Thursday, April 07, 2011

LeBron's Mom Partying At 4am - Arrested

LeBron James' mom may or may not have slept with one of his former teammates, but one thing is for sure, she loves to get her party on. Last night was a Wednesday which for all of you I am sure is one big party night. Well, it would be if you did not have anything to do all day except party and live off your son's money. Gloria James was partying in Miami last night until around 430 in the morning when she decided to leave. Something must have been said, or maybe the parking guy did not give her the respect she felt like she deserved, like running to get her car or making sure it was waxed and shined. I say this because she was arrested for allegedly assaulting the parking guy. Seriously? How messed up is it that you have to assault a guy working the night shift at a hotel who makes his living parking cars.


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