Monday, April 18, 2011

Leah Files For Divorce Because She Is Scared

I don't know what my fascination is with Teen Mom, but I just cannot help it. I am sucked in fully and completely. Leah Messer filed for divorce last week and told US Weekly that she did so because she was scared of getting divorced. Huh? That makes no sense. Why do you file for divorce if you are scared of getting a divorce? She says it is because most people she knows who marry young divorce young. Well, you kind of have proved your own point haven't you? I think this is either because she likes that other guy or she thought it would keep her around on the show for another year. When you are not really working and are the mother of two kids, that MTV check is a pretty nice thing to get each week.


  1. Enty, could you please start obsessing on Tough Enough instead? It's my new reality tv obsession.

  2. Who cares about Leah or the rest of them? In a few years, Leah will be working the truck stop circuit, on her knees, giving drivers the best choke-and-pull they've gotten in the past day. And Jenelle will be in the truck right next to her, screwing that up.

  3. I think it was for financial reasons apparently he plundered the joint checking account and bought a new truck without her knowledge or consent.

    MTV paychecks only lasts so long so I think she just wants to legally seperate so he can't get access to her earnings. I doubt MTV is paying him what they are paying her. If anything at all.

  4. I know, I know, I know this is a 'reality' tv show, but I was saddened to read this. They seemed very mature to be putting their daughters first, and they seemed to have a good adult relationship. Plus they seemed to have lots of support from friends and families.

    I wonder what really happened?

  5. hahahaha i doubt theres a checkbox for "scared of divorce" on divorce petition papers..

    wasn't she saying this all before she got married, about how she was afraid that all young kids get divorced etc?

    Guess that didn't change =(

  6. Never should have gotten married in the first place, is my guess.

  7. Teen Hick gets pregnant.
    Teen Hick lands reality show.
    Teen Hick has baby, gets attention.
    Teen Hick gets married for tabloid cover.
    Teen Hick files for divorce to prolong tabloid coverage.

    What's next?
    Teen Hick may be pregnant again with other kid's baby, gets another tabloid cover.
    After exhausting all famewhore options, Teen Hick gets job at McDonald's, shows up at Reality show convention & charges $5 for signed photo.

  8. I thought they only got married in the first place becuase one of the rag mags paid them for a cover shot.

    I guess she didn't realize that whole marriage is legal and whats mine is yours whole thing...

  9. These people disgust me.

  10. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Just my opinion, but she looks like she's had a lobotomy, and he looks like a drooling moron. That is all.

  11. Here here chopchop and RocketQueen!

    Couldn't have said it better.

  12. Im with you Docgirl. I was really sad about this one. They seemed like such a great couple and I adored Corey he WAS so sweet and you can tell he really really loved her. He was really cute too lol I may have a little crush. Sue me!

  13. Anonymous1:09 PM

    That was hilarious Texshan! Exactly what they look like.
