never watched Leno after the Letterman/Conan backstabbings. He's cheesey.

    That girl should lay low until after she has worked a role she can be proud to talk about and not talk about her (pa)role and jain sentence being harsh. Puh-fing-please.

  28. Blohan blew Leno's small penis.

  29. Anonymous11:40 AM

    @ Ida - Yep, you are probably right and that sucks. : (

    @pwner - I love Craigy Ferg. He is funny as hell. : )

  30. the only good to come out of this is the heavy community service.

    Unless she bamboozles them like she did the DUI school to say she was there when she wasn't .

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Jesus, Big-Jaw will have anybody on if thought it would improve his ratings, or get younger viewers watching instead of the retirement coomunity audience he does have. If he was still alive, Big-Jaw would have Hitler on. Or Mel Gibson. Same thing.

    Actually Lindsay and Big-jaw have quite a lot in common. Lindsay steals clothes and necklaces and Big-jaw steals the hopes and dreams of anybody who grows up wishing to become host of The Tonight Show.

    These two fuckin' deserve each other.

  33. And just looking at the caption of this post...since when is Lilo grateful for fucking ANYTHING? Of COURSE Chenoweth was bumped from the show. I'm sure Lohan expected it.

  34. Jay Leno is the kneepads of TV.

  35. Nikki Finke said back in Jaunary she's been hearing that Big-Jaw is sick of doing this show and wants to finish at the end of this season.

    Can't Happen Fast enough!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. Anonymous12:52 PM

    The people that gave her a standing ovation are the same people that bought Charlie Sheen tickets.

  37. Why did he even come back...?

    Please post something so we don't have to look at Lohan.

  38. Leno blows and Linds swallows.


  39. Lindsay was sentenced to volunteer her time at a morgue, Right?

    What better place to practice then the Big-Jaw show?

    Isn't that where comedy goes to die?

  40. Why don't any of you complain to the network instead of here? You all have excellent points about Hohan and Leno. I did. Yeah maybe it won't do any good...but who knows! At least let them register that there were people out there not fooled.

    As for standing O's the american public has been trained to stand up at everything and applaud like trained seals. Its sickening.

  41. I'll bet all the cheers and laughter will be edited in. Just like it was last year when Scare-A Palin was on.


  42. What the HELL is she wearing? Is that a black satin jumpsuit with "I Dream of Jeannie" cuffs?

  43. @shiny_special_one - no she's wearing one of Hef's old satin pajama sets.

    @Valerie - you got it right. Look what's on Kneepads's page about Katie Couric leaving CBS - right in the middle of the page - it says that Katie is 32 YEARS OLD!! LoL.

    NOT JOKING - http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20484765,00.html

  44. Lindsay will probably jump on this site under a pseudonym and defend herself saying "She's misunderstood" and everyone blogging is just jealous of her.

  45. @JasonBlueEyes - 32-year broadcast veteran is not the same as 32-year-old broadcast veteran.

  46. thank you Ali. I had to go look at that one for myself. I agree People panders, but for reals. ;-)

  47. @ali - I stand corrected Ali - I read the page a bit too fast.

  48. Didn't jay hide in the closet of the room where Conan was being kicked to the curb? Nuff said.

  49. Enty, where are you? I hate seeing her everytime I click on your site. Liked the black shirt though until I realized it was a jumpsuit....

  50. I heard about Lindsay and the morgue and my first thought was they better watch everyone's valuables; including their fillings; because Liho will rob them. ---Her excuse: "It's not like they need it anymore and who's gonna complain?"

  51. @me - that was back in the old days - NBC was considering dumping Jay after less then a year and fgiving the show to Letterman. Jay hid in a closet and took notes as executives were meeting. Then he told jokes on the air like "You know what NBC stands for - Never Believe Your Contract."

    Same joke he used once or twice last year. Ho-Ho-Ho.

    Leno not only rips off everyone elses's jokes - he rips his own off too.

  52. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Really, Jason? Having Mel Gibson on would be the same thing as having Hitler on? That's the dumbest thing I've ever read, and that's saying something. You need to get your priorities straight. I'm not a fan of crazy Mel, but his rage issues can't compare to Hitler's actions. Name one person Mel has killed. You can't. So seriously, think before you type.

  53. Everything about the allegations against her says PHONEY. Everyone can see its a SET UP.

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  56. Hey Doug, you're an idiot.

  57. She was a ratings boost, I'm sure.

    But what is she promoting exactly??

    I'd LOVE to see CraigyFerg interview her. I don't see him buying any of her BS. There would be many an awkward pause before the awkward pause.

  58. @MCH: that would be awesome.

    unfortunately she'd never agree to go on Craig's show because he would ask her real questions such as, "Lindsay, what is it you DO exactly?"

  59. @pwner - Exactly!

  60. Leno is desperado! if i were KC i would give him the finger and never do his show...she doesnt need him anyways.

  61. Actually Kristin Chenoweth is probably getting better, more positive press for being bumped than if she'd gone on the show.

  62. Hahah @ Brendalove, ITA. Also the same people who watched 2&.5, Id say. :P

  63. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I can't watch Leno-he is completely NOT funny. I liked Letterman when he was on after Johnny, but now he's just a creepy old man. Conan and Jimmy K are the only ones I watch because they actually entertain.

  64. 24 hours later and I am still not over the horror of her outfit.

  65. @Texshan. It's just a joke. Chill. I'm hardly the first person that has used the Hitler/Mel Gibson comparison over the past year.



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